What's covered on this page

Access Management

This screen is where you would set up any Users you wish to have access to the system and assign them to a User Group

You need to have the correct admin right to make amendments on the current screen.

Use in Price List Contacts - Whether this user will appear on the printed price list in the contacts section

Active - Whether this user can logon

There are four tabs on this screen

BI user Manager

this allows you to give access to users and groups for the BI Enquiries and BI Reports

Notifications User Manager

User Maintenance

This tab shows a list of users that have previously been set up on the system and their current status of them. You also have the ability to create a new user.

Once you have Archived a user this will remove the user details and place them in the Archive Users/Inactive Users panel underneath the IsArchived section.

You will need to set rights if the user is able to view the Customer’s Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and can view Anonymous PII.

  • To set the Analysis/Contact/GDPR/other settings for the user, you will need to use the three dots button this will open a new window screen User Maintenance


You would need to click Save on the main screen to commit the changes on this screen.

You would need to click Save on the main screen to commit the changes on this screen.

The purchase auth Limit field will be controlled against the system users which defines up to what limit the user is allowed to order. A purchase will be held if it exceeds this value, waiting for a user with a sufficient limit to allow it in the new authorisation screen.

Users cannot be logged into the system when their credit limit is being amended, otherwise, they must log out and back in again for the new limit to apply.

Group Maintenance

This tab will show a list of the access rights and the Group names

Users need to be assigned to a User Group.

This User Group controls which parts of the system the user has access to.

Every user assigned to that Group will have the same access rights.

Edit Group Rights section

  • This section shows all the possible areas in that Rights can be turned on or off for the whole of Vision Commerce

  • If an area of the system does not have any rights associated with it here then all users will have access to that area.

It is not always immediately obvious which areas of the system a User might need for their role within your organisation.

  • If one user can see a menu option, screen, or a button that another user either cannot see or sees but is greyed out then check the User Groups are set correctly.

Horizon Maintenance

This tab will show a list of the users, devices, and Alternate Stock Warehouse

You are only able to enter the amount of the device that you are licensed for

  • Speak to the support team to find this information out if not sure


Usernames are restricted to numbers only.

Usernames are restricted to numbers only.

Insight Maintenance

This tab will show a list of devices

You are only able to enter the amount of the device that you are licensed for

  • Speak to the support team to find this information out if not sure

Set BI Report Dates

Many of the transactional reports within the Business Intelligence look for start and end dates, customers set these to be either annual, quarterly, or monthly, and to avoid you having to enter this each time you run any report we preset this information.

You can identify these reports which use the dates as the report titles show a [S] or [E] in their running titles with S = Start Date and E = End Date.

Report Manager

This screen contains a large number of options to determine what is included in your main reports.

Report Layout

This tab is used to configure the settings for the layouts for the reports in this tab that will be used. Your options here will change depending on your system setup.

Report Options

This tab has the setting for each report that you will use mainly on the system


This tab will also allow you to manage the Payments, When you first set the Payments the button will be Accept Payments.
When you click on the Accept Payments, this will show the following message (this message will show each time you click on payments).

You click OK to this message and it will open the Vision Live. You will need to use the user login that is the same as you use for VSL.

Once you have set up the Payments you can close the Vision Live, you would see the following message: and the button will change to Manage Payment.

The logo file needs to be saved in the correct folder as per your system setup.

  • If you do not know the correct folder, please contact the Vision Support Team.


Delivery Notes

Customer Reports

This is what you select what is shown on the report and what font the report will use.

This is also able to select what will be on the reports when you email or print the report off.