How to Test Commerce
Testing Vision Commerce
This is a guide for assisting with the final testing of Vision Commerce, even if you do not test new functionality it is very important to test whether the system continues to deliver what you need in order to order stock, receive it, place orders, confirm them and invoice your customers. This is a minimum bare outline of what you need to do before you sign off your system to go live and it will only take between 30 - 60 minutes.
You need to perform at least 3 purchases for each of the following types - Stock, En Primeur, Back to Back. If you do not process purchases for some types then you can simply leave them out.
Please ensure that one is a single line and others are multiple lines and when you come to receiving stock ensure you receipt both duty paid and underbond (if applicable).
Also ensure on one of them post the invoice before the stock is receipted, and the others post the receipt then the invoice and ensure the invoice has gone to the accounts system and the stock is shown on the system.
You need to process at least 3 orders for each of the following types - Stock, En Primeur, Stock Transfers, Back to Back. If you do not use some of these types then you do not need to test them.
For a standard Stock order when you are dealing with a bonded warehouse you should make at least two orders of each type Duty Paid, Underbond (UK or EC), Transfers to another customers within the same warehouse, Transfer to your customer reserves (if you use this). One order should have a single line and for the others ensure that that they have multiple lines. Please ensure you try using the search, previous order and templates (if you use them) features and not just key in known product codes.
When you confirm the delivery of the orders, make sure that you reduce one of the quantities to ensure charging is carried out correctly.
Review the invoices and if correct try to post them to your accounts software.
The above is the basic checks you should make to ensure that your system is still operational and working as needed.
In addition to these you should consider reports which you need for the business, are they still functioning correctly ?
If you do not provide us with enough time to resolve the issues you report to us on testing (we need at least 4 weeks before your planned date) then your implementation will be delayed.
We also need the signed "Go Live Acceptance" returned to us at least one week prior to your implementation, we want 5 clear working days to plan and implement your upgrade.
If you are NOT happy with anything during the test do not sign the "Go Live Acceptance" as your signature on this accepts the transfer of your test to live systems.
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