PO Details
This tab is where you can enter the items you are buying, quantity, price etc.
PO Line Status
Status |
O | Outstanding |
R | Receipted Only |
I | Invoiced only |
C | Complete (Invoice and Receipted) |
X | Cancelled |
Enter an existing Product Code, the Units and Singles (and their Costs) + a Discount (as a percentage) if you want to apply one.
Select a Product Code by either pressing F11 which will bring up the Result Panel at the bottom of the screen and double click to select the Product you require or you can enter it manually.
Purchase Price
The £/Unit and £/Single fields pull their default costs from the Product Maintenance screen but can be changed.
If the Duty Paid field is checked the Duty Paid price will be pulled through, otherwise it's the Under Bond price.
Discount will show if there is one on the Purchase Order Header. This may be entered just per line as well not for the whole order. This will be displayed as a percentage %.
PO Line Duty Paid
Check the Duty Paid field to indicate that the specific line on the purchase order is to be supplied as Duty Paid
This is that you are paying the duty whether through an excise warehouse, direct payment or point of import. In this instance do not tick the option.
PO Customer (Reserves)
Customer field to allow lines to be receipted directly into the reserve customer accounts.
Receipting Rotation Notes
In general the rotation notes are automatically filled from the goods receipt EDI function within the system but should you need to enter your own notes simply expand the rotation notes section and enter the information.
Purchasing Freight Costs
This is the Freight section where you can select from the following choices
Standard Costs - this will use the Cost that is set up from the Supplier Country Code or Region, if the region has a cost then this is used as 1st choice and if not then it is the country standard freight costs which are used.
Fixed Cost - Enter your own value in the field for this specific purchase.
None - there will be no freight cost.
You then see the Total Freight Cost which will show the total.
Purchase Insurance Costs - Insurance Costs Applicable? is ticked as Defaulted when creating a Purchase Order. This information comes from the standard cost setup.
Purchase VAT Logic
The VAT is determined by a logic workflow, you can access this below:
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