🔻En-Primeur Orders
This section is due to be retired in 2021
Was known as EP Orders (En-Primeur)
This section is being replaced currently and will be updated 2021
En Primeur Sales Orders allow you to sell (and invoice) Stock Underbond to your Customers against Purchase Orders where the Supplier has not yet delivered the goods. |
You will invoice your Customers for the cost of the goods, deferring payment of any Duty and VAT until the goods are delivered.
Before entering an En Primeur Sales Order: |
First enter an En Primeur Campaign (or Price List).
Once an En Primeur Campaign has been set up, enter En Primeur Purchase Orders for the Products on the Price List.
En Primeur Sales Orders: |
Create an En Primeur Sales Order
Once an En Primeur Sales Order has been entered it will be available in the SOP (Sales Order Processing) screen. See the SOP Documents - SO Acknowledgements Tab page for more information.
When the Stock becomes available and is receipted (landed) in your Warehouse you will receive a Goods Received Note from your Warehouse (if you use Vision Commerce's Overnight Files functionality and your Warehouse supports it)
Once the Stock has been mark as receipted against the Purchase Order go to the Allocate En Primeur Orders screen allocate the Stock against the Sales Order(s) either fully or partially and Commit.
Once the Stock has then been Picked and delivered you will received a Orders Processed file from your Warehouse (if your Warehouse supports this functionality) and you can mark the stock as delivered via the Deliver Orders screen. Once the Sales Order shows the goods as having been deleted you raise the outstanding Duty and VAT invoice.
Credit Notes be raised against the Stock once it has been Invoiced, without creating a VAT or Duty Credit note. The VAT and Duty can only be Credited after the goods have been delivered and the Duty and VAT invoice raised. |
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