Internal: Create a Consignment

Internal: Create a Consignment

Jan 2026 - This section is being replaced with the release of v3.2 by

Create a Consignment


This screen enables you to manually Add new or Edit existing Deliveries.

Although the Print DNote button still shows and it will produce a print or document, it is not possible to generate Delivery Notes for archived Deliveries.

  • You will be prompted to enter any missing mandatory information before you can place a Delivery on Hold. 

  • If you are awaiting Quotation Details, you can put the Delivery on Hold, so that it does not show as available for Processing.

    • Once you have all the required details you can add these to the Delivery, and Save which will then make the Delivery available for Processing.

Which buttons show will depend on the current status of the Delivery.

  • For example in the screenshot above the Save button is missing because the Delivery has not yet been Saved successfully.

If delivery is created by way of import from Vision Warehouse, the Delivery Address will be populated from Vision Warehousing.

  • Once the Delivery Address has been entered it will not update again automatically (for example if it is changed in Vision Warehousing).

  • The Delivery Address will be pulled from either Vision Warehousing or Vision Distribution depending on what type of Delivery Note your system is configured for:

    • Warehousing Delivery Note - Address details are pulled from VW

    • Distribution Delivery Note - Address details are pulled from VD

    • Hybrid Delivery Note - Address details are pulled from VD

Not all the buttons above will be visible at the same time depending on whether the Delivery is on Hold or not.

  • When reopening a Delivery using the navigation panel, if the charge has charge still adding the Delivery,

    • To change the charges for this delivery, you just need to click on No, however, if you want to keep the existing charges make sure you click on Yes

    • This will not show if the status of the delivery is at D Delivered or I Invoiced

  • The Delivery Kinds are: 

    • The default is D - Delivery

      • This is a standard delivery from your Warehouse to another address. 

    • PR - Pickup & Return To Warehouse.

      • The transporter will travel to another address (entered on the 3rd Party Collection Point tab) and then be brought back to your Warehouse.

    • PD - Pickup & Deliver Elsewhere.

      • Transport will travel to another address (entered on the 3rd Party Collection Point) and then taken to another address (entered in the Delivery Point tab)

  • The Delivery Status shows the current state of the Delivery.

    • The Statuses are as follows:

      • P = Pending.

        • This is the first status when the Delivery first comes over from Vision Warehousing (before it is Picked in VW). 

      • O = Outstanding.

        • If the Delivery is manually created in Vision Distribution, it will update to Status O the first time it is Saved successfully.

        • If the Delivery is Picked in Vision Warehousing it will update to Status O. 

      • C = Despatched.

        • Either has been confirmed as despatched manually in Vision Distribution or confirmed despatched on an EPOD.

          • This is not confirmation that the goods have been delivered to their destination (see status D below). 

      • D = Delivered.

        • Either has been confirmed as delivered manually in Vision Distribution or confirmed delivered in an EPOD. 

      • I = Invoiced.

        • The system will detect that a Delivery has gone to Status D and will be updated to status I the nightly jobs run.

          • If you are also using Vision Invoicing status I indicate that the Delivery and any charges have gone over to be invoiced. 

      • X = Cancelled.

        • If a Delivery is cancelled it will show as status X.

        • A cancelled Delivery cannot be un-cancelled.

  • The Re-Delivery will show as 'Yes' if this Delivery has been created by the system to arrange re-delivery where the original Delivery was unable to be completed.

    • If this is an original Delivery this field will show 'No'

  • The Re-Deliver Reason field will show why a Re-Delivery was required.

  • If this Delivery is marked as Re-Delivery = 'Yes' (see above) then the date the goods should be re-delivered will show here.

  • The Delivery Area tells Vision Distribution about where the goods are going to go, by which Transporter, and other information like lead times and valid days.

  • The Charge Band tells Vision Distribution about the kind of charging and how much to charge.

    • This field will auto-populate from the Delivery Area details (see above) when the Delivery Area is changed but you can change it manually if you need to.

    • Click the Fixed field if you want to prevent the Charge Band from updating automatically after you have manually changed it.

  • When a Delivery comes over from an Order in Vision Warehousing it will always contain a valid Product Code but although this field must contain something to pass validation it does not have to be a valid/existing Product Code when you create a Delivery manually in Vision Distribution.

    • This allows you to raise a Delivery for any goods or items that you need to and process it like any other Delivery that comes over from Vision Warehousing.

  • This will show when the Delivery has arrived, name and Signatory. 

  • If the Delivery has been returned to the warehouse it will state the reason in the Name field and In the signature field it will show 'Returned' 

  • You are also able to generate the POD by entering an email address and clicking on the Generate POD

  • 3rd Party - The fields on this Tab are only enabled when the Delivery Kind (set on the first section of the Delivery screen) is set to PR (Pickup & Return or PD Pickup & Deliver Elsewhere).

    • This tab will contain the details for the Transporter to collect goods either to bring back to your Warehouse or to deliver to another address (which needs to be recorded on the Delivery Point tab).

  • The Validate Address button will initially show a white ticket on an orange background for any delivery where the address has not yet been validated.

    • Clicking on this button will check the validity of the address details that have been provided and if correct, the icon will change to a green background colour.

  • The Correct Coordinates button will open the map screen showing the current coordinates for the address details that have been entered and validated.

    • If you wish to adjust the coordinates (to ensure the drop point is as the exact address), you can do this from the Map screen and the system will re-validate the address based on the adjustments made. 

  • The View Restrictions button will open the Geolocation Restrictions screen that will allow you to set and remove restrictions on the Vehicle Types, required Service Codes or any additional notes to be added against the address.

    • The details will be taken into account when the automatic routing is working out the drop information.

    • For example, if the location is a narrow street then HGVs can be disallowed and the system will avoid allocating the delivery to any Transport Item that has an HGV Vehicle type. 

  • The View Map button will open the map screen and show the current coordinates for the address details that have been entered and validated.

    • A marker will be shown on the map to indicate the location of this address.

  • Delivery Logistics relevant to the current Delivery.

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