Condition Report

This section will allow you to view/request a Condition Report

This will default to the Requested

You must enter at least one of the search criteria

  • Rotation Number

  • Product Code

  • Description

Available for Request

When searching for Products/Rotation that is available to request the Condition Report, you will need to click in the Filter Option - Available For Request.

Available to Request Condition Report1.PNG
  • In the first column, this will show a + icon, once clicking this you will see that it will change to a quantity textbox, where you are able to state the quantity of conditions reports requesting.

  • Once you have click on the save button, this line will be removed from the Available for Request search and will show up when searching for Requested.

  • This will be sent to the Warehouse to be actioned.


When searching for Products/Rotation that has been requested for a Condition Report, you will need to select the Requested checkbox in the Search Filter.

  • This will show all the condition reports that have been requested and the warehouse has not been actioned.

  • You are able to cancel the request by clicking on the Delete icon in the first column.


When searching for Products/Rotation that has been completed Condition Report, you will need to select the Completed checkbox in the Search Filter.

  • This section will show all the completed condition reports, where you are able to view/download or email the Condition report by using the + icon in the first column.

  • When you Download the Condition Report, it will download the file into a zip folder. You will see this at the bottom of the page once this has been downloaded

  • If you select the email, a screen will populate with the user email and the subject, you are able to change this information if required
    Clicking Send will send the email to the email that has been provided. Clicking Cancel will cancel the request and it will not send the Condition Report out.


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