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Used by countries where there is additional taxation on specific goods. In the UK this is used for the sale of alcohol, tobacco, and cigarettes where each item has a tax code associated with it, this is also known as excise taxation.
This screen is used to maintain the excise duty codes and rates of excise duty.
When adding a new code you will need the following information
Tax Code
How the duty is charged
Whether small brewery or duty stamps need to be selected
The rate of the tax
If in doubt about how it should look then open up an existing record
Small Brewery Option
This option makes the rates auto-calculated the duty based on the sliding scale and is based on the small brewery certificate you enter and then apply against the product.
Rate for < 5000 hectolitres - DO NOT TICK THE SMALL BREWERY option. The rate you put in is the rate which is charged.
Rate for 5000-60000 hectolitres - Enter the FULL Rate into the field and tick the option “Small Brewery” this activates the sliding scale.
General Setup
Calculation Methodology - The system needs to know which method it will be using for this tax code. Only one can be selected and you should enter this first.
Be careful setting this especially the LOL and HLOL Getting this wrong could mean a submission 100 times too much !!!
Duty Stamps Applicable - Is this a tax code where you may require a duty stamp on the item? If it is then set the option by clicking the check box.
When adding a new rate in you insert this into the Details section where you state the date/time this rate would apply and you enter the figure you need into the correct box for this product excise category, once finished pressing the +ADD button and ensure it is added to the list.