Set BI Report Dates

Set BI Report Dates

This option is accessed through the ADMIN menu and the second icon on the frequently used group.

Reports Using Reporting Dates

Many of the transactional reports within the Business Intelligence use a start and end date in order to give you output for s specific period.


It allows you to run monthly reports without having to remember or enter the correct dates each time you run the report.

You can set this reporting period date to be anything from a single day to multiple years, however based on the volume of data this may not be possible and you should consider shortening the period you are requesting.

If you are obtaining time out issues whilst running the report then you need to try for shorter periods, at worst case scenario you should be able to obtain a month of data for the monthly reporting that this was originally designed for.

Reports using the reporting period dates can be identified as they will show an [S] or [E] in their running titles.
S = Start Date
E = End Date.

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