Vision Invoicing is basically a big data store of information which that is used to then generate invoices, which are then printed and/or emailed to customers and then an export file is generated for Sage. There are several invoice categories stored in the invoicing database, data is either extracted from the other Vision applications or it is pushed to Vision invoicing from them. Stock Storage The Vision Warehousing Invoicing routine runs at a specified time (in the early hours of the morning usually) which extracts any stock information which is required for invoicing and pushes it to the Invoicing database. Stock Storage charge profiles are based on charging patterns of daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual. All charging is carried out on the basis of per "period" or part thereof e.g Charge g Charge for the week the week the stock arrives ; , or charge for the day the day the stock arrives. This is a standard methodology of invoicing in the United Kingdom and warehouse warehouses quote their customers generally in "a week or part thereof" Each evening, pro-rata period charges for all charging patterns is are extracted, this builds up the charges waiting for the customer to run the invoicing. . (So this is generally at the point the stock lands, so the landed stock quantity). “Please view the note in Bold relating to Goods Inwards ........ The status has to be correct for this initial entry to be made”. Then the other standard period charges charges are extracted weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually as required. As both the pro-rata and the standard charges accumulate, this is visible in the 'Outstanding Invoice Report' and can be used as a checking function that data has been brought into Vision Invoicing. These form the basis of the invoice. Within Vision Warehousing stock table we record the last date the record was pulled into the Vision Invoicing table , so that we can always check a record if we need to trouble shoottroubleshoot. As the pull of this information to invoicing is time-critical, a further check routine runs after the main process which checks everything has been pushed to the invoicing system; if this has failed then the Vision support team are is emailed informing them of the problem, as this issue needs to be resolved utilising to utilize the previous evening backup, it is therefore time-critical. Depending on the nature of the failure, the support team may not receive the automated email, for example if a network or mail server issue has occurred in your environment, so it's always worthwhile to inform them if you've noticed yourself. If you set a stock record in Warehousing as "FREE RENT" then this will load each time as FREE into invoicing, you need to change the setting in Stock Maintenance in Warehousing to remove the "FREE". Goods Inwards The Vision Warehousing Invoicing routine runs daily at a specified time which extracts and pulls all "READY" stock inwards movements made the previous day. A record is only considered as "READY" when the status is marked as "COMPLETE" Info |
It will not pull the stock inwards records if they record status is "EMCS Entry Required" or anything else. |
Once it imports the record into Vision Invoicing, it is then marked in Vision Warehousing as exported. Each time the routine runs only "READY" items marked as "not exported" will be included in the import. Sundry charges for goods inwards are also dealt with in the same fashion, as such you can continue to add sundry charges forever and the next time the routine runs we extract the new charge push this to invoicing the invoice database, and mark the charge as extracted within Vision Warehousing. Good Outwards A Vision Invoicing routine runs each day and retrieves ungrouped data from Vision Warehousing; the "Original Data". It stores this in Vision Invoicing and then consolidates that data which users then later raise invoices from. Original Data - The data we then group / consolidate is: Orders information (for order, bottles ordered, cases ordered, pallets ordered, order line, and document charges). Stock movement information (for bottle picking, case picking, and pallet picking charges).
This is the only invoicing routine to build the charges within Vision Invoicing itself, it was designed because it looks in several databases to take information for orders processed, orders picked, types of orders, order lines, picked a line,s, etc, and uses this collated data to build the consolidated charges. This This final consolidated data is grouped into daily summaries, for example, no of orders for a given day, no of order lines, no of bottles picked. The The reason for this data being consolidated or grouped is that there is little point in us duplicating ungrouped or unconsolidated data when it's never used and we are only looking for the total quantity of items, such as the number of orders in one day etc. We, therefore extract the information for a single customer / site for a given day and we then store this in the database for invoicing at a later time, so for each type of goods out we count the items for the category and store the count value. The consolidated data can be checked using the exceptions report on Vision Invoicing which looks at the trends of information extracted, and should information ever be missing this can easily be recreated as the Vision warehousing information base is maintained for a lengthy time. Charge | Notes |
Bottles Ordered | based Based on what is sent on EDI or what is keyed into the order. | Bottles Picked | based Based on stock movement, it would be the number of single bottles picked for the order. e.g If you order 1204 bottles and this is 12SPC and 72CPP then this is | 1pallet28cases4bottles 4 bottles so we would charge for | 4bottles4 bottles. | Cases Ordered | based on what is sent on EDI or what is keyed into the order. | Cases Picked | based on stock movement, this would be the number of cases picked for the order. e.g If you order 1204 bottles and this is 12SPC and 72CPP then this is | 1pallet28cases4bottles 4 bottles so we would charge for | 28casesbased Based on what is sent on EDI or what is keyed into the order. | Pallets Picked | based Based on stock movement this is the total number of pallets picked for the order. e.g If you order 1204 bottles and this is 12SPC and 72CPP then this is | 1pallet28cases4bottles 4 bottles so we would charge for | 1palletStock Charges These generally refer to condition charges which are carried out and stored on the Vision Warehousing system. When When a request is made we log the request and upon completion of the request we mark the request as completed. Each day a routine is run from Vision Warehousing which pulls the uninvoiced condition report records to the Vision Invoicing system, at this point we update a flag on Vision Warehousing marking the record as output to Vision Invoicing. In the event of the routine not picking up any entries the next time it is run it will pick up all entries which have not been picked up already. Transport Charges Transport charges come from Vision Distribution and the standard system operates that the record is pushed from Vision Distribution to Vision invoicing on a daily basis, we find all records which are marked as status D (This this is confirmed delivered) and each record is output to Vision Invoicing, once this is the output we then mark the distribution record as status "I" (Invoiced) we also mark the record as "Extracted for Invoicing" as True (meaning extracted). Any distribution records marked as status "X" are cancelled canceled however there can be a flag on the record stating "TO BE CHARGED" and these entries are also exported, and we mark the "Extracted for Invoicing" flag as True.
We have one customer who does not use the standard method and they have the transport record sent to invoicing when the record is status "C" (Confirmed Despatch) we still however mark the "extracted for invoicing" to true for these records. |