Navigation/ Filter Options

Navigation/ Filter Options

The navigation and filter options sit on top of each other on the right-hand side of the screen, these are quick searches and are used to access data quickly. They are also used within forms to provide results for fields so you don’t have to remember everything.

More detail on this can be found below.

Navigation/ Filter Option (Right-Side)



On the Navigation Panel, simply click on the category you wish to search(For example- Purchase orders or Customer).

Navigation Menu

The panel will switch to the Filter Options showing the available filter fields for you to search.


If you click the Purchase Order in Navigation Menu, the filter option appears over it. Either you can input known data related to the category you are searching for, then click the search button to open that category window.

Or you can simply click the search button at the bottom without filling in any input and can fetch the list of purchase orders that exist in the system(It provides the first 500 results only), In which you can double-click the entry to open it.


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