Manual Transfer

Manual Transfer

All Deliveries that require a Transfer Plan will show on this screen, such as Deliveries where you have moved them to another Depot Plan Screen.


  • To ensure the Deliveries then show up in the correct Depot you will need to Create a Transfer Plan within this screen.

  • On opening the screen it will show the Deliveries that require a Transfer Plan in your default Depot. To see the Deliveries within a different Depot Click on the Delivery Depot on the left-hand side of the screen. 

  • You can choose to see all Deliveries within the Depot that require a Transfer Plan or search for specific Deliveries. 

  • Once you have selected which Deliveries need to be Transferred, click the Transfer button and this will Create a Transfer Plan for these Deliveries. 

  • They will then show up in the new Depot in Depot Plan Screen.

It defaults to all selected, so if you only want to create a transfer plan for some of the deliveries ensure you click to deselect all first and then just select the ones you wish to create a transfer plan for.

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