Internal: Held Consignments

Internal: Held Consignments

This screen will bring back a list of all Deliveries that are currently On Hold, so can not be processed any further. You can either search for all Orders on Hold or by the following search criteria.

  • This screen splits the Deliveries in the Hold reasons

    • Awaiting Booking

    • Awaiting Pick

    • Awaiting Pick Confirmation

    • Awaiting Coord Retrieval

    • Coords Not Found

    • Await Restrictions Confirmation 

    • Others

Deliveries might show in one or more of the tabs

  • To check the Delivery, you need to click on the Bond Delivery Number

  • To clear the On Hold reason "Await Restrictions Confirmation", you will need to click on the tick and this will populate a new screen for you to Confirm. You are able to hit close without removing the On Hold reason. 

  • The "Exclude today's picks" will be defaulted to ticked, if you wish to include today's picks, you need to untick this.





Customer Code/Site Code

To search for a specify Customer and Site Code

Bond Delivery No.

To search for a specify Bond Delivery Number (this is the Pick UID number)


This field is read-only and only shows the Status P - Pending

Delivery Depot

To Search for a specify Depot, this field you are able to use the F11 to fill in

Exclude Today Picks

This will exclude the current date picks, this field is defaulted to tick

Held Deliveries

There are a few tabs that hold the Held Deliveries depending on the Held Reason.

Awaiting Booking

The tab will show all the Deliveries that are waiting to be booked in. Once the Delivery has been booked, it will remove from this tab.

Awaiting Pick

The tab will show all the Deliveries that are waiting to be Picked from the Warehousing application. Once the Delivery has been Picked, it will remove from this tab.

Awaiting Pick Confirmation

The tab will show all the Deliveries that are waiting to be Pick Confirmed from the Warehousing application. Once the Delivery has been Pick Confirmed, it will remove from this tab.

Awaiting Coord Retrieval

The tab will show all the Deliveries that are waiting for the Coord Retrieval the Postcode that is used. Once the Delivery has been done, it will remove from this tab.

Coords Not Found

The tab will show all the Deliveries that are Coords are not found and will need to be looked into. Once the Delivery has been done, it will remove from this tab.

Await Restrictions Confirmation

This tab will show all the Deliveries that are waiting for the restrictions for the postcode to be confirmed. Once the Delivery has been done, it will remove from this tab.


This tab will show all the Deliveries that are waiting for other Held reason that is not in the above tabs.

Releasing the Deliveries

On some of the Tabs that are mentioned above, you can release the deliveries on the screen or by double-clicking the Delivery and releasing from this on the Delivery. Some of the held reasons will need to have them released by Warehousing application or a job to run in the background.

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