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This section shows you the User Groups

You can set View Permissions individual enquiries and reports for each of the User Groups that you have set up.

User Groups Section

This is a list of the Groups that have already been Set up, when you highlight a Group, it will show you what permissions that the Group hasbeen set up (on the Users (User / Group Maintenance) Screen).

  • Click on the Group you wish to view and the Enquiry and Report View Permissions sections (see below) will update.

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Enquiry View Permissions Section:-


lists all the possible options of Enquiries that can be selected for each Group. If you tick a checkbox then this option is available for this Group. Only Users Assigned to this Group will be allowed to see/complete this function.

section shows a list of all the Enquiry and whether they are turned on or off for the currently selected User Group (see above)

  • Check an Enquiry to make it visible for Users in the currently selected User Group. Un-check an Enquiry to hide it.

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This lists possible options of Reports that can be selected for each Group.Check a Report to enable it for or Un-Check it to disable it for
Report View Permissions Section:-

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This section shows a list of all the

Reports and whether they are turned on or off for the currently selected User Group (see above)

  • Check an Report to make it visible for Users in the currently selected User Group. Un-check an Enquiry to hide it.

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