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Multi Putaway allows you to go to the stock you wish to put away and scan the rotation label or enter the rotation number to fetch the details. Then you can simply enter your putaway location and place the stock there. Unlike outstanding putaway you don’t need to search for the stock you need to put away, here you can go to any stock that has completed checking and put it away in the warehouse location right away.

When you press the Multi Putaway option in the Goods Inwards screen, you will be directed to the Putaway Location screen. Unlike outstanding putaway, initially, the fields here will be blank. 

Scan or type in the rotation number and then the rest of the fields will be auto-filled except the location name.

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Scan or type in the location name where you have placed will be placing the stock.


If the stock requires a condition report, you need to give a Condition Booth location in location field. You will see the condition report checkbox as ticked and you can create a condition report by simply pressing the camera icon prior to putting it away.

When you press the camera icon you will reach the New Report screen of the Stock Condition Menu, where you can enter the details and take photos of stock.

Bottom of the screen you will see the quantity remaining for the selected rotation.

The quantity will be displayed as Cases and Singles.

Type in how much quantity you wish to put away.

Then press the Putaway button to put the stock in the location you gave and the record will be saved successfully.

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The saved record or preadvice will have the information on the quantity of stock we put away and the location name in which we put the stock in.

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