ePOD Duty Questions
This screen will allow you to add and view stored Duty Questions that will show on the ePOD Start/End of Day.
You should not change a saved question as it will affect historical answers. In edit mode, this should be used to correct spelling, grammar only. If you have a new question, disable this and enter a new one.
Upon selecting 'New' you will be met with the below screen to input a new question and some additional details.
The first section is simply for the question but the second section titled ‘Help Description’ is used to give the question further context and is displayed next to the question itself on the drivers device. This should give the driver further information about how they can best answer the question raised.
The final section titled 'Response Type' is used to select the format you would like the driver to give a response in whether that be numerical or even a simple yes/no answer.
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