Supplier Invoice Record

Supplier Invoice Record

This screen records your supplier invoices against the manifest.

This assumes your haulier will be invoicing you for an entire manifest EXCEPT when the "Single Drops Priced" option is set when the charge needs to be per delivery on the invoice.

The invoice will be recorded on the screen, you will select which manifests (or deliveries) this invoice relates to, therefore it is important to have one carrier per supplier otherwise you will find it difficult to find the entries.

Each manifest will only show if there is an outstanding invoice.

Once this has been entered, you will be able to scan the invoice onto the system, the system will then send a copy of the scanned document and embed the manifests onto the scan/document and forward it to your accounts team for payment, an accounts extract for the invoice can also be provided in Sage200 format.

the assumption is that if the invoice is entered and checked on your system and you are not able to double associate invoices with manifests that effectively this is the approval for the payment process.

Initial Entry of the invoice will take details such as the invoice number, invoice date, supplier (carrier needs to have the accounts system code on the form) invoice amount, and vat elements.

You will then be able to pick up and associate either deliveries or manifests with the invoice.

Only if it is complete and agrees will this be marked as AUTHORISED otherwise you will be able to save and leave items NOT associated hence a value difference and this will be marked as "CHECK INVOICE" on the information sent to the accounts team

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