BOM tab

BOM tab

The BOM (Bill of Materials) is used for products which are made up of different component products. they usually refer to special gift or offer cases e.g. A Easter case, Father’s day case, surprise case

Select Option

This option allows you to apportion the income between all the products, we store stock movement information at a granular level, so even items within a mixed case, if we know about those items we then write stock movements for each individual component.

This allows you to manipulate the income from the case sale according to the original cost or sales price of the products you have in the case.

Enter Product First

This is the most common option to pick, it allows you to select the items you wish to include in the case, as you are adding each of the items the system will be entering the normal sales price for the items, at the end of the component entry the pack will be based on the total of those prices.

If you wish the pack price to be lowed then you manipulate the price / single for each line until you achieve the price you want for the pack price.

As sales are recorded we will record the cost of the item you are selling and the income you derived from it based on what you set in the price/single field.

Enter Pack Price First

This is less commonly used as it can be very fiddly to get the values to what you wish to use, whilst you enter a pack price and then each component it will automatically apportion the component out within the case, you then manipulate the percentage aportionment so that when the individual stock movements are allocated we allocate the correct sales price against the item line and we can work out a margin.

If you have a case of 6 items and enter six single products each line will have 16.66666 apportionment and frequently when this level of decimals is used to work the price/single out aand rounded to the nearest penny you may find that the pack price has to be adjusted. You should not just accept the default percentages because it is highly unlikely that the items in your mixed case were all exactly the same cost.

This can be fiddly so if you use this method set percentages to whole % or to a maximum of two decimal places. You can see above what the system did, however on the Enter Products first option you can see what this option allowed me to enter which showed I needed to loose £16 per case which was apportioned across all the product lines manually and very easily.

Case Build

There are three options for the case build






If you request the warehouse to make up the product in advance then use this option, when we transmit the EDI to the warehouse we ask for the premixed product code only.


This is a dynamic mix, so the warehouse make up the mix case on demand. We sent all the items to the warehouse on the EDI transmission.


Same as above for Mix product except

Manufactured is used when you want a case built which has the individual items and perhaps the case, some wrapping, some inserts, etc e.g. a Christmas case would contain the products plus the case, wrapping paper, label, tasting inserts, etc.

Wheras pre-mix and mix both have to have their components add up exactly to the singles per case, manufacturing does not have to do so, would advise being careful with this option.


In order to add products to the case, they need to exist as products already within Vision Commerce.

Additional Costs

Overhead Cost

an additional cost per case for the production of this case, sometimes this is a picking charge or a case makeup charge.

Labour Cost

an additional cost per case for the production of this case, sometimes this is a picking charge or a case makeup charge.

Extended Description

This is no longer in use

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