This section covers all electronic communication through traditional EDI files and also live API real-time data flows available within Commerce.
Available Types | Details | ||
Warehouse | connection to your warehouse is available we can send the warehouse the following
We can receive back from the warehouse the following items which are usually set to process automatically letting you know if there are any issues
For more details look here Warehouse XML Service | ||
Web Sites | We offer a number of connectivity options for connecting to your website, depending on the level of connectivity will depend on the costs because some of the options need constant connection to the internet. Sending information to the web can be achieved by either Web CSV Web Extract CSV Incoming information from the website is sent through the API API
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Marketing | The ability to extract information based on various criteria for marketing purposes, this produces a format that Mail Chimp can import and you can use this output to refine the search to exactly what you want. | ||
Finance | This checks that all the invoices you have raised have reached the finance system, it performs a check of one weeks invoices each time it checks. |
Below are the instructions as to how these work on all of the administration pages within Commerce.
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Interfaces cover both the API interface which is used from the
and also the internal CSV output/loading of files and information which allow you to
File OptionsExport and Upload It is NOT designed to amend anything other than prices on price lists, so to add product or remove them from price lists you should still use the relevant functionality on Vision Commerce. This tab on the form deals with both Exports of Information and Imports and validation of the data. You can export
Specify the directory where you want the files to be downloaded to.
When you have finished editing the files save them and go back to the system but this time use the UPLOAD button When you upload the data you will be asked to provide a directory for the location of the file, this will then load the data and you MUST validate whichever price lists you loaded. Should there be no issues during the validation it will load the data and immediately the new pricing takes effect. Validation IssuesAnything which has failed validation will be shown in the VIEW/EDIT rejections page and from here you can double-click on the item, correct the issue and then resubmit it. API OptionsIf you go to the API options you will be able to see all the items which are coming into the system from either the website, Vision Insight, Vision Horizon. where the items have NOT been able to go directly into the main system. if you wish to look at the details of what has been happening then you should view the audit log which provides a complete breakdown of all the transactions being processed The other tabs for customers and orders are built in such a way that only items with issues are left showing here on the screen, when an order or customer can be processed automatically then this will be carried out and you will need to do nothing. The information shown on the tabs is the complete information we have been sent from the external application so you can see all the fields. If you want to complete the information you can simply enter the missing information or double-click the entry will provide you with a form for key information which is missing, if there are further details which you have not noticed are missing then these need to be filled in.
The API Maintenance tabs help you define what happens when items come in through the API menu. |
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The API maintenance form needs to be set up before you start accepting orders and customer records from either your website, Vision Horizon, Vision Insight. This allows fields that those applications can not fill to be filled by the system automatically upon receipt to allow the new records to go straight into the system, anything missing you will have to edit through the interface module. The general page is used for the general way that the interface runs, and whether you want to save items directly or whether you want to be able to stop everything in the interface for you to process manually. Assuming that you wish to post everything directly then you will only see those items which have issues in the interface.
We generate and receive data from
your web site
your warehouse
marketing output
The s
Customer defaults are to help you automatically create customers when the customer arrives from the external application, the fields above are mostly self-explanatory and come from the customer setup, which means they are choices of existing fields, such as VAT Code, Currency, status, analysis fields. If your external application can not complete or send these fields then this is what we will use to be able to save the customer record. The Analysis field will need to be set up in the Analysis Code Maintenance please see link Maintenance Auto Fill LookupThere is a feature on the system which allows analysis fields to be automatically derived from other information the customer is requested to provide within their address and contact information. This is an optional feature that you need to set up before switching on. The feature will allow you to look up a new customer country, name, address, area, telephone, etc and from one of these fields, it will then base the analysis code on the contents of that field. e.g. Customer sends in a +44 telephone number so we read this and we automatically know they are based in the United Kingdom. Order Defaults tab allows you to specify any final order defaults which are needed for the incoming orders, if they are not specified on the inbound file then these are the defaults that we will be using for the order.
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The web extract can be run manually or you can schedule this to run automatically one time per day. This will produce a number of files for your website which can either be downloaded locally to your own system or if you provided FTP details we can send them to your website. The options are simply which output(s) do you wish and where do you want them to go to. The time taken to process this is generally within 30 seconds. Automated SchedulingThis has to be set up by us on the system for you and is done at the time when the system is first implemented or the web CSV is first licensed. |
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The warehouse submission screen allows you to send information to the warehouse via EDI file or through the API (this depends on your warehouse) We can send Sales Orders, Pre-advices, and product codes to the warehouse, only items which have been committed allocated stock will appear in this list for submission if their warehouse group is set up to send submissions. The standard process when dealing with a warehouse able to accept electronic submission is sales order → allocation → warehouse submissions → warehouse reply → confirm delivery (only if needed) → invoice For simpler warehouses the process flow is sales order → allocation → (delivery note) → confirm the delivery → invoice When you open the screen you simply select the warehouse group and you will be presented with a list of the submissions waiting to be sent to the warehouse. Only warehouse groups marked as SEND TO WAREHOUSE will be shown in the selection box The sending process is relatively simple, select the items you want to send and then press the Generate Sales Orders XML and the system will generate the file send it and confirm that it has been received at the other end.
At the same time should there be any pre-advices waiting to send or product codes the system will ask you if you wish those to also be sent, it makes sending them relatively easily. If you choose to send them separately, their forms are similar to the orders and need no further explanation. In the event, there is an issue with a file or with an order you can resubmit this to the warehouse.
You can choose to either Re-Generate - which will recreate the entire file, select the file you wish to re-generate and this option will re-produce the entire file. Extract a Selected order - which will provide you with a single order from the file, to use this select the file, and the order and extract selected will provide you with a new file only containing what you require
Pre-Advices and Product Codes These forms are similar in operation to the order's submission, they will list what needs to be sent and you simply select what you want to send and press the Generate button. Only pre-advices have the ability to resubmit, and this works in a similar way to the order resubmit screen, except you have to select each pre-advice you wish to resubmit individually. |
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Warehouse Documents deals with information coming back to you from the warehouse, this is in the form of XML either run files or taken directly from the warehouse system at periodic intervals.
We record all the inbound information we receive from the warehouse, each file is logged and stored and you can see the information in the Incoming Files tab as well as in the audit log. However the audit log shows much more information and a full audit trail of what is happening, in the example below the system, is polling the warehouse every 15 minutes for any new information, which it then processes automatically When information arrives into the system you will be able to see it in the tab for the file type and it will show within the processing sub tab. This form allows you to process waiting files or re-process files that are there and the view will show you the contents of the file. However each time you process the file you can view the report, using the report tab, the reports will be shown in the list When you view the report it will provide you with information, the example below shows a file which was re-processed where the system detected that the purchase was already receipted Configuration The example below is the standard configuration We retain information for 14 days by default. You can of course change this however this all takes space and there is generally no need to keep this information beyond 14 days if you are reconciling on a regular basis |
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The ability to reprocess warehouse goods received entry after it has initially failed because the reference could not be found in the system. Traffic light colouring system:
The main reason for making this change was for when the goods received data is downloaded from the warehouse, if it contains an unknown PO number then we allow the user to match it to the correct number and receipt of the stock. If a PO has many lines then the process above is a bit cumbersome, as such we’ll use another ‘Match PO’ button to make this a little easier. |
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This feature allows you to dynamically generate marketing extract contact lists for your customer contacts based on criteria that you specify. You would simply select the criteria that you want within the extract and then export it, the only export type currently is Mailchimp although we have found that this format is accepted by many other providers of bulk mailing services. If you select options on the left of the screen you will get an extract based on the customer options, if you select items on the right-hand boxes this will be based on products and orders. You can not currently combine them. The audit feature allows you to keep track of who is extracting what data and when
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The finance check is designed for older versions of Sage 50 (non-cloud) accounts where the Sage provided interface will fail to post invoices if you are using the sage system in any exclusive way. e.g. editing a nominal, checking audit, etc. For over Account Software please check the following page Finance Integration Service & Accounts Posting Maintenance Invoices which need to be verified will appear in the bottom half of the screen You can only check a maximum of one week at a time and it will go to the finance package and check that all invoices have been posted and are present.
System Verification is where Vision Commerce looks at each Invoice in Vision Commerce and checks that it has been posted to Sage.
Manual verification is where you have done the check yourself and you are basically saying that everything is good between the dates shown. |