Documents Group (Purchases)
This page covers the Documents section for the Purchase Orders.
POP Documents
This screen shows all Purchases Orders that are not yet Status “C” (Complete) and allows you to Print the Acknowledgements. Please see the layout in the screenshot below:
View PO will open the Purchase Order screen for the current PO that you have selected.
The preview will allow you to save as other types of files but these reports are designed for using PDF output only and any other formats the program will do a best guess of where things are on the output and you may get unexpected results.
PO Ack button will show a pre-view of the Purchase Acknowledgement .pdf file that you can print or email to your supplier manually.
There are two options at the foot of the page
If used this will take the selected or all the purchase orders and generate the outbound documents automatically, whether that is to PRINT or EMAIL or DO NOTHING.
It will send automatically to the supplier, shipper and warehouse and is based on the setup on those records as to what will happen.
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