Functions in this section are designed to assist you with sales orders in relation to stock used, allocated or admin work you need to undertake to ensure the sales order is fulfilled
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This feature was added to assist you when you receive a product different to the product ordered on an Advanced sales order (EP Sales order) it was primarily to allow changing of the pack size from 6 to 12 or vv as we found many of the producers would sell one product then send a different configuration. Where the product singles per case are changing it will automatically half the quantity ordered and double the cost per case or double the quantity and half the case. It looks at the singles per case value and calculates based on the change. Image RemovedImage Added Note |
Please ensure only the admin carry out this function, and only one user at any one time. |
The process is simple and quick but you have to carry out the changes one Purchase order at a time. You give the form the new product code and when you save the PO and SO related to the order will be updated automatically. Info |
Remember you need to have the new product code on the system already to use this function, it will not create a new code for you. |
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title | Delivery Cost Adjustment |
This screen will allow you to control all delivery charges for orders for the past 90 days. Info |
Most of the fields are read-only |
The only column that you are able to enter a value on the Delivery Cost - New. This will be the new delivery charge for that order once you have saved this screen. This will tell you who has entered the values and modified the order delivery cost. You would be able to enter the Delivery Cost on the Sales Order. Please see the wiki Sales Order Entry for more details. This will show in this screen once the order has been saved. Info |
You will only be able to view/edit this screen if you have the correct permissions. |
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title | Stock Movement Posting |
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THIS SHOULD ONLY BE USED BY EXPERIENCED USERS Run this only when you have exclusive use of the finance system |
The stock movement posting will post accruals and stock movements to your finance system. It will post a daily movement for each of the nominal codes you set up in the nominal defaults and it also provides a report of those items that it produced for your reference, in addition, the posting information is stored and can be seen on the Stock Movement enquiry screen. In order to use this option you need to ensure you have all the settings entered correctly Full details of the stock movement postings are contained in the attached documents, this explains what nominals are used and where we post the debits and credits VC_Module_FinancialInt…n_v2.pdf |
The following items from the stock movement table will be posted to the ledger as accruals and the stock nominal will be adjusted based on these movements. | Movement Type | Description / Notes | A | Prod Cost | This is the basic cost of the product, it could in some instances already include the inbound freight charges | B | Insurance | This is the apportioned insurance cost, it is generally a value per case for the insurance you would have for the transit of goods. It is set for the region /country and if not needed for insurance you could use it for another cost | C | Freight | Inbound Freight Charges – this is either taken from the country / region or we use what is set on the Purchase order and apportion it into all of the lines. This is not always needed because some goods are bought freight included | D | Excise | Excise Duty - Outbound Cost when the goods leave how much duty is applicable to this line. Will only have a value if the goods leaving need this part to be paid. Duty Paid goods already have this as part of the product cost | E | Customs | Customs Duty - Outbound Cost when the goods leave how much duty is applicable to this line. Will only have a value if the goods leaving need this part to be paid. Duty Paid goods already have this as part of the product cost | F | RHD | This is an inbound cost when the goods are received into a warehouse who make a charge for the inbound goods | G | Rent | This is an outbound value – it takes the number of whole weeks (rounded up) and provides a rough cost for the rent/storage of the goods leaving and the costs associated | H | Delivery | This is the outbound delivery charge, for the onward delivery of the goods. It is either set by manual entry in the confirm deliveries or it comes from the warehouse file received. |