Outbound files can be supplied in a number of formats
CSV | older files, not always available, usually will open in excel (will only support latin characters) |
XML | new format, will open in excel, usually readable by computer, supports all characters |
limited in use will only be output where the information can be held within a page. |
Sending Intervals
The files will be emailled to your choosen email addresses at the following intervals
API | We now offer some of the outbound files using API connectivity, in addition there are some additional API formats which are only availalble through the API |
Hourly | Each hour from 0400 to 2000 |
Daily | Between 0100 and 0500 each day |
Weekly | Usually a sunday morning between 0100 and 0500 |
Monthly | Usually 1st day of the month between 0100 and 0500 |
Info |
You can schedule a file to run at a particular interval in a specific format and then choose from the contact list who will receive the file. |
Warning |
Timing for outbound report is determined by the warehouse. you can not specify a specific time. |
ID | ReportName | ShortName | Availability | CSV | XML | API Ref | |
1 | Goods Received | GdsRcvd | Standard | Y | Y | Y | 2201 |
2 | Order Picking Confirmation | OrdPckd | Standard | Y | Y | Y | 2340 |
3 | POD Extract | PODExtr | Standard |
| Y |
| 2480 |
4 | Order Transaction Audit | StkTrsn | Standard |
| Y |
5 | New Orders Entered and Held Orders | NewOrds | Standard | Y | Y | Y | 2322 |
6 | Stock Snapshot By Product | StkPrdt | Standard | Y | Y | Y | 2101 |
7 | Excise And VAT Summary | ExcsVAT | Standard with VB | Y | Y | Y | 2620 |
8 | Stock Snapshot By Rotation | StkRotn | Standard | Y | Y | Y | 2102 |
9 | Intrastat | Intrast | Standard | Y | Y | Y | 2355 |
10 | Held Orders | HldOrds | Standard | Y | Y |
| 2321 |
11 | Stock Loss | StkLoss | Standard | Y | Y | Y | 2120 |
12 | Management Warehousing | MgmtWhs | Standard | Y |
13 | Management Transport | MgmtTpt | Standard | Y |
14 | EPOD | ePOD | Standard with VD | Y |
| 2490 |
15 | Stock Inwards Non Conformance |
| Enhanced | Y |
16 | Warehouse Despatch Advice | WhsDspt | Enhanced |
| Y |
17 | Goods Received Enhanced | GdsRcvdE | Enhanced | Y | Y | Y | 2202 |
18 | Stock Snapshot By Product Enhanced | StkPrdtE | Enhanced | Y | Y | Y | 2103 |
19 | Stock Snapshot By Rotation Enhanced | StkRotnE | Enhanced | Y | Y | Y | 2104 |
20 | Notification Issue List | NtfnIss | Enhanced | Y |
21 | Intra Vision PO | InVisPO | Additional Module | Y |
| ||
22 | Stock Frozen Audit | FrznAud | Enhanced |
| Y | 2110 |
23 | Transaction Audit | TrsnAud | Enhanced |
| Y | 2350 |
24 | Orders Received | NewOrds | Standard |
| Y | 2320 |
| Multi Site Product Stock |
| Enhanced |
| 2105 |
| POC Export |
| Standard |
| Y |
| 2360 |
API1 | Order Status |
| API Module | N | N | N | 2310 |
AP2 | Order Status by Doc Ref |
| API Module | N | N | N | 2311 |
AP3 | Delivery Status |
| API Module |
| 2410 |
AP4 | Delivery Status by Doc Ref |
| API Module |
| 2411 |
AP5 | Documents |
| API Module |
| 2600 |
AP6 | Products |
| API Module |
| 2610 |
Tip |
API calls have rate limits, you can not just call continually as this will impact the warehouse system. If a format exists then the API Ref is shown |