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This Report works on


both Start


 and End Dates, so please ensure you have set the Dates


 correctly under set Report Dates


Image Added


This Report will show you Stock Movements of your Products/Rotations


 between the Dates



 set in Report Dates.

Field NameDescriptionField Limits and NotesRefresh  

NB This report can only be run for one Product Code at a time. When you select the Report, a message, requesting that you enter a Product Code, will appear. Click on OK.

Image Added

As shown in the screenshot above, click on the Filter button in the top right hand corner; enter a Product Code in the box and click on Apply.

If there have multiple Movements


 on Rotation


 within the Period


 you will see multiple records for


the Product/Rotation. 

Field Name


Field Limits and Notes



Results Section:-


Image Added

Field Name


Field Limits and Notes


The Warehouse for the Stock.

Read only field

This field Cannot be Changed from here.

Group Code

The Code for the Group the Product belongs to.

Read only field

This field Cannot be Changed from here.

Product Group

The Description of the Group the Product belongs to.

Read only field

This field Cannot be Changed from here.

Product Code

The Code for the Product.

Read only field

This field Cannot be Changed from here.


The Product Description.

Read only fieldSingle

This field Cannot be Changed from here.

Singles per Unit

The Number of Singles in a Case.

Read only field

This field Cannot be Changed from here.


The Rotation Number.

Read only field

This field Cannot be Changed from here.

Opening Stock

The Amount of Stock at the Beginning of the Report Period.

Read only field

This field Cannot be Changed from here.

Closing Balance

The Amount of Stock at the End of the Report Period.

Read only field

This field Cannot be Changed from here.

Case Price

The Stock Product Cost.

Read only field

This field Cannot be Changed from here.

Movement Type

The Type of Movement that has been Processed on this Stock.

Read only field

This field Cannot be Changed from here.

Movement Date

The Date of the Movement.

Read only field

This field Cannot be Changed from here.


The Customer Code associated with the Movement.

Read only field

This field Cannot be Changed from here.


The Invoice Number if an Invoice has beenproduced.

Read only field

This field Cannot be Changed from here.

Order No

The Order Reference related to the Movement.

Read only field

This field Cannot be Changed from here.

Total Singles

The Number of Singles Moved - a negative figure shows Movements Out.

Read only field

This field Cannot be Changed from here.

Product Cost

Depending on the Movement Type, this will either show the Stock Product Cost, or the Stock Product Cost, plus any other Cost.

Read only field

This field Cannot be Changed from here.

Insurance Cost

Any Insurance Cost associated with the Stock Movement.

Read only field

This field Cannot be Changed from here.

Freight Cost

Any Freight Cost associated with


the Stock Movement.

Read only field

This field Cannot be Changed from here.

Excise Duty

Any Excise Duty associated with the Stock Movement.

Read only field

This field Cannot be Changed from here.

Customs Duty

Any Customs Duty associated with the Stock Movement.

Read only field

This field Cannot be Changed from here.


Any Receipt, Handling and Despatch Costs associated with the Stock Movement.

Read only field

This field Cannot be Changed from here.


Any Rent Charge for the Stock.

Read only field

This field Cannot be Changed from here.


Any Delivery Costs.

Read only field

This field Cannot be Changed from here.

Is Consignment Stock

Whether this was Consignment Stock.

Read only field

This field Cannot be Changed from here.

Once the results of


the Report


 are retrieved you can filter on 1 or multiple fields to only show some records as per any search criteria you enter.

  • Once you have the records on screen that you wish to see, you can if required extract the information in an XML Image Modified, CSV Image Modifiedor PDF Image Modifiedformat by clicking on the buttons at the bottom of the screen which will email the results. 


  • Click the Image Addedbutton to refresh the report and make sure you are looking at the latest date