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Everything you need to know about how price lists work is contained in the information below

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Remember it is product and quantity which are checked to validte whether to use the specific price list.

We have a pricing structure which all sales orders utilise when working out the price for a product.

The flow diagram on the left shows the order in which we check the price lists for the product you entered on the sales order, we check first at the top of the diagram.

We then work our way towards the bottom, the product price.

The steps the process will go through:

  1. Does the customer have their own customer contract prices, if so check those lists for the product enterers, if that exists

on the list
  1. and the quantity is within the range we have prices then then use that price, otherwise goto step 2

  2. Check the customers price list, does this product exist on that price list, if it does and the quantity being requested is between the ranges with prices then use that price, otherwise goto setup 3

  3. Use the product price


If you are sending orders via EDI then we will use the price provided on the EDI and we will not lookup the price lists.

To try to simplify the process, a video on how pricing works is below, we suggest you watch this prior to reading about pricing in the tabs below
