Insight - Mobile Sales Tool

This is a Mobile Sales Tool for Sales People, Account Managers, or anyone who is ‘field-based’.

Field-based personnel relies on information that is up to date, accurate, and available 24/7 without reference back to the office. Vision Insight provides all this as a new feature-rich extension to Vision Commerce that gives you an Android-based phone/tablet App so you can work ‘on the go’.

Select from the tabs below to obtain further information on each of the areas on the Insight system

This application will allow you to do the following in one single application

  • Update Customer’s notes

  • Check Stock

  • Check Customer orders

  • Check for Purchased Stock Expected Dates

  • Place an order whilst you are with the Customer

  • Basic Information on Customers and Products

  • Create a new customer

To download this application, you will see this on the Play Store on the Android device. This is normally done for you before you get the device. This will also do the updates to the application.

To log in, you will be provided with the Email and Password to connect to the Connection link

  • Once you have been connected you may click on the Setting page to the Login screen

    • This is your username and password that you log in with on the Vision Commerce application.

  • The three lines at the top of the screen will populate the menu:

    • Customers

    • Products

    • Stock Sales Order

    • Default Settings

    • App Information

    • Log out

    • Details on the Devices


  • It will open showing the list of Customers as the first page

  • From this screen, you are able to search for a specific customer

    • Filter for specific customers

    • Create a new customer

    • Click on a customer, you will be able to see:

      • Basic Info

      • Notes

      • Price Lists

      • Contact Info

      • Reserves

      • Sales orders

  • You are able to create a new customer if you click on the Person + icon. This will populate the screen that is the same as the Basic info, you will need to enter the details. Once this has been saved, this will populate to the VC app and save directly into VC if the setting in the API Interfaces Maintenance shows Save directly into VC. If this is not ticked this will show in the Interfaces – API screen on VC  

    • This will allow you to default a payment term for this specific customer

Basic Info

  • This will show the General Information for that customer that you have selected, this information will be the same information "Basic Info" that is in the VC app

    • You are able to edit the information; this will populate the VC app. You need to click on Save to send the changes to VC


  • This will show all the notes for the specific customer

  • You are able to create a note by clicking on the paper with the + icon. This will populate a screen where you can select the contact, add the note for the customer, select the outcome, and add in the next call. Click on Save to update the Customer Contact Maintenance in the VC app

Price Lists

  • This will show the price lists that the customer is using, you are able to do into details with the costs that the customer will use.

    • This section can’t be edited, this will need to be done on the VC app


  • This will show all the contacts for the specific customer

    • You are able to edit the existing contacts

    • You will need to click on Save to make sure all the changes get updated to the VC app

  • You are able to create a new contact by clicking on the paper with the + icon. This will populate a screen where you can add the details for the new contact – everything with the * is mandatory to save 


  • If the customer is a reserve customer and has reserve stock

    • This will show the unpaid Reserve and paid reserves stock

Sales Order

  • This will show the Sales Order History for this customer

    • It will show the Outstanding, Completed, and Cancelled Status

    • Clicking on the Sales Order will show the details on the order and the lines items

      • You are unable to make the changes to the orders

  • It will open showing the list of Products on the first page

  • From this screen, you are able to search for specific products

    • Filter for specific products

    • Click on a product, you will be able to see:

      • Product Info

      • Stock Info

      • Pricing

      • Order History

Product Info

  • This will show the General Information for the product that you have selected, this information will be the same information as is in the VC app

    • You will not be able to edit this information

Stock Info

  • This will show the stock levels for the product in all the warehouses that you have the product in, this information will be the same information that is in the VC app

    • You will not be able to edit this information


  • This will show the Pricing for the product that is set up against the product in the VC app.

    • You will not be able to edit this information

Order History

  • This will show the Sales Order and Purchases Orders for the products

This screen will allow you to create a Stock Sales Order

  • You are able to enter the following by clicking on the Calendar + icon next to the Order Date

  • You will be able to start typing the product code and the list will be populated, this will automatically check if the warehouse you have chosen has stock. This will flag up if no stock.

  • You would be able to choose the payment type for this order using the drop-down list. This will default to the Customer's default.

  • You will need to click Submit. Once this has been saved, this will be populated to the VC app and saved directly into VC if the setting in the API Interfaces Maintenance showing Save directly into VC. If this is not ticked this will show in the Interfaces – API screen on VC

All the fields that have a * are mandatory

This screen will allow you to set up the Sales order defaults

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