Stock Movements

Stock Movements


All stock movements in Vision Commerce are logged in the database.  These movements are available to view in the ‘Stock Movement Enquiry’ window and give a detailed breakdown on the costs associated with each movement (Stored in GBP).

Stock Movement Types

The following movement types are logged in the database:


Movement IN

Movement OUT


Movement IN

Movement OUT

Purchase Order




Stock Receipt

PO Stock Return




Sales Order




Sales Order Credit Note

Stock Despatch


ExCellar SO Credit Note

ExCellar SO Despatch


EP SO Credit Note

EP SO Sale

Stock Adjustment




Stock Adjustment (Where > 0)

Stock Adjustment (Where < 0)




Stock Transfer




Stock Transfer (In)

Stock Transfer (Out)




Against each movement we store the costs associated with each (where appropriate):

  1. Product Cost

  2. 2.       ‘On costs’

    1. a.      Insurance Cost

    2. b.      Freight Cost

    3. c.       Excise Duty Cost

    4. d.      Customs Duty (CCT) Cost

    5. e.       RHD Cost

    6. f.        Rent Cost

    7. g.      Delivery Cost

    8. h.      Labour Cost

    9. i.         Overhead Cost

The ‘Stock Movement Posting’ feature in Vision Commerce is available to automatically post through updates to the Finance System nominal ledger, for example to the ‘Stock’ and ‘Cost of Sales’ accounts which uses the movement information logged as described above.

Debit & Credit information for the postings above can be found in the table in the ‘Stock Movement Posting’ section of this document.

Control Account Maintenance

The nominal codes where the debits and credits are posted to for each stock movement are setup in Vision Commerce:

Maintenance > Control Account Maintenance

This window will check to ensure that all codes entered exist in Finance System, if they do not exist it will return an error when clicking the ‘Save’ button.

Stock Movement Posting

When the ‘Post’ button is clicked in the Stock Movement Posting window, it can post thousands of messages to Finance System.  This depends on the number of non posted stock movements made up to the ‘Post to’ date specified by the user on the Stock Movement Posting window.  This process can therefore be extremely hungry on your system resources on your client machine.

There are a number of important rules to remember, to ensure this process is successful:

  1. Take note of ID of the last entry in Finance System

  2. Only run the movement posting for up to a week’s worth of movements at a time

  3. Run the movement posting at the end of the day when no other users are using the system

  4. Always save the report presented at the end of the movement posting for future reference

 The last page of the movement posting report will tell you how many postings have been made to Finance System.  A final check is required to ensure that all postings have successfully made Finance System:

ID of last entry in Finance System (prior to Stock Movement Posting)

+ Total number of postings made to Finance System (from Stock Movement Posting report)

= ID of last entry in Finance System (after Stock Movement Posting complete)

Remember that it may take hours for all postings to be sent through to Finance System.

Please refer to the table on the next page for debit/credit information for each movement posting.

Movement IN

Movement Type

JD (Journal Debit)

JC (Journal Credit)

Movement Type

JD (Journal Debit)

JC (Journal Credit)

  Stock Purchase Order (Stock Receipt)

    Product Cost


GRN Accrual

    Customs Duty (CCT) Cost**


Customs Duty Recovery


  ExCellar Purchase Order (Stock Receipt)

    Product Cost


ExCellar GRN

    Customs Duty (CCT) Cost**


Customs Duty Recovery


  EP Purchase Order (Stock Receipt)

    Product Cost


En Primeur GRN

    Customs Duty (CCT) Cost**


Customs Duty Recovery


  Stock Sales Order (Sales Order Credit Note)***

    Product Cost (Return to Stock = True)


Cost of Sales

    Product Cost (Return to Stock = False)

Credit Note Reason Nominal A/C

Cost of Sales

  ExCellar Sales Order (ExC. Order Credit Note)***

    Product Cost (Return to Stock = True)


Cost of Sales

    Product Cost (Return to Stock = False)

Credit Note Reason Nominal A/C

Cost of Sales

  EP Sales Order (EP Credit Note )***



    Product Cost (Return to Stock = True)


EP Cost of Sales  Accrual

    Product Cost (Return to Stock = False)

Credit Note Reason Nominal A/C

EP Cost of Sales  Accrual


  Stock Adjustment (Stock Adjustment)

    Product Cost (Qty Moved > 0)


Cost of Sales

**Excise Duty is not posted for Stock Receipts.  Customs Duty posted when, Supplier & Product Country is not in EC and ‘Customs Duty Paid’ is ticked on the Purchase Order.

***See ‘On Costs’ at the bottom of this document.

Movement OUT

Movement Type

JD (Journal Debit)

JC (Journal Credit)

Movement Type

JD (Journal Debit)

JC (Journal Credit)

  Stock Purchase Order (PO Stock Return)

    Product Cost

GRN Accrual



  ExCellar Purchase Order (PO Stock Return)

    Product Cost

ExCellar GRN Accrual



  EP Purchase Order (PO Stock Return)

    Product Cost

EP GRN Accrual



  Stock Sales Order (Stock Despatch)

    Product Cost

Cost of Sales


    Insurance Cost

Cost of Sales

Insurance Recovery

    Freight Cost

Cost of Sales

Freight Recovery

    Excise Duty Cost

Cost of Sales

Excise Duty Recovery

    Customs Duty Cost

Cost of Sales

Customs Duty Recovery

    RHD Cost

Cost of Sales

RHD Recovery

    Rent Cost

Cost of Sales

Rent Recovery

    Delivery Cost

Cost of Sales

Warehouse Delivery Recovery



  ExCellar Sales Order (Stock Despatch)

    Product Cost

Cost of Sales


    Insurance Cost

Cost of Sales

Insurance Recovery

    Freight Cost

Cost of Sales

Freight Recovery

    Excise Duty Cost

Cost of Sales

Excise Duty Recovery

    Customs Duty Cost

Cost of Sales

Customs Duty Recovery

    RHD Cost

Cost of Sales

RHD Recovery

    Rent Cost

Cost of Sales

Rent Recovery

    Delivery Cost

Cost of Sales

Warehouse Delivery Recovery




  EP Sales Order (EP Sales Order)



    Product Cost

EP Cost of Sales Accrual


    Insurance Cost

Cost of Sales

Insurance Recovery

    Freight Cost

Cost of Sales

Freight Recovery

    Excise Duty Cost

Cost of Sales

Excise Duty Recovery

    Customs Duty Cost

Cost of Sales

Customs Duty Recovery

    RHD Cost

Cost of Sales

RHD Recovery

    Rent Cost

Cost of Sales

Rent Recovery

    Delivery Cost

Cost of Sales

Warehouse Delivery Recovery


  Stock Transfer

    Insurance Cost


Insurance Recovery

    Freight Cost


Freight Recovery

    Excise Duty Cost


Excise Duty Recovery

    Customs Duty Cost


Customs Duty Recovery

    RHD Cost


RHD Recovery

    Rent Cost


Rent Recovery

    Delivery Cost

Warehouse Delivery

Warehouse Delivery Recovery


  Stock Adjustment (Stock Adjustment)

    Product Cost (Qty Moved < 0)

Cost of Sales



On Costs

Note:  ‘On costs’ (see ‘Stock Movement Types’ section in this document) are only posted when ‘Include on cost in cost of sales postings’ is ticked in the ‘Product Group’ for the Product associated with the stock movement.

Duty Paid Stock

For any Duty Paid stock receipted into the system on a Purchase Order, Excise Duty is not posted to Finance System.

However if stock is receipted into the system using the ‘Stock Adjustment’ window, and the ‘Duty Paid’ box is ticked, the same principle applies as the relanded/credited stock below where the on costs are posted to Finance System but added together for a single debit and a single credit to the nominal codes listed above.

Despatches from this new stock item have a ‘Product Cost’ which includes these on costs.

Credited Stock & Stock Transfers

The costs associated with the original despatch are stored separately to the costs for the return, as these are two separate movements.  These can be seen in the ‘Stock Movement Enquiry’ window, you’ll notice columns for ‘Product Cost’, and all other on costs such as ‘RHD’, ‘Rent’ etc. 

For the return movement all of these on costs are combined into the new ‘Product Cost’, for a single debit and a single credit to the nominal codes listed above.

Despatches from this new stock item have a ‘Product Cost’ which includes these on costs.

Summarised postings

Stock movement postings can be posted in summary form, this is the recommended option from Vision Commerce Version 2.4 onwards but can be used with postings prior to this version.

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