Customer Details

This tab contains the key information about the customer.





In this section, you can fill in the address and contact details. Most fields do not require an explanation as they are relatively obvious, but the following fields are mandatory.

  • Address Line 1

  • Town

  • Postcode

  • Country

  • Email Address

Also provided dropdown fields to select Legal Type and GDPR Option.

Legal Type:

You can select the correct legal type for this account which will be either 'Natural Person' or 'Business'. A Natural Person is a human being (an individual) rather than a Business or Organisation.


The GDPR options are only available for a Natural person. For more information please see the GDPR Statement page.

If you select the GDPR option there is NO WAY TO UNDO your actions.

GDPR Options:

  1. Leave it blank.

  2. Anonymous → When this option is chosen the GDPR information will not show for the current user unless that user's account is set to ‘View Anonymous PII’. This Customer's PII information will not show on reports or extracts.

  3. Forgotten → If this option is chosen and there are no outstanding Sales Orders associated with the Customer account, any PII information will be deleted and accounts archived. If there are Orders outstanding this field will revert to blank and no information will be changed.

Key Account Settings

Field Name


Field Name


VAT / Tax Rate Code

Sales Tax rate code used for this customer for normal purchases.

e.g. For underbond only customers OR those where you defer the duty to the customers deferment (or another deferment) you should still setup the customer as standard rate.

When entering an order depending on the type of order we may select an alternative tax code for the specific order. The code will update on the order only.

VAT / Tax Registration

Enter your customers sales tax / VAT registration number.

Account Trading Currency

This account can only trade in a single currency, if you wish multiple currencies to be used then each would require a separate accounts.

This is due to many finance systems not being able to handle multiple currency within the same account.

Default Payment Method

This will default to the payment method you setup as your default but you can change this here and it will become the default for the customer.

It can be changed at the time of the order.

We’ve integrated Commerce with payment providers Lloyds & Stripe to allow you to collect online payments from customers for your sales. You can set this up in the Admin menu ‘Report Manager' screen. Stripe can be set up without needing to involve us, Lloyds however requires additional setup which we’ll have to help with. If you need assistance with either option please contact our support team.

When online payments are enabled the sales order ‘Payment Method’ controls if and when payments are requested. The following options are available.

Payment not requested

Cash on Delivery, Credit Card on Delivery, Cheque on Delivery, Credit Account, Credit - No Limit, Credit - Staff

Require upfront payment (online payment NOT offered)

Cash, Cheque, Voucher

Require upfront payment (online payment offered)

Credit Card, AMEX, Visa, Mastercard, Diners, Discover, JCB, China Union, RuPay, Entrust, BC Card, Debit Card, Swift, Visa Debit

Upfront payment is not required, online payment is offered on the invoice

→ Credit Card, Debit Card, Credit Account (CC Pay Link), Credit - Staff (CC Pay Link)

→ All of the above (when the user bypasses pre-payment by releasing the held order)


If you want online payments enabled but you do not want to collect the payment on the sales documentation for a particular order, use one of the payment methods provided above or tick the ‘Paid in full’ tick box when saving the order - this will bypass payment collection stage. If the payment has already been collected outside of the system then it’s advisable to record the details within the ‘Payments’ tab.

When an upfront payment is required, regardless of how the order is received (either manually entered into Commerce or via the API), the order will be put on hold and a proforma automatically sent to the customer. If the payment method specified offers online payment a QR code will be available on the document for the user to click or scan. The options available at this stage are:

→ The customer uses the clickable QR code to make an online payment

→ Customer pays using another method, and the Commerce user records the payment against the order

→ Bypass online payment by releasing the order from the held orders screen


When an upfront payment is not required, we offer customers the ability to pay from the system generated invoice, again with a clickable QR code.

Payments are handled directly by Lloyds or Stripe and go straight into your account with your chosen provider. Commerce can check for customer payments from any of the following locations:

→ Held Orders screen - Payment Required tab

→ SOP Documents - Pending Invoices

→ SO screen - The payments tab

These are retrieved and stored against the order (visible in the Payments tab), if the order is paid in full then a new ‘Paid in full’ tick box is set in the order screen, and if the order is on hold it’s automatically released. This ‘Paid in full’ tick box is what was previously known as the 'Credit Card Order’ tick box.

If an order has payments linked to it at the point of invoice generation, the payment is posted automatically to the accounts system. If however payment was retrieved after invoice generation, this will be retrieved in the ‘Pending Invoices’ tab and posted along with any other invoices & payments needing to be posted.

Duty Accounts

These are the default duty accounts that you will be using for this customer, by default it will be your warehouse account code or your deferment DAN.

If you are selling product to your customer “Duty Deferred” to their account then you should enter the code provided to you by your warehouse into these fields. This type of order will automatically have duty deducted from the prices shown on the order screen.

If you are paying the customs duty and your customer is paying the excise duty then you should have your code in the customs duty fields and your customers in the excise duty field.

This can be changed at the time of the order but please ensure the code you change it to exists, otherwise your order will be rejected.



You can set the above fields if required and this will place a visual aid on the sales order entry form containing the minumum values.


Discounts / Pricing

You can specify the default price list your customer will be using.

The pricing lookup will check the prices in the following order.

  • Customers contract price

  • Price list

  • Standard product price

Also within this section, you can set a default % discount which will be applied to the order lines as they are entered, this would apply to all lines but can be adjusted on the order.

Standard Delivery Details

These are all fields that are used as defaults at the order creation stage, they can be adjusted on the order at the time of order entry.

Field Name


Field Name



If this customer uses a specific carrier then you can default it here, you can also set this up against the warehouse for all orders, but if setup here it will override the warehouse.

If the warehouse are making the delivery themselves then this is generally left blank

Warehouse Delivery Service

If your warehouse offer you different delivery services this can be specified here.

e.g. they offer 48 hour service but you can specify a 24 hour or a Saturday delivery.

Delivery Times

If you do specify those then ensure your warehouse/delivery company will support the use of these fields. We have 2 sets of times you can use one or both (if you need to use them at all).

You need to enter a FROM and TO time, the difference between these may be defined in the warehouse setup because your warehouse are requesting a minimum window on all deliveries.

At the time of order you can specify a single time window (e.g. same time in from and to) this is considered a fixed time window.

Delivery Point Telephone

contact information for your warehouse to speak to the customer if needed.

If you enter a +447 or 07 number then if your warehouse support this it will send SMS messages to the customers phone.

Delivery Point email

contact information for the warehouse SMS/email service

Default to Sending SO Acknowledgement

If you always want to send this for each order then have this selected.

Alternatively you can select this at the time of order for the specific order.

Delivery and Pick Instructions

These are fields which are defaulted for each order, but you can change them on an order-to-order basis.

There is a limit of 120 characters for each field, this is because other fields are available which also contain key information for the delivery to take place, review the Standard Delivery section above.

Delivery Instructions - This goes onto the delivery note for the driver.

Picking Instructions - This will be printed on the picking note and is instructions for the warehouse.

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