Versions Compared


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What is on this page, it contains information on each of the tabs within the Invoice Admin tab

Table of Contents


Imported Data Invoicing

When opening the tab you will be on the Imported data invoicing tab the page is broken up into a number of sections.

The key question on the page is whether this customer is an EMAIL or PRINT customer for their invoice.set to have Invoices Emailed or Printed. Please set the following option.



If you select Email then remember to setup the customer contacts in the WMS system to receive the invoices. see See Vision Warehousing - Contacts.



General Fields

Refers to fields which recur on the form

Payment Terms

There are two options that can be used.

  1. Add days to the invoice date - you then need to enter the number of days.

  2. End of the next month following invoice date.

These will be used to calculate the due date for the invoice which may be on your invoice template along and it may also be required of your finance system output.

Include VAT

It is not always 100% clear whether sales tax or VAT is to be charged on specific invoices, and customers outside of your home country may be exempt from sales tax / VAT for some charges.


Please ensure this is TICKED by default and only have this unchecked if you are 100% sure you can raise invoices for your customer without sales tax / VAT.


Run Invoice

Some of the report types have a flag to show whether to output this invoice for this specific customer, only if selected will this customers invoice data for this specific invoice type be used to generate an invoice.

If you leave this unticked and there are values which could be invoiced which could be invoiced then you will find that the global outstanding report does not drop to zero after producing the invoices and this customer will appear on the check reports available in the Report to zero after producing the invoices and this customer will appear on the check reports available in the Reports section


Stock Storage Invoices


Modification of a an existing customer invoice Period will have unexpected results and is not recommended. Only set this for a new customer.

A potential solution would be to set up a new account for the Customer and migrate stock across to the new account.

If in any doubt please contact the Vision Support Team via the support portal.

Stock Storage Report Style

Most customers have at least 2 two different outputs for their customers, generally these are.


  1. Detailed Invoice - this will be an invoice with every single line for each charging period shown on the invoice. We would recommend you consider the summary invoice which groups everything.

  2. Summary Invoice - it is advisable that is you are sending the summarised template that you also tick the email


  1. CSV option as this will generate


  1. a file you can open within Microsoft Excel file containing the invoice detail.


The CSV option is only available when you select EMAIL for the customer output, it is not available when you select print.

You may find you can see both the standard templates along with your specific templates, when it is your specific templates you will also find that these begin with your customer code.

You may also find that there is a report named “…..details with valuation” this report is for use when you utilise the LWIN valuation system (this is a seperate module) for annual invoice private customers whereby the system will retrieve the current mid market value for the LWIN products and place this onto the invoice for the customer.

It is not designed for trade customers and may not work as expected.


Goods Out Invoices

Carton Charge

To have a Carton Charge set, the Customer must have 'Bottle Picking' enabled on their account. You can then specify a Carton Charge Per amount which would normally be set to either 6 or 12. Which is the size of the container used for any loose singles on an order.


Goods Out Invoice Types


This section is used in conjunction with the goods out charging tab, those options are displayed in the section below.

Goods Out Charging


BEFORE you switch on any existing Customer, BE AWARE that any charges not already processed will be processed with the next invoice run ! This could go back several years.

You can avoid this by either

  • Removing the unwanted charges in the Amend Invoices screen prior to the next invoice run.

  • Run an invoice manually and void prior to when you plan to start using this feature.

If the number of historical charges is likely to be very high, we recommend contacting the Support Team before adding any new charges.

If you select “Invoice” for one of the goods out invoice types you need to use the goods out charging tab to setup the respective rates which will be charged.

Field Name


Include VAT

Whether this item will have sales tax applied.

Min Invoice Charge

If the calculated amount of this section of the invoice is below the value shown then this will be the minimum charged value.


This is best explained with an example, imagine there are 18 singles to charge and your charge bands are setup as follows:

1-12 singles = £0.10 per bottle

12-24 singles = £0.09 per bottle

  • Accumulative charging ticked.

    • £0.09 x 18

    • = £1.62 total

  • Progressive charging (accumulative not selected).

    • £0.10 x 12 = £1.20

    • + £0.09 x 6 = £0.54

    • = £1.74 total

Ignore EDI Band

As part of the charging mechanism you can separate charging for manually entered orders and those which are provided via EDI / VCIS, this allows you to give customers better rates when you are not having to provide resource’s to manually enter the orders.

Charge Remainder only


Only available for ‘Case picking’ charges. Designed to be used in conjunction with ‘Pallet picking’.

If you have 5 pallets and 3 cases picked on a particular day, ‘Pallet picking’ will charge for the 5 pallets (providing you have ‘Round up’ unticked), you can setup ‘Case picking’ with ‘Charge Remainder only’ ticked to charge for the remaining 3 cases.

Leaving ‘Charge Remainder only’ not selected, with both ‘Pallet picking’ and ‘Case picking’ charging enabled will result in 5 pallets being charged PLUS the full quantity of cases being charged on top (e.g 5 x 56 + 3 = 283 cases charged).

Round up

With ‘Round up’ ticked against the ‘Pallet picking’ charge, in the above example 6 pallets would be charged instead of 5.

With ‘Round up’ ticked for a ‘Case picking’ charge where you have 7 cases picked and 2 residual singles, this would be rounded up to charge 8 cases.

Charging Basis - when charging is implemented, the system will use the singles per case and cases per pallet from the product settings.


Goods Out Charging




To prevent this from occurring, you have two options:

  • Remove any unwanted charges in the Amend Invoices screen before the upcoming invoice run.

  • Manually run an invoice and void it before you begin using this feature.

If you anticipate a significant number of historical charges, we strongly recommend reaching out to the Support Team before adding any new charges.



You can only configure an item if it has been switched on in the imported data invoicing tab.

You will have to setup the charging for each type you selected on the previous tab, select the first of the available invoice categories and setup the charging.

From the example above you can setup banded charging or just a straight charge for all items, you only need enter a new line when you are banding the charges and you simply enter the start number and the system should default all the other fields to the correct ranges.

Charging can be separated here for manually processed orders and those which are received via EDI or VCIS to allow you to encourage customers to send orders electronically.

Document Charges option

If you select the Document Charges type, you will have to select which type of order the charge is to apply to. Using the drop-down control to choose an Order Type and then set up a different set of Charge Bands for each Order Type.


Manual Invoicing

This tab applies to those invoices which are generated from the invoicing system itself.


Options are the same as the Invoice Terms section above, please see the following link for more information | Invoice-Terms.

Other Tabs

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