Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



This is the key part of the process and is generally used to check that all the details retrieved are correct if the warehouse has completed their part much of the information here will be pre-filled, where you have no customs warehouse requirements then, in essence, you are checking the warehouse work validating and finalising.

The final part of the process when you FINAL save this will be to choose whether or not you want to send the goods receipt advice to the customer (this is not the same as the goods receipt report).

For more details please go to this linkexpand

Table of Contents





titleReceipt Header

This tab will contain important information about the Pre-advice.


Date Receipted - By default, the date in this field will show the date the Pre-Advice was created but you can change this to an earlier date if required. You will not be able to set this date un the future


Delivery Type - Make sure you select the correct type as this will affected how the Pre-advice is processed


Delivery Type Code


Delivery Type Description


Return to stock


Is Landed FOC


Internal warehouse transfer


Is Landed reduced rate


Reduced Rate



Is Stock Frozen On Receipt




PUR - Purchased Goods




RET - Return from Delivery






RWW - FOC ReWarehouse by Whse 










RWC - ReWarehouse by Customer




RFC - Collection from Customer




TRA - Transfer Internal






UNS - Unsure / Unknown




WKO - Works Order




XTR - External Transfer




CTO - FOC Customer Take on










STK - FOC Stock Management










Cancelled Despatch Order




Manufacturing On Site








Manufacturing Off Site



The Receipt Type not only affects the way the Pre-Advice will be processed but also the Underbond Status of the goods landed.


It is very important that this is entered correctly as you will not be able to change it later on.

If the Customer for whom the current Pre-Advice is for has the option "By Line Charge" or “By Load Charge set within their Customer Maintenance screen you will only see the Receipt By Line and Receipt By Load option and it will be selected.

The Insurance Value and Insurance Currency fields allow you to set additional costs that will be spread across all the lines on the Pre-Advice that are set to Trade Term A

The Freight Value and Freight Currency fields allow you to set additional costs that will be spread across all the lines on the Pre-Advice that are set to Trade Term A 

The VAT Value Adj value and VAT Value Adj Currency fields allow you to set additional costs that will be spread across all the lines on the Pre-Advice

In this section all System Sundry Charges will be available to apply to the Pre-Advice. See Sundry Charges for more information.

For the EMCS Ref No section you will need to click on the binoculars, this will then open a new screen that will display all Inbound ARCs that are applicable to Pre-Advice, to choose the ARC here you will need to tick the box in the IsSelect column (may need to use the scroll bar at the bottom of the screen to see this column) and then click on the Select button to apply the ARC to the Pre-Advice


titleReceipt Details

This tab will show the details how the stock is landed and where the stock is landed


Lines section will show all the Products that you entered in the Order Item Details tab, displaying the details relevant to the landing of the goods into your system.


The 3 radio buttons are the status on the receipting process

  • Pending

  • Prepared

  • Receipted

It is not possible for a line to progress backwards to a prior stage, so it is imperative that care is taken to complete the previous stages correctly.

To generate a rotation number, you would need to highlight the lines that you wish to generate for and click on the Generate Rotation button.

  • Rotation numbers are unique within a Warehouse Site.

  • It is possible to use the same Rotation more than once on a single Warehouse but for it to be accepted by the system, it would have to have a unique Line Number.

  • If the stock you are landing is Duty Paid then the system will substitute the first digit after the slash with a 'D' followed by the 6 remaining digits.

Rotation numbers run sequentially each year from 1 to 999999 and will be preceded by either a 0 (UnderBond) or a D (Duty Paid).

  • Each site has its own sequence of numbers, all of which reset annually. Therefore should you have multiple sites then you will see the same rotation number on multiple sites.


Although a D after the slash in the Rotation number normally indicates Duty Paid stock it is possible that someone has managed to have UnderBond stock with a D in the Rotation and Duty Paid stock without.

Whilst very rare this should be kept in mind if there are some issues regarding Bond status - the Rotation Number does not determine whether the stock is underbond or not.

The Receipted Date will be filled in by the system as soon as the first part of the receipting process is completed for the current line.

  • This is the actual date the Pre-Advice line is receipted and cannot be changed but you can still set a Rent Start Date to an earlier or later date for Rent charging purposes if you need to in the Storage Section on this screen.

The Split Line button is used to split a line into multiple lines in the event that the Actual Pallets, Cases or Singles received is less than Expected.

  • You can register the number of Pallets, Cases and Singles received and leave outstanding lines for the remainder to be receipted at a later date.

  • The original line will still show the originally expected quantity but there will be a new line with the remaining expected stock.

The Multi Reserves button is used to land a single line across multiple Reserve Customers.

  • Any line that you want to land across multiple customers will need to have a Rotation number generated for it first.


If mistakes have been made whilst Splitting, Reserve, or Multi Reserving Lines you can Delete the lines from the Order Item Details tab and start again.

  • You will need to add the original line details back in manually.


Some of these fields might be mandatory before saving or processing to the next stage if the Product group of the Product has the fields ticked.

Freeze Upon Receipt checkbox is used to automatically Freeze the stock landed on the currently highlighted line in the Lines Section.
Label Qty field defaults to the number of cases being landed but can be changed to print the number of labels required.

Location Put-Away Section

This section is used to tell the system wherein the warehouse the stock is going to be kept. Each Stock Line can be stored in a number of locations if required.

Take great care when using this facility because it will create Loss in Production Record.


Most of the information will be automatically filled in from the Product Details in the Product Maintenance screen


Receipting Date can be changed, however, the Fixed tickbox must be ticked for the date to apply.


The earliest date you should use should be no more than 254 weeks from the present date. If over this amount of weeks, it will be reduced to 255 weeks.

Rent Commences can be changed, however, the Fixed tickbox must be ticked for the date to apply. This is for the rent to start for the goods that you are landing.

Free Rent - The stock that you are landing has free Rent, this should be ticked this is default to be unticked

Extra Tab

Dimensions - Ability to capture dimensions on a certain product (groups) when the goods are received.

Other attributes - SSCC - Serial Shipping Container Code (SSCC) is an 18-digit number used to identify logistics units.

Click the Prepare for Bond Receipt button once all the details have been correctly entered.

  • If any of the information provided is incorrect or missing you will be informed by a message.

  • Once the details have passed validation the line will be passed to the next stage.

  • It is not possible to un-prepared a line for Bond Receipt.



Fiscal (Bond) Details

This form is very important when you are operating a customer or excise warehouse, the information shown here has to be 100% accurate, otherwise, it will affect payments of duties, the value of those payments, and paperwork produced for the goods.


Each line is highlighted, once you complete a line it becomes prepared, so you will always have the top line highlighted and be working on that line, you can choose another line but be careful as this is out of the normal sync.


Stock Flags






Excise Duty Paid in the UK


This flag determines whether goods are excise paid or not, it is also known as the DP flag, if this is ticked then the goods are fully excise paid. The term duty paid refers to the UK excise system which is different to the Worldwide customs system.


Free Circulation

This is an old term and refers to whether customs duty is paid for this stock item.



If you are not customs approved then this flag must always be set to YES



Owner Changed in the UK


This is a marker relating to sales tax, the ability to have acquisition vat, and deferred vat. If you are the original imported of the goods then you are exempt from sale tax for the import, however if you have purchased the goods from a supplier within the country then you are not the original imported, and ownership of the goods has changed.


Original Wooden Case


This flag can be set here or set through the packaging type on the previous tab.


This flag will be removed to be only in the stock tab in future versions


Customs Duty paid in the UK


This identifies if the goods had the customs duty paid in the warehouse country (Home Country) otherwise it was prepaid outside the country prior to importation.


Bulk Use Allowed


When receipting goods, the ability to mark them as able to use the BULK commodity code at the time of receipt.

Manufacturing transfers will have a this option which will automatically mark the receipt stock following the existing ‘same customer’ checks.

A new linked to option for the bulk code needs to be set against the standard commodity code which in the event of a payment being made will make the payment using the bulk code.

Only the owning customer is allowed to use this feature it should not pass to another owner and not be available when goods are duty deferred for customs to an alternative account.


Nill VAT Allowed


We will determine whether this can be set by the supplier being the same as the customer receiving the stock, however, there are occasions when you need to set this manually. In general, if you manufacture your own goods and you purchase or grow the raw materials then this would be a NIL VAT item, so you would not pay sales tax with the duties for the purchase of the goods


Duty Stamped


This only becomes active when stocks are identified as needing duty stamps.

In this case you need to positively confirm whether the answer is YES or NO (this will not default)


Allow PVA?


The other fields on the form are required by HMRC for entry.

Import Documents - The ability at goods in to store the many different import documents and certificates required for various commodities. This will introduce the ability to start storing import document information (for use later with CDS in Bond) for other commodities such as those that are non-wine/spirits/beer, and based on duty per KG instead.

You must save the Pre-advice before clicking on this button


The Import Documents will show what is set up against the Commodity Code that you are using for the product

All fields apart from ID and NA (if setup) is read-only

When entering an ID that does not exist in the system, the “Add Import Document” screen will populate


When entering an Import Document which is not setup against the Commodity Cide, the Reason field will be greyed

Values - using standard incoterms (or local customs equivalent) the value of the stocks is recorded.

Excise and Tax Information - is checked to ensure that it is correct, certain fields on the right side of the form will require entry based on the commodity code and country of origin of the goods.


We have not provided detailed guidance on these fields as they are direct requirements from customs processes and procedures and further details are better provided through the government websites, the exception are the fields shown below

Tax Certificate - This is used when the goods need a tax certificate to be associated, e.g. Small brewery. If you do not associate then you will not benefit from the tax certificate.

Freeze & Retrieve Later - As most customs movements require values, to leave stock off the system whilst you await this information can be problematic, this new feature was introduced to allows you to receipted the stock then enter the Costs/Trade Terms later.
If you use this then any stock receipted will be frozen until the values have been entered.
You will be able to enter the details in the values Screen on the stock menu.



EMCS (Customs Movement)



There is no customs test site for EMCS, as such we can not easily provide sensible data in this example and customers are forced to endure testing when they go live or when there is a new version without being able to check this feature.

Only at the completion of all the lines should you come to this tab on the form, because what we are trying to do here for each ARC selected is ensuring that the total commodity receipted agrees with what the customs system things you should be receiving.

We use commodity groups for this comparison, each commodity code when setup will be within a commodity group e.g. 2204217900 is in groups W200. so instead of trying to compare line by line, we try to compare receipted totals per group against expected totals per group.

In the top section, there will be all the ARC numbers listed, most people only have one per receipt, when you select this ARC number the bottom two boxes will be populated with the Commodity groups and the litres expected.

If both sides match then you can simply change the Global Conclusion to be “Receipt Accepted and Satisfactory” and then press Confirm Selected, and this will discharge the ARC.


Child pages (Children Display)



An overview of the process can be viewed if you expand the box below
