Product Creation

The Product Maintenance is used to hold information about the Products that are in your warehouse

This page will deal primarily with creating a new Product.

The process of editing an existing Product is very similar, except some of the fields cannot be changed after the first successfully saved.

To use a Product within Vision Commence, you would first set up all the attributes for it. Please see

The Product Code is used to identify the product throughout Vision Commerce.

We recommend using straight forward Product Codes of no more than 12 characters as this makes it easier to enter Sales and Purchase Orders.

Auto-Generate will be greyed out as you would need to use the Dynamic Product button for this.

*L-WIN is used for the Liv-ex Wine Identification Number, this allows you to request values for your products directly from Liv-ex.

For the Product Description, we recommend you keep this as the base description. There is a Sub Product Description where you are able to enter more information that is covered in the Product Information in the tabs.

The Product ID and Package Desc will be generated automatically by the system. The Package Desc will use the Singles Per Unit and Single Size.

Vintage (Year) is used to record the year of manufacture for the product.

When you are making the Product De-Listed, this will allow you to use any remaining Stock but you are not able to receipt (land) the product on a new Purchase Order.

  • You will use this for example; you might have a product that is coming to the end of its vintage.

If you have marked the Product Is Retail Product, this will be the ability to sell the items and thereby will have no stock of the item and will not be able to be added on a Purchase Order. The order will not show on the Allocation screen or Submission screen.

  • It’s important that non stocked items will show on margin and sales reports

  • This will grey out the Warehouse Stock Levels section.

For example: If you run a Bar, and you sell a glass of wine. You would like to make a note of the sale. As we are not able to Stock Manage the litres in a Bottle, we call this Retail product.

You are able to set the Available date for the Product, when creating the product it will default to the current date but you are able to change it. The format is dd/mm/yyyy or you are to select it by using the Calendar Picker Tool.

SO Rotation Mandatory is used to make the Rotation Mandatory when entering this Product on a Sales Order.

Case Break Sales Allowed is used to allow the user to uses Singles on an Order and able to break a cases

  • If this is not ticked then you are unable to put Singles on an Order.

This tab holds the most commonly used information on your product

Some of the fields are only available to change when creating a new product and cannot be changed after the product has been successfully saved.

Warehouse Stock Levels Section

The information shown here in the grid is displayed per Warehouse Group. All the figures are Units (Cases) / Singles (Bottles)
Special Fields: Unpaid Reserve is highlighted in yellow if this is being used as this will affect the order available figure, although the stock is in the Warehouse you may not wnat to allocate it to another Customer.

Product Analysis Section

Product Analysis fields are lookup fields which are all pre-defined in advance when the system is initially setup. If you do not fill these fields then BI analysis of your sales will be made difficult.

The system has 5 mandatory fields Country/Region/Style/Type/Group and there are a further 6 optional user-defined fields (UDF) which you can choose to use.


To add/view the Tasting Notes to the Product you use this tab

These Notes are stored with HTML formatting

  • Pictures, hyperlinks and other HTML objects can be copied and pasted into this window

Entering a new Tasting Note

To enter a new Tasting Note, fill in the written by field and then select the Tasting Date and click on the Add Note button.

  • A new document will show that you can use to enter any notes about the Product Tasting

  • The document accepts both HTML and simple text entries

  • You should consider what you need this field for and what use it will be to you in the future

    • It is possible to use interactive HTML; if you display the notes on a web site, then use HTML

    • If you just want it to go onto plain printed material, simple text is fine

  • Additionally, if you are using the web export, be careful here, entries into this document will be output in CSV

    • The CSV output format uses “ around the fields, so please do not use either this character or any of the following characters within the text of the message wherever possible

      • <, :, ', “, >

Removing an existing Tasting Note

Once you have click on Delete Note, there is no way to retrieve this information

Photos/images can now be uploaded in Product Maintenance which is also available in the Price List PDF output.

Each image will be categorised, we store one image per each category (note: historical images of the same product for the same category are not retained):

  • Case shot

  • Single Shot

  • Multi-Single shot

  • Front Label

  • Back Label

  • Additional Label

  • Capsule

Users should only be able to have a 1x image of each type for each product.
When they upload a new image, ensure all columns are populated in the table and able to view the image by double-clicking it

Field Name



Field Name



Singles per Unit

How many single items are in a case


Units per Pallet

How many cases are on a pallet


Single Size

The size of a single item



The gross weight of the unit or case in kg



The ABV of the product

Yes used for calculations of duty

Commodity Code

8 digit worldwide commodity code


VAT Code

The sales tax rate for this product (this is the products standard code for a standard sale in your home country)


Unit of Issue

Not currently in use


Duty Rate

The rate of duty for this product, the codes are based on the home country standard codes


Web Options - The web options would only apply if the data was linked to a web site.

This tab deals with Purchase Costs and Sales Prices for your Product.

Left Side Section:

Marketing Funds: if your producer has allocated you fund for sales per bottle then record the value here and it can be reported on.

Growers allocation: when you have an allocation of this product you can record how many and the record will show the balance.

Min / Max Stock: this is used for the product requirements report and the new purchasing module (2020)

EAN /UPC: record the barcodes used for the case and single item here, if you have US codes then use the UPC.

Standard Cost Price Section:

Your standard buying price for the product. When you enter the UB Price/unit we will automatically calculate the other fields.

It is essential to fill in the information here, this will be used for all purchases unless the specific supplier pricing is entered and you are using that specific supplier for the purchase order.

When you create POs, this Price will be used by default but can be changed ad hoc if required (the Stock Cost Price will be taken from what is on the PO).

It is possible to update the Cost price against all Products from the last invoiced price on your POs using the Update Product Cost screen see the () page for more details.

Main Supplier Pricing Section:

Only use this section if you are being supplied with this product by a specific seller at a specific price.

If you then enter the PO for this supplier we will use this price instead of the standard price.

This is the Suppliers' current Underbond price for cases and singles of this Product.

Thisis an optional field, and because it is your contract price it will not be updated if you are using the update my purchase price from the last known purchase option

Selling Price Section:

Use this section to set the standard Product Selling Price per Unit and per Single

The sales price should be the duty paid price excluding VAT for the product

The margin will be shown this is based on the duty paid purchase price of the stock compared to the sales price e.g. Its a rough and ready reckoner.

The suggested price fields will be used if you have it set up in the System Configuration Options screen, it is used to help users of the system as a visual reference of what price the company is expecting to sell the product for, it takes the base price and adds on the global margin to provide a Suggested price will be given for you.

Sales Team Apportionment

This section will allow you to apportionment the stock for this product for the Sales Team.

This tab will shows all Price Lists that this Product belongs to

These are set up in System Maintenance General Price List

Price List Section

This section lists all the Price Lists that this product belongs to.

Clicking on a Price List and the Pricing Section below the grid will show you the details of the pricing within the slected list.

Pricing Section

The grid on the left shows the title of the currently selected Price List

This grid shows the Pricing Bands set for this Product on the currently Price List

  • If no Price Bands are set up, this gride will be empty.

Show Price List Section

You can select if the Product is included or not include or both in the currently selected Price List

  • Listed

  • Not Listed

  • Show All

Standard Selling Price

This section sets the Standard Selling Price for this Product whenever a Price List is not in use.

  • This will default to the Price per Unit/per Single, however, you are able to change this

The price is inclusive of Duty

VAT Inclusive Prices, this will include the VAT on the Price, if this ticked.

The price set can also be set in the Selling price GBP (inc Duty) section on the Purchase & Pricing tab.

Add and Remove Product

You will need to have Not Listed or Show All selected in the Show Price Lists section to see (and select) price lists that the current Product is not already on, to add the product using the Add Product

This button will only be enabled if the product does not exist on the current Price List

If the product exists in the current price list, you are able to remove the product by clicking the “Remove Product”

  • This button will only be enabled if the product does exist on the current Price List

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