Billing Documents (Invoices / Credit Notes)
Accounts (Customers / Suppliers created or edited)
Journals (if you’re using stock movement posting for example)
Payments (for payments posted into VC via the API from your website / third party system)
Contains invoice/credit notes for Purchase Orders and Sales Orders.
Please see the example:
BillingCSV.csvOutput of the CSV
Field Names | Description | Populated From | ||
 |  | Sales Records | Purchase Records | Freight Invoices |
InvoiceOrCredit | Is the billing document record an invoice or credit | I or C | ||
SaleOrPurchase | To identify if the record is a SO or PO | S | P | |
FinanceCode | The customer code or supplier code | SO Customer Code | PO Supplier Code | Shipper Code |
VatCode | The Vision VAT code | SO VAT code | PO VAT code | Shipper VAT code |
AddressLine1-4 | The customer/supplier address | Customer maintenance | Supplier maintenance | Shipper maintenance |
PostCode | The customer/supplier postcode | Customer maintenance | Supplier maintenance | Shipper maintenance |
CountryCode | The customer/supplier country | Customer maintenance | Supplier maintenance | Shipper maintenance |
TelephoneNo | The customer/supplier telephone | Customer maintenance | Supplier maintenance | Shipper maintenance |
BillingDocumentDate | The invoice/credit note date | SO invoice/credit note | PO invoice/credit note | Freight invoice date |
BillingDocumentDue | The date the invoice is due for payment | Calculated from | Calculated from | Calculated from BillingDocumentDate + 30 days |
BillingDocumentNumber | The invoice/credit note number | SO invoice/credit note | PO invoice/credit note | Freight invoice |
BillingDocumentReference | The order number | SO | PO | Empty |
CurrencyCode | The ISO currency code | SO | PO | Freight invoice |
CurrencyExchangeRate | The exchange rate | SO header | PO header | Freight invoice |
SubTotal | Sub total (without tax) | SO invoice/credit note | PO invoice/credit note | Freight invoice |
TaxTotal | Tax (VAT) total | SO invoice/credit note | PO invoice/credit note | Freight invoice |
Total | The grand total (SubTotal+TaxTotal) | SO invoice/credit note | PO invoice/credit note | Freight invoice |
LineDescription | Order number + customer / supplier order reference | SO | PO | Empty |
Quantity | Defaulted | 1 | ||
Price | The invoice grand total | See 'SubTotal' above | ||
LineValue | The invoice subtotal | See 'SubTotal' above | ||
TaxValue | The invoice tax total | See 'TaxTotal' above | ||
LineTotalValue | The Total amount for the Line | See 'Total' above | ||
NominalCode | The nominal code | Analysis code maintenance | Control account maintenance | |
LineTaxRate | The tax rate for the order's VAT code | Sales order / VAT code maintenance | Purchase order / VAT code maintenance | Freight invoice / VAT code maintenance |
LineNumber | Defaulted | 1 |
Contains created/edited suppliers and customers.
Please see the example:
AccountsCSV.csvOutput of the CSV
Field Names | Description | Populated From | |
 |  | Customer | Supplier |
CustomerOrSupplier | A customer or supplier record | C | S |
AccountID | Unique number for the customer / supplier | Customer maintenance ‘Reference' | Supplier record |
FinanceCode | A unique code to identify the customer / supplier in the accounts system, usually the same as the VC code | Customer Maintenance | Supplier Maintenance |
AccountStatus | The account status | Customer Maintenance | Not used, will be empty |
AccountName | The name on the account | Customer Maintenance | Supplier Maintenance |
AccountEmail | The email address stored for the account | Customer Maintenance | Supplier Maintenance |
VATRegistrationNumber | The VAT registration number stored for the account | Customer Maintenance | Supplier Maintenance |
VATCode | The VAT code setup for the account | Customer Maintenance | Supplier Maintenance |
Currency | The ISO currency code setup for the account | Customer Maintenance | Supplier Maintenance |
AddressLine1 - 4 | The address line fields stored for the account, concatenated | Customer Maintenance | Supplier Maintenance |
Postcode | The postcode field stored for the account | Customer Maintenance | Supplier Maintenance |
CountryCode | The country code for the account | Customer Maintenance | Supplier Maintenance |
TelephoneNo | The telephone number for the account | Customer Maintenance | Supplier Maintenance |
PaymentTermDays | The payment term days stored for the account | Customer Maintenance | Supplier Maintenance |
MobileNo | The mobile number for the account (taken from the old ‘Fax number’ field) | Customer Maintenance | Supplier Maintenance |
SettlementDiscount | The settlement discount stored for the account | Customer Maintenance | Supplier Maintenance |
Contains records which can be posted to the accounts system journals, usually populated from stock movement posting, stock price adjustments, etc. See Finance Integrations Service.
Please see the example:
JournalCSV.csv Output of the CSV
Field Names | Description | Populated From | ||
 |  | SO | PO | Price Adjustment |
JournalNumber | If the associated record has an invoice/credit note number available, then that will be output, otherwise the related order number | SO / Invoice / Credit | PO / Invoice / Credit | Defaulted to PRC ADJ |
JournalDate | The date of the journal record | Despatch: Delivery date | Receipt: Receipt date | Date the price adjustment was performed |
JournalReference | A text description of the journal record, 50 characters max | Movement type, order number, product code & description | Movement type, product code & description | Defaulted to Stock Price Adjustment |
LineDescription | See 'JournalReference' | Â | Â | Â |
LineTotalValue | The journal total value in the system base currency | See the linked page above for more information. | See the linked page above for more information. | See the linked page above for more information. |
LineAccountCode | The nominal account to post to | See the linked page above for more information. | See the linked page above for more information. | See the linked page above for more information. |
LineTaxAmount | If there is any tax associated it will be displayed here | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Contains payment information from orders submitted into the orders API.
Please see the example:
PaymentsCSV.csvOutput of the CSV
Field Names | Description | Populated From |
PaymentDocumentType | What the payment is for. | Defaulted to INV signifying 'Invoice' |
BillingDocumentNumber | The invoice number the payment is for | SO invoice |
NominalCode | The nominal code to link the payment to in the accounts system | Payment Method Maintenance |
PaymentDate | Date of the invoice | SO invoice |
PaymentReference | The order number the payment is for | SO |
PaymentCurrencyExchangeRate | The exchange rate to the base currency | Â |
PaymentAmount | The value paid | 3rd Party System |
Payment Method | The method of payment(s) | 3rd party system |
FinanceCode | The customer code as in the accounts system | Customer Maintenance |
BankAccountCode | The code for the bank account | Payment Method Maintenance |
CashBookAccount | The code for the cash book account | Payment Method Maintenance |