Data Cleaning
This is an option within the Maintenance group on the Admin menu that uses to clean the stock movement data.
If you have something wrong with the stock movements, it will affect profit reports. This page is designed to allow you to edit the sales value and the cost price for transactions held in the stock movement tables to correct mistakes made and also to correct values for reports if you change the values after delivery of the order but before invoicing.
When clicking Save both the New Sales/Unit (the sales total for the stock movement you are adjusting) and the New Prod Cost Total (the product cost recorded against the same stock movement) are updated. Therefore if you leave either column as zero, their values against the stock movement will be set to zero, so you MUST set both each time either if you are not changing one of them. This will cause issues if you do not set them correctly.
It does not post to your accounting system any changes here are stored within Vision Commerce and also audited (only used for support purposes).
This is a very dangerous tool, if used incorrectly it can adjust or amend any information that you store within your system, which can result in previous reports changing. Use with extreme caution.
Access this function
You need to enter an account code and then you will be able to pick from the transaction references, once selected you will see all the transactions for this reference, there could be one and there could be thousands.
When you have updated a movement, it will disappear from New Transactions and show in Historical Transactions when the screen is next refreshed. Please note at the time of writing, you either need to change the account code or close/reopen the screen to refresh the data on the two tabs. If you do not see updated transactions in the Historical tab a refresh is required.
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