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Table of Contents


Order Options Tab

This tab shows the Options relating to the Order



Pick Date defaults to the current date, but can be changed, if the Date is in the future, it will appear in the Future Orders tab in Warehouse Picking screen.


  • This picks up the default flag from the Customer record but can be changed at the order level. 


  • Booking Required - you should check this if the order does require to be Booked in, this will not allow you to pick the order until you have the Booking Date from VD or manually entered

  • Booking Contact - this is the Contact for the Booking

  • Booking Email - Email address for the Booking contact

  • No Delivery Before - Do not Delivery before dd/mm/yyyy   

    • If you set this field the system will pick the next delivery date on or after the date provided.

  • No Delivery After - Do not Delivery after dd/mm/yyyy

    • If you set this field the system will pick a delivery date on or before the date provided

    • If this cannot be met then the warehouse will contact you

  • Booking Date - this will be populated from VD or manually entered

  • Booking Ref - the reference for the Booking



  • Collection Date - this will be the date that the Order will be Collected

  • Collection By - this will show who will be collecting the order

  • Vehicle Registration - Enter the Registration Number of the vehicle that would be collecting the goods.   

  • Collection Time - Shows the Collection Time that the goods would be collected.

Vision Bond Options


Options here only apply if your warehouse is using Vision Bond and the customer is setup as a bonded customer.

Pay Customs


  • On some orders, this may default to checked. 

The duty deferment will default to the main account the customer uses. Where you wish to alter the payee of duty to an alternative account this needs to be set up in the deferment area of the system.

Excise Deferment No - This field will auto-populate to the Deferment Number that is set-up against the Customer.


This can be changed manually or by using F11 to choose a Deferment Number.


If you have entered a Deferment Number that the Customer is not set-up against, you would not be able to save the order.   

Customs Deferment No - This field will auto-populate to the Deferment Number that is set-up against the Customer.


This can be changed by manually entering or using F11 to choose a Deferment Number.



Depending on the order type this will default and may not be able to be changed. e.g. If you are paying the duty then this field is checked and can not be changed.

Other orders which are leaving your home country OR being moved to another facility in your country may have this unchecked to avoid paying any unnecessary taxes.

Deferment Numbers

This determines who is going to be paying the duty for the order, by default the customer will be using the account setup on the customer record.


All customers have a deferment number whether it is a real or a virutal account, ultimately if the warehouse are paying on the customers behalf this is dealt with in Vision Bond.

You may alter who is paying the duty but this is limited to those accounts which have provided the authority to charge the duty to the accounts. If you clear the field and press F11 you will obtain a list of all the possible other accounts you can charge, select the one you wish to use.


You will only be presented with alternative accounts for duty deferment when the stock holding customer is authorized to use the other deferment. For information on how to set this up, review the deferment Deferment setup pages, ensuring you add the stock holding customer on as a limited/unlimited user of the alternative deferment in accordance with the C1207 form you received for them.

Vision Distribution


If you have Vision Distribution linked then you will see information appear in this section which has been obtained from distribution, it is all mainly read only and setup in distribution

What you can do here is

  • Over-ride charge area band - allowing you to make this free

  • Change the charge customer for the delivery to another customer code.

  • Enter a delivery point email and issue email address for email notifications from distribution (as an alternative to SMS/Whats app)


This is a legacy field and no longer in use