Jan 2026 - This section is being replaced with the release of v3.2 by
Currently items in this section are being removed as the new page is implemented
This screen allows you to manually add new deliveries or edit existing ones.
Important Things to note when creating a new Consignment
You will be prompted to enter any missing mandatory information before you can place a Delivery on Hold.
If you are awaiting Quotation Details, you can put the Delivery on Hold, so that it does not show as available for Processing.
Once you have all the required details you can add these to the Delivery, and Save which will then make the Delivery available for Processing.
Delivery Note Options will check your system configuration and will be one of the following :
Warehousing Delivery Note - Address details are pulled from VW
Distribution Delivery Note - Address details are pulled from VD
Hybrid Delivery Note - Address details are pulled from VD