Creation Group (Purchases)

Creation Group (Purchases)


Creation Menu Options


Creation Menu Options


Stock PO

Standard Purchase Order to buy items which will go into stock

Advanced Orders (EP)

Ordering items where they will be supplied in the future, such as En Primeur, Broking, Back to Back sales

As these are required as part of Advanced Orders please see that section


Replenishment Purchase Order

‘Replen POP’ allows users to quickly and easily create purchase orders for products needing to be replenished.

Product (New)

Create a new product, full details are contained in https://visionsoftware.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/VC/pages/568688713

Add Supplier

Adding a new supplier for your order

Add Pick Up Address

Adding a pick up address for the order coming to you, this is used to instruct the haulier or shipper and can be used for freight charge calculation

Information on this page :


Some sections required their own dedicated pages and are listed below :

Types of Purchase Orders

There are two types of purchase orders you can create and there are a few purchase orders that the system automatically generates. Details of these different Purchase Order Types can be seen in the grid below:

Purchase Order Type

Created by




Used to purchase goods for stock to sell and despatch onto your customers.

Advanced (EP)


For pre-purchases and pre-invoicing of goods which will be arriving at a later date.

From version 3 of Vision Commence onward, this will change to Advanced Orders which will give the choice to invoice the customer fully or individually for:

  • The basic product sales price.

  • The duty and vat elements.

  • The delivery charge.

Back to Back (ExCellar)


For placing sales orders which will be directly shipped to your customer from the supplier.



For stock transfers either going from your warehouse to the office or from the trading warehouse account to a reserve warehouse account, a virtual purchase order is created, which is used to receipt the stock.

If the receiving warehouse does not use rotations, this will automatically be receipted as soon as you confirm this is despatched from the sending warehouse, it is assumed the quantities will be the same.

Call Off Purchase Orders

Not currently available, this will be possible when the advanced orders module is introduced.

If you are expecting part deliveries of the same product over a number of deliveries then we would strongly suggest that you create separate purchase orders for each one.


You can edit the original order until you receipt it against any lines on the purchase order.

Please Remember: If you make changes to the Purchase Order you will need to resend it Supplier, Shipper, and Warehouse.

It is not possible to Delete a Purchase Order once it has been saved for the first time. You can cancel it as long as none of the lines have been receipted.

This section covers items you need to have in advance of adding a purchase order, they are not always necessary but if you do not fill all the details in then you cannot report on them nor can they be used in screens and report templates.

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