Previous Release Notes
Here you will be able to view the documentation showing all changes that have been made to Vision Distribution and ePOD The documents list details of bug fixes, improvements and new features that have been implemented in order to enhance the way that Vision Distribution works. Where a new feature has been added, you will be able to link directly to the user manual page giving details of how the new feature works and what it does. You will also be able to view the details of changes which are due to take place in future releases of Vision Distribution. |
Version | 2.1.6 |
Release Date | 15/03/19 |
Other Application Requirements | Vision Live v5.0.0 For Route planning |
Warnings or Notices | Operational changes are marked in RED on the lines below. Please pay attention to these changes. |
UID | Summary | Issue Type | Component/s | Description | Linked to |
VDIST-997 | Delivery - Status updated from O to P | Bug | Deliveries | When a delivery is at status O (after having been added to a bulk pick) but later removed from the bulk pick, and an additional order line added, the delivery status is rolled back to P. | VW-4100 |
VDIST-1010 | Depot Plan: Error with booked date | Bug | Route planning - manual | In Depot Plan screen, if you drag a delivery with BookedDate from left side grid to any of the manifest in the right side grid, the screen will no longer work. If there are rows already in manifest those rows will become blank if move/resize the screen. | |
VDIST-1011 | Depot Plan => Planning Tabs | Bug | Route planning - manual | In Depot Plan screen=> error text and red colour in Today + 1 tab, was getting cleared after saving and if any error is displayed in TransportItem. To reproduce Select Today + 1 tab Click Add manifest, a new manifest is created in the grid. Click save without updating Transport Item. We should get '..Invalid driver code..' error text in the column, however it is not showing when we go to Today +1 tab. | |
VDIST-1019 | Carrier Driver: Modification | Bug | Route planning - automated | When opening a carrier driver and making changes it is not allowing the details to be saved and it is wiping the Address details from the Personal screen. | VSUP-9162 |
VDIST-1032 | Route plan->Accept Plan error | Bug | Route planning - automated | Manual Deliveries and Deliveries created from returns are not having the physical pallets field correctly filled with a number. This is causing issues stopping the automated routing from working. | |
VDIST-1034 | Route Planning > Accept Plan - Depot Plan | Issue | Route planning - automated | After accepting a plan from the Route Planning screen - when trying to Save or Finalise the manifest, there is an error related to the Driver Code. | VDIST-1032 |
Version | 2.1.5 |
Release Date | 15/01/19 |
Other Application Requirements | Vision Live v5.0.0+ for Route planning VDG v2.4.2+ (not compulsory but includes depot printing fixes) |
Warnings or Notices | Operational changes are marked in RED on the lines below. Please pay attention to these changes. |
UID | Summary | Issue Type | Affects Version/s | Change Area | Description | Linked to | Configuration Required | License Required |
VDIST-845 | BI enquiry - OutstandingTransport Charge report | Report | 2.1.0 | BI | New Report added | RFC-260 | No | No |
VDIST-1001 | VW > VD import job - Locking the system | Issue | 2.1.4 | Deliveries | The job which runs regularly to import deliveries from VW to VD is locking on larger volume systems. | VW-4099 | No | No |
VDIST-996 | Coordinate retrieval - Incorrectly formatted addresses | Issue | 2.1.4 | Deliveries | When an address such as '48. Acres Avenue' is entered in 'Delivery Address 1', the automatic coordinate retrieval job fails and stops running completely. | No | No | |
VDIST-981 | Route Planner: Unable to see row content | Design Change | 2.1.4 | Deliveries | Route Planner: Unable to see row content due to colouring The row colour is white and so is the text, therefore the user is unable to see anything. | VSUP-7992 | No | No |
VDIST-1006 | Depot Plan - Postcode for the PD Delivery Type | Change | 2.1.5 | Deliveries | On the Depot Plan, using a Delivery Type PD it is only showing the same Postcode for both parts Delivery | VDIST-972 | No | No |
VDIST-1005 | PD Delivery - Not validating | Change | 2.1.5 | Deliveries | When doing a Delivery Kind PD (pickup & Delivery elsewhere) validating the Postcode, it is not validating and saving correctly. | No | No | |
VDIST-989 | Delivery - Manifest Message Screen | Change | 2.1.5 | General | Receiving an error when clicking Search in the Manifest Message screen | No | No | |
VDIST-983 | Integrate VBI 1.1.2 | Change | 2.1.4 | General | Integration of the latest version of VBI to fix some bugs & minor improvements. | No | No | |
VDIST-975 | Create Delivery 'Release' button issue | Change | 2.1.5 | Deliveries | Upon saving a delivery and doing Release ,its still displays the 'Release' button and we need to search the delivery from navigation and do 'Release' again . | No | No | |
VDIST-974 | Delivery: Co-Ordinate Retrieval failure | Change | 2.1.4 | Route planning - automated | If an address containing a period right after the building number the co-ordinate retrieval will fail when trying to convert the value. Ran various scenarios however this comes down to users data entry so there are other possibilities which are untested. | VSUP-7706 | No | No |
VDIST-972 | Route Planning - View Plan PD Delivery Type | Change | 2.1.5 | Deliveries | When viewing the plan with a Delivery Type PD. It is planning both parts of the Delivery however on the results in View Plan, it is only showing the Postcode for the Delivery not the Pickup. Vision LIVE v5.0.0 is required for this to work. | VLIVE-134 | No | No |
VDIST-962 | Route planning - Refresh / view plan | Change | 2.1.2 | Route planning - automated | Users have to close the route planning screen after making a change to a transport item or delivery, otherwise if they make the change without closing the screen and clicking 'View Plan' directly, the changes are not picked up. The system will refresh the data as the first step when the user clicks View Plan. | No | No | |
VDIST-953 | Depot Screen changes for VDIST-944 | Change | 2.1.0 | Route planning - manual | Slightly increase the size of the screen. - Move ''Manifest Report by' groupbox to next line and place the radio buttons horizontally. - Add a new group box "Delivery window adjustment for 'same time'" in above vacant location. - Add two +/- numeric controls labelled 'From mins adj' and 'To mins adj' defaulted to -20 and 10. - Validation should ensure that the difference between these two are >= 30. | No | No | |
VDIST-952 | Route Planning=> Delivery Kind should show PD | Change | 2.1.0 | Route planning - manual | Right and left delivery grid's delivery kind columns should show PD deliveries are PD, currently it is showing as D. e.g. Delivery 042254 should be showing kind 'PD' but it's just showing 'D'. This is from VDIST-837. | No | No | |
VDIST-949 | Transfer Plan | Change | 2.1.2 | Deliveries | When using Transfer Plan screen - this screen performance is slow | No | No | |
VDIST-944 | Issues when time 1 and 2 have the same time. | Change | 2.1.0 | Route planning - automated | When Delivery Times 1 and 2 are the same the delivery is not being planned correctly. It is ignoring the times completely. The issue has been fixed by getting FromTimeAdjustmentMinsForSameTimeWindow and ToTimeAdjustmentMinsForSameTimeWindow times if the delivery windows times are same. Modified tblDepotRouting added two columns FromTimeAdjustmentMinsForSameTimeWindow int (default -20) ToTimeAdjustmentMinsForSameTimeWindow int (default 10) Added new logic in Route Planning =>View Plan click, wherein the above value will be used to make the difference of 30minutes before sending to PTV. New issue (VDIST-953) created to address the rest of the changes. | VDIST-953 VSUP-7329 | No | No |
VDIST-854 | Routing - earliest and latest times | Change | 2.0.5 | Route planning - automated | If deliveries have no earliest and latest times, they could potentially be planned to be dropped too early, a control will be added to the depot to set the earliest / latest times for deliveries with no times. | No | No | |
VDIST-664 | EDI "Pickup" Pre-Advices | Change | 2.1.4 | General | VDIST changes for VEDI-411, specifically changes to the pickup note to show the new EDI fields. | VDIST-994 VW-2447 VEDI-411 | No | No |
VDIST-984 | Charge: Incorrect charges for Override Charge Band | Bug | 2.1.4 | Deliveries | It seem to have a Override Charge Band issue on VD for order from one specific customer. | VSUP-8073 | No | No |
VDIST-982 | Transport item - end depot | Bug | 2.1.4 | Deliveries | The transport item 'end depot' is sometimes showing as empty but is saved with an invalid option in the back end, which produces an error when using the transport item in route planning. | No | No | |
VDIST-978 | Delivery Form - Recalculations | Bug | 2.1.4 | General | The form is recalculating the delivery every time it is opened instead of reading from the DB. If the delivery is then saved, the price will be over written. This is only an issue if an old rate has a revised rate. If delivery is D or I then no recalculations should be performed. Otherwise it will calculate and if different the user will have to choose an action "The charge for this delivery (£xx.xx) is different to what the charge would be calculated as now (£yy.yy), do you want to keep the existing charge or update it?" | No | No | |
VDIST-968 | Delivery - Signature date/time | Bug | 2.1.4 | Deliveries | On the delivery screen 'Proof of delivery' tab, the 'Date/Time' field is blank even though the value is present in the database. | No | No | |
VDIST-967 | Manual delivery - Additional charge mandatory | Bug | 2.1.4 | Deliveries | When creating a manual delivery, after saving, and then releasing, the screen shows an error message asking for the additional charge. | No | No | |
VDIST-966 | Customer Defaults: VAT Rate not being set | Bug | 2.1.4 | Deliveries | Customer Default VAT code is not being set from VW, this is resulting in VAT not showing in VD. | VSUP-7500 | No | No |
VDIST-963 | Manifest Printing: Depot Manifest not printing | Bug | 2.1.2 | General | Manifests are being finalised but are not generating via VDG. | VSUP-7466 | No | No |
VDIST-960 | Deliveries rolled back to status O | Bug | 2.1.2 | Deliveries | After a customer upgraded to VD v2.1.2, deliveries which were not on hold (including cancelled deliveries) were rolled back to status O in error | VCC-596 VSUP-8282 VDIST-917 | No | No |
VDIST-950 | Delivery Screen - Invoice Customer | Bug | 2.1.2 | Deliveries | Removes the Invoice Customer Site Code after authorising the address on a saved Delivery | No | No | |
VDIST-947 | Depot Plan Filters | Bug | 2.1.2 | Deliveries | On the Depot Plan, when using the filters, this is not applying to the results. | No | No | |
VDIST-925 | Archive Delivery: Search by Customer Code | Bug | 2.1.0 | Deliveries | When searching in Navigation > Archive > Deliveries, if you choose to search by customer code or customer name there the search doesn't seem to do anything. | VSUP-6904 | No | No |
VDIST-922 | Delivery: Latest time displays wrong time | Bug | 2.1.0 | Deliveries | If the latest time 2 is empty, it's showing the current time. | VSUP-6822 | No | No |
VDIST-911 | Depot maintenance screen - could not save | Bug | 2.1.0 | Maintenance | Save fails when try to change field contents | No | No |
Version | 2.1.4 |
Release Date | 15/08/18 |
Other Application Requirements | |
Warnings or Notices | Operational changes are marked in RED on the lines below. Please pay attention to these changes. |
Only 2 bugs were fixed which were in v 2.1.2
Vision Distribution v2.1.2 (09/08/2018)
Some users may find it necessary to 'Reset Layout' in the Depot Plan after upgrading
Issue key | Summary | Issue Type | Affects Version/s | Description | Links | Configuration Needed | Licensed Module |
VDIST-917 | On time | Issue | 2.1.1 | The 'on time' calculation used to determine if a delivery is on time (used in the OTIF report & stats TV board) is too strict and will be changed as follows: - For fixed delivery bookings (where the from time and to time are the same), deliveries will be considered 'on time' if they are confirmed before the time or up to 10 minutes after. - Other deliveries will also be considered on time if they are confirmed 10 minutes either side of the delivery window. - If the delivery has a reason code with responsibility 'Customer no fault' (was 'other') or 'Transporter no fault' (new) then these will also be considered on time. | No | No | |
VDIST-855 | Pallet charging - lines with 1 CPP | Issue | 2.0.4 | Delivery lines with 1 CPP are calculating 5 cases as 5 pallets for charging resulting in incorrect delivery charges. If the CPP is 0 or 1 then we'll use the system default for the calculation. It must be completely transparent to users how the invoice cases / invoice pallets / and total charge are calculated. | VSUP-6050 | No | No |
VDIST-837 | Route planning with PR and PD delivery kinds | Improvement | 2.1.0 | We need to handle delivery kinds "Pickup & Return to Depot" and "Pickup & Delivery elsewhere" differently with the new route planning feature to make the planned routes more efficient. After this change, PRs and PDs will be treated as two part deliveries with the route engine automatically putting the pickup part ahead of the delivery part. Any pickups going back to the depot will treat the depot as an additional delivery point to the manifest and it'll plan the depot drop off for the most efficient point of the route. | No | No | |
VDIST-817 | Route planning - Performance issues | Bug | 2.0.4 | When creating a routing plan and pressing accept plan, it can take up to 3 minutes before creating the manifests. | No | No | |
VDIST-814 | New Depot Plan: Gaps left in manifest grid after deliveries removed. | Bug | 2.0.4, 2.1.0 | Gaps are left at the top of the list of deliveries left on a manifest after some deliveries removed. | VSUP-3365 | No | No |
VDIST-813 | New Depot Plan: Drag and drop delivery to different Depot not working. | Bug | 2.0.4 | Dragging and dropping a Delivery onto a different depot is not working on New Depot Plan screen. | VSUP-3365 | No | No |
VDIST-784 | Held Reasons not being deleted from tblDeliveryHeld | Issue | 2.0.0 | Deliveries are remaining 'on hold' even if the delivery address has been validated and the delivery has gone to 'O' | No | No |
Vision Distribution v2.1.1 (31/05/2018)
UID | Summary | Issue Type | Affects Version/s | Description | Links | Configuration Needed | Licensed Module |
VDIST-923 | Re delivery : Invalid Latest Time | Bug | 2.1.0 | When creating a redelivery, the system is not copying the 'Latest Time 2' across to the redelivery record. | EPOD-240, VSUP-6822 | No | No |
VDIST-917 | On time | Issue | 2.1.1 | The 'on time' calculation used to determine if a delivery is on time (used in the OTIF report & stats TV board) is too strict and will be changed as follows: - For fixed delivery bookings (where the from time and to time are the same), deliveries will be considered 'on time' if they are confirmed before the time or up to 10 minutes after. - Other deliveries will also be considered on time if they are confirmed 10 minutes either side of the delivery window. - If the delivery has a reason code with responsibility 'Customer no fault' (was 'other') or 'Transporter no fault' (new) then these will also be considered on time. | No | No | |
VDIST-908 | Delivery with booked date using Pallets | Issue | 2.1.1 | When creating a delivery it is not using the Pallets Lead time for manual or VW orders | No | No | |
VDIST-891 | Delivery: Deliveries can go on hold in VD with no Held reason | Bug | 2.1.0 | Deliveries are going on Hold in VD with no associated held reason. | VSUP-6230 | No | No |
VDIST-889 | Postcode Lookup: Object reference error if only one BLD value | Bug | 2.1.0 | If a postcode returns address details that only have 1x Sub Building details then the application is throwing an Object Reference error. | VW-3815, VSUP-6167 | No | No |
VDIST-888 | Signature: Digital ePODs are not being sent out | Bug | 2.1.0 | Digital ePODs are not generating to go out from VD | VSUP-6193 | No | No |
VDIST-885 | Delivery Note: Delivery Note lines showing differently to Delivery | Bug | 2.1.0 | Some delivery notes are showing with extra lines as well as quantities that are not matching with the delivery in VD or the order in VW. | VSUP-6109, VSUP-6020, VSUP-5838 | No | No |
VDIST-883 | Delivery Charge: Total Delivery Charge is slightly lower than Delivery Area Charge | Bug | 2.1.0 | Delivery Area Charge is doing different rounding (or rounding at a different time) than the Total Deliver Charge. | VSUP-5728 | No | No |
VDIST-879 | Home order deliveries not updating to status O when added to a bulk pick | Bug | 2.1.0 | Home order deliveries added to a bulk pick are not getting updated from status P to O. | VSUP-5159 | No | No |
VDIST-878 | Depot Plan: F11 in Transport Item can open multiple tabs | Bug | 2.1.0 | When using F11 lookup in Depot Plan > (Right Hand Side) > Transport Item it keeps adding an additional search tab each time F11 is used. | VSUP-4919 | No | No |
VDIST-877 | Manual delivery - Vintage field read only | Bug | 2.1.0 | Creating a Delivery manually, the vintage field is showing as Read only | No | No | |
VDIST-874 | Transport Item Screen - Error when double clicking search results | Issue | 2.1.0 | When opening up the Transport Item result from the navigation search we're getting an 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object' error. This happens when the customer hasn't configured any vehicle types in the system, and the application needs this for the drop down menu. | No | No | |
VDIST-873 | VD - Invoice To Customer field on Deliveries changing | Bug | 2.0.4, 2.1.0 | When re-saving a re-delivery where the Invoice Customer does not match the Customer Ref on the delivery the Invoice Customer is reset to the Customer Ref, which can cause issues when the Customer Ref has a Transport Master account | VSUP-6054, VSUP-4653 | No | No |
VDIST-872 | Route Planning: Archived vehicles show in Transport Items screen | Bug | 2.0.4, 2.1.0 | When using Route Planning if a Transport Item is archived it is still showing in the Transport Items sections so can be added for Routing | VSUP-4687 | No | No |
VDIST-855 | Pallet charging - lines with 1 CPP | Issue | 2.0.4 | Delivery lines with 1 CPP are calculating 5 cases as 5 pallets for charging resulting in incorrect delivery charges. If the CPP is 0 or 1 then we'll use the system default for the calculation. It must be completely transparent to users how the invoice cases / invoice pallets / and total charge are calculated. | VSUP-6050 | No | No |
VDIST-853 | Apostrophe in Transport Item address field causes error. | Bug | 2.0.4, 2.1.0 | Trying to add an apostrophe or if one already exists in the address field of the Transport Item (on Vew/Edit Transport Item screen) causes an error that prevents editing that Transport Item. | VSUP-4109 | No | No |
VDIST-850 | VW to VDIST deliveries import job slowing system | Bug | 2.1.0 | When the deliveries import job runs (importing deliveries from VW into VDIST) it's locking the system for too long causing delays to VDIST users. | VSUP-3968 | No | No |
VDIST-849 | Epod delivery note: duplicate lines | Bug | 2.0.4 | When generating a POD from distribution, the emailed POD will contain duplicate order lines under certain circumstances. | No | No | |
VDIST-848 | Unscheduled Deliveries > Not showing details | Bug | 2.0.4 | Customer planned a tour for 61 deliveries however only 60/61 were planned, the final delivery was not planned and was not shown on the 'Unscheduled Deliveries' tab. | VSUP-3646 | No | No |
VDIST-847 | Manifests - did not print manifest and delivery note | Bug | 2.0.4, 2.1.0 | Manifests and delivery notes will not print if the manifest has been saved but not finalised and then manually despatched | No | No | |
VDIST-846 | Pick up Return - Epod options not updated | Bug | 2.1.0 | When a pick up return has been sent through EDI > Warehousing > Distribution, on the delivery that has been created the email options will not be ticked if required by the customer as per customer maintenance in Warehousing | No | No | |
VDIST-841 | Depot selection - Incorrect depot selected. | Bug | 2.1.0 | When a customer is set up to use pallet charges only and a depot specifically for the delivery area exists in distribution for pallet charging, it is not selecting the pallet depot as default. when the customer is using special rates | No | No | |
VDIST-840 | Invoice Cases field is not recalculated correctly on deliveries with multiple lines | Bug | 1.12.4, 2.1.0 | When there is more than one line on a delivery, the iCases field is not recalculated correctly when the number of Cases on a line is updated. Updating Disc/Surc % field suffers a similar issue. | VSUP-3684 | No | No |
VDIST-837 | Route planning with PR and PD delivery kinds | Improvement | 2.1.0 | We need to handle delivery kinds "Pickup & Return to Depot" and "Pickup & Delivery elsewhere" differently with the new route planning feature to make the planned routes more efficient. After this change, PRs and PDs will be treated as two part deliveries with the route engine automatically putting the pickup part ahead of the delivery part. Any pickups going back to the depot will treat the depot as an additional delivery point to the manifest and it'll plan the depot drop off for the most efficient point of the route. | No | No | |
VDIST-834 | Delivery Address: BMC error when Address lines have invalid characters | Bug | 2.0.4, 2.1.0 | If an order is keyed and comes over to VD with any invalid characters in any of the Address line fields a BMC error will be thrown when trying to open the delivery. | VSUP-5628, VSUP-4903, VSUP-3613 | No | No |
VDIST-833 | Route Planning - Using simple multi-select | Issue | 2.0.4, 2.1.0 | When clicking consignments or transport items it automatically selects the row and remembers it, it should be using a standard windows selection process like the new Depot Plan. | No | No | |
VDIST-831 | System performance | Bug | 2.0.4 | In the background, the delivery status is being updated too often an causing performance issues. | No | No | |
VDIST-830 | Route Planning: Issue when planning on a Friday | Bug | 2.0.4, 2.1.0 | When using the Route Plan to plan for the next week on a Friday, the plan creation process is not being completed correctly instead it is only manifesting the final tour created, the other manifests are created blank with no deliveries on them. | VSUP-3488 | No | No |
VDIST-826 | Route planning - Edit coordinates restriction | Improvement | 2.1.0 | We would like to restrict the access to the 'Edit coordinates' button used across all screens to certain user groups. | No | No | |
VDIST-825 | Delivery Kind PD > Depot Plan | Bug | 2.1.0 | Delivery Kind - PD is not showing up in the Depot Plan | VSUP-3580 | No | No |
VDIST-823 | Manifest - Delivery can be added to multiple manifests at the same time | Bug | 2.0.4, 2.1.0 | If a delivery is added to a manifest and the same delivery is then confirmed with a carrier it will allow for the delivery to be present on 2 manifests at the same time. | VSUP-3538 | No | No |
VDIST-821 | Deliveries on Hold screen - not checking whether Delivery has been picked. | Bug | 2.0.4, 2.1.0 | When all issues have been resolved on a Delivery in the Deliveries on Hold screen (for example 'Delivery area / depot / charge settings could not be derived from the post code entered' the Delivery should update to Status O when it has already been picked in VW. | VSUP-3415 | No | No |
VDIST-820 | Route planned manifests - report time | Bug | 2.0.4 | Any manifests created by the route planning engine are not having the 'Driver Report Time' set correctly. | No | ||
VDIST-817 | Route planning - Performance issues | Bug | 2.0.4 | When creating a routing plan and pressing accept plan, it can take up to 3 minutes before creating the manifests. | No | No | |
VDIST-816 | Costs Module Issues | Bug | 2.1.0 | Costs added to the delivery (on the Depot Plan screen) are not being save to the database and they should be. Costs added to the manifest do save correctly. | No | No | |
VDIST-815 | New Depot Plan: Slower than Old Depot Plan | Bug | 2.0.4, 2.1.0 | New Depot Plan is slower when Saving, Adding deliveries to manifests Removing Deliveries from manifests and periodic freezes during use. | VSUP-3365 | No | No |
VDIST-814 | New Depot Plan: Gaps left in manifest grid after deliveries removed. | Bug | 2.0.4, 2.1.0 | Gaps are left at the top of the list of deliveries left on a manifest after some deliveries removed. | VSUP-3365 | No | No |
VDIST-813 | New Depot Plan: Drag and drop delivery to different Depot not working. | Bug | 2.0.4 | Dragging and dropping a Delivery onto a different depot is not working on New Depot Plan screen. | VSUP-3365 | No | No |
VDIST-811 | Delivery status history | Bug | 2.0.4 | A history of delivery statuses is maintained in the back end of the system and this is filling up with duplicates. | No | No | |
VDIST-810 | Transport Item screen - Error when clicking Save button | Bug | 2.0.4 | Clicking Save button on Transport Item screen shows an error if system is not configured for routing in Vision Live. | VSUP-3405 | No | No |
VDIST-809 | Transport Item Screen - Error when clicking Save button | Bug | 2.0.4 | Clicking Save button on Transport Item screen throws an error if there are no Driver Regulations records. | VSUP-3405 | No | No |
VDIST-806 | Apostrophe in Delivery Address causes an error when opening the Delivery. | Bug | 2.0.4, 2.1.0 | An apostrophe entered in to the Delivery Address in VW causes an error when opening the Delivery in Vision Distribution. | VSUP-3360 | No | No |
VDIST-796 | Route planning - Coordinate retrieval for invalid addresses | Issue | 2.0.4 | When we have an invalid address, the system is currently repeatedly attempting to retrieve the coordinates and failing every time. This will be changed so that after it's been attempted once, it won't continue to try as it's the users responsibility to correct this from the held screen. | No | No | |
VDIST-795 | Route planning - coordinate retrieval stops | Bug | 2.0.3 | When an address such as "4, Langford Court" exists in the deliveries, when the service attempts to retrieve the coordinates it errors and stops working. | VSUP-6053, VSUP-6029 | No | No |
VDIST-792 | Change to the transport extract | Report | 2.0.0 | Need the Transport Extract to only have orders on it with deliveries that have been manifested and finalised. | RFC-226 | No | No |
VDIST-784 | Held Reasons not being deleted from tblDeliveryHeld | Issue | 2.0.0 | Deliveries are remaining 'on hold' even if the delivery address has been validated and the delivery has gone to 'O' | No | No | |
VDIST-783 | Address coordinate accuracy | Bug | 2.0.0 | Improvements to the accuracy of coordinates retrieved. | No | No | |
VDIST-782 | Route Planner Delivery Locks | Issue | 2.0.0 | The locks from the Route Planner screen are being deleted when the screen is shut. However, when a(nother) user opens the Route Planner, those deliveries that were left from the 'shutdown' user session are displayed without any locks ! | No | No | |
VDIST-773 | Route Planing - Deliveries Type | Issue | 2.0.0 | The Consignments section on the Route Planner shows the Deliveries as Non Conformance (Red), when you are searching all of the Types in the search criteria. | No | No | |
VDIST-766 | Delivery And Archive Delivery screens - hide route planning buttons for certain delivery statuses | Issue | 2.0.0 | Once a delivery has been sent out for delivery, there is no need to have access to the buttons associated with route planning | No | No | |
VDIST-764 | Map size | Issue | When opening the map from any screen, it currently opens as maximised by default. We sometimes have a grey area at the bottom which we want to avoid, so instead when opening the map from any screen, open the screen at a specific size, still allow the user to maximise if they wish. | No | No | ||
VDIST-728 | Site & depot screen issues | Issue | Various minor issues. | No | No | ||
VDIST-727 | Vehicle type screen issues | Issue | 2.1.1 | Various issues with the validation of fields in the vehicle type maintenance screen. | No | No |
Vision Distribution v2.1.0 (20/09/2017)
This release is primarily for integration with VW version 5.0 it will not work with prior versions of Warehousing
In addition the following bugs were resolved
VDIST-808 | Postcode lookup was not seeing some addresses when they belongs to a single company |
VDIST-800 | Palletforce FTP - Extract Issues |
VDIST-799 | Costs Module With the costs module set to on, and the Transport and Transport Item set to "each load will be individually priced" the costs box on the depot planning screen does not allow input of the cost information for the manifest. |
VDIST-798 | Costs Setup When setting up a transport or transport item and setting the Costs flag to All loads are individually priced the system produces an error "Unable to case object of type "System.Arguement.Exception" |
VDIST-794 | Carrier Plan → Error when opening. |
Vision Distribution v2.0.4 (10/08/2017)
There have been various small releases as part of the routing beta testing which was held with a customer, these will not be listed here as any customer getting v2 will automatically have v2.0.4 installed.
In addition the following other items were resolved
VDIST-716 - Transport extract was showing a BMC error when it was being run.
Vision Distribution v2.0 (10/07/2017)
UID | Summary | Issue Type | Affects Version/s | Description | Linked to | Configuration Needed | Licensed Module |
VDIST-747 | Unscanned POD report | Report | Currently when you run it, it reports on orders that are on a status R which are redeliveries Any orders which are being re-delivered should be removed from the outstanding report. | RFC-201 | No | No | |
VDIST-731 | VD - Delivery ETA View/report by exception | Report | Creating of a BI enquiry output to provide a list of deliveries which are outstanding and are not going to hit their planned deadline. | RFC-170 | No | No | |
VDIST-537 | Mapping & automated manifest planning | New Feature | This is a fully automated routing and planning system. This removes the need to manually plan vehicles. A demonstration of the capabilities is available. | Yes | Yes | ||
VDIST-709 | Held delivery reasons | Issue | 1.13.0 | No | No | ||
VDIST-706 | Deliveries import slowing VW | Issue | 1.13.3 | VDIST-700 continued with further improvements to the import speed. | No | No | |
VDIST-659 | Delivery Point Pricing > Delivery Point | Issue | 1.13.3 | When setting up Delivery Point pricing, there is a limit of 8 characters on the Delivery Point field. In VW on an Order the system allows for 30 characters in this field | VSUP-858 | No | No |
VDIST-759 | Route planning - Delivery date | Improvement | 2.0.0 | 1. Users want to be able to filter deliveries for a particular delivery date, this should be an optional filter shown at the top of the screen with no default date. 2. This is the date which should also be used when creating the manifests when clicking 'Accept Plan'. If it's empty, then we'll continue to use the current logic to set the date. | No | No | |
VDIST-752 | Route planning - additional columns | Improvement | 2.0.0 | Delivery instructions are not available in the new route planning screen and these are required. The column heading should be 'Inst' and should show an image in the row if delivery instructions exist, the image should have a tooltip showing the instructions. Do the same with the "Service Codes', display as 'Services' and show an image with a tooltip showing a list of the service codes for the delivery. In addition the 'Delivery Date' will be added. ...none of these need to be displayed by default, even if they could be added to the column chooser allowing users to add them in if they require. | No | No | |
VDIST-751 | Route planning - Multi selection & recalling | Improvement | 2.0.0 | 1) The following buttons will be added in between the consignments grids and transport items grids: > Move right selected records >> Move right all records < Move left selected records << Move left all records 2) In addition, items on the right side will be remembered, so if the user closes the screen and reopens it (or another user reopens it) then the transport items and consignments previously moved across will continue to show on the right side. | No | No | |
VDIST-748 | Deliveries - Addresses which don't validate | Improvement | 2.0.0 | If an address doesn't validate, users need to be able to either input the coordinates manually or push it through to the depot plan to be manually planned. | No | No | |
VDIST-737 | Delivery Instruction: Characters being cut off | Bug | 1.13.3 | Delivery Instructions are showing in VD missing certain characters despite all information being present in VW. This means that if the customer is using hybrid or VD Notes some characters are being omitted from the Delivery Instructions field in VD despite showing correctly in VW. | VSUP-2284 | No | No |
VDIST-730 | Delivery - Charges Tab | Bug | 1.13.0 | Clicking on Confirm Job with selected Transport not receiving email. | No | No | |
VDIST-725 | Palletforce FTP: Country code not following rules | Bug | 1.12.4 | As per Palletforce FTP spec [^Palletforce Alliance Manifest and Label Specification v2.6.3.pdf] field 24 should contain the country code but if it is for a UK collection then this should be blank. | No | No | |
VDIST-715 | Pickup & return to warehouse - saving | Bug | 1.13.3 | When creating a manual delivery if you select a delivery kind of pickup and return to warehouse then save, The delivery kind will change back to Delivery | No | No | |
VDIST-713 | Opening Archive Manifests - Error message | Bug | 1.13.3 | When opening an archived manifest an error is thrown | No | No | |
VDIST-698 | Unable to reduce delivery charge manually | Bug | 1.13.0 | Since upgrading to v1.13.0 users are unable to enter a minus figure in the 'Additional Charge' or 'Handling Charge' fields by using the keyboard. | No | No | |
VDIST-693 | Delivery not showing in VI | Bug | 1.13.3 | Issue noticed when having 2 deliveries that were marked as delivered via Scanned PODs. After the manifest was confirmed the status was left incorrect which has prevented the deliveries from being invoiced. | VSUP-1697 | No | No |
VDIST-692 | BMC Error - Response files | Bug | 1.13.3 | When processing response files from external carrier a BMC error is being thrown onto the screen, this is preventing the files from being processed and causing a hold up | VSUP-1624 | No | No |
VDIST-687 | Carrier Extract showing incorrect pallet quantity | Bug | 1.13.0 | When generating a carrier extract, the pallets at the end of each section is being incorrectly calculated | No | No | |
VDIST-685 | Delivery note - producing duplicate lines | Bug | 1.13.3 | Delivery note producing duplicate lines requires VD fixes (with this change) and VW fixes (logged in VW-2891). Caused when orders have more than 99 lines or EDI orders were received with LineNumber more than 99. The third character was not being considered basically so Line Number 1 was considered the same as 101. | VW-2891 | No | No |
VDIST-682 | haulier charge/quotation | Bug | 1.13.3 | When adding a haulier quotation to a delivery that already exists against a manifest, the delivery was being created against a second manifest. | VSUP-1253 | No | No |
VDIST-675 | Reason code with Create Return | Bug | 1.13.3 | When confirming a Delivery with problem code that requires a VD Return to be created, the return back to the Depot is not being created, this is happening with deliveries confirmed on the ePOD. | VSUP-1017 | No | No |
Vision Distribution v1.13.0 (13/12/2016) |
Limitations : This version also required ePOD v3.1.0 to be used which is due for release before 31/12/2016 |
Note : This version has been released with updates for the automated routing system which is being added to the system in Q1, 2017 (Known as VDIST v2). In addition anything marked as CONFIGURATION NEEDED on the list means that something has to be configured to make this work correctly, if it is not obvious or mentioned then please ask. |
UID | Summary | Issue Type | Affects Version/s | Description | Linked to | Configuration Needed | Licensed Module |
VDIST589 | Integration of the BI module | New Feature | The Business Intelligence module v1.0.6 is being added to Vision Distribution. | Yes | Yes | ||
VDIST585 | Service codes and service level codes | New Feature | Service codes and service level codes will be added to Vision Distribution. We can have multiple service codes against a delivery, but only a single delivery service code. Both will have a 3 character code and description. | Yes | No | ||
VDIST547 | Preparation for VDIST v2 | New Feature | Added the following new features : Driver start and end points Max daily driving time Max daily duty time Driving breaks (2 or 3 sets) If they have a pickup or return do they have to return to the depot option Transport item needs to be linked to a vehicle type Single man / double Vehcile types required (transit / small van) what they can carry weight / dimensions / cost per mile / emissions / total weight KG with full load / height etc Optimum number of drops per day Maximum number of drops per day / tolerance (if dropping 17 and the 19th is close we can include) | Yes | Yes | ||
VDIST663 | Removal of pallet number / locators | Improvement | Pallet number / locators are not being removed when deliveries are archived and this can slow down the system for example when opening deliveries. | No | No | ||
VDIST638 | Change delivery field labels | Improvement | Any screens where we have multiple fields representing a delivery address will be modified slightly by adding labels to the left of the fields to aid users in inputting the correct information for each field. This will help provide more accurate location of the addresses with the work being provided in v2 and the automated route planning. | No | No | ||
VDIST636 | Carrier Extract - Additional Fields | Improvement | The following fields are to be added to the standard carrier csv extract Total Pallets / Cases / Singles Delivery times to and from (both sets) - 4 fields Manifest number Customer code Contact number Contact Name Total Weight DriverCode Collection Depot Name Collection Depot Postcode | RFC-34 | No | No | |
VDIST600 | ARC - Box too small | Improvement | On the delivery screen, make the ARC box a little bit bigger, as it doesn't currently fit the entire ARC in. | No | No | ||
VDIST590 | Client application login version check | Improvement | When logging in to the application, it compares it's version number to the server version, if they do not match then the user is not allowed to log in. Version numbers are currently: x.y.z x - Incremented on a major release y - Incremented on an improvement release z - Incremented on a bug fix release With this change, version numbers will be changed to also allow the following format: x.y.z.s x - Incremented on a major release y - Incremented on an improvement release z - Incremented on a bug fix release s - Incremented on a bug fix release, where an application release is not necessary, and only simple changes to the server side are necessary. This will allow us more flexibility in issuing some server side fixes more quickly to customer systems, meaning that the customer does not always have to update their local / terminal server installations. | No | No | ||
VDIST584 | Depot Plan Screen - New grids | Improvement | The screen will be updated to use the latest grids, allowing users to customise which columns they want to see which they want hidden. This is similar to the work recently done in the Vision Warehousing 'Picking' screen. | No | No | ||
VDIST573 | Speed Issue - Index created | Improvement | Creation of a database index to speed up the saving of orders in VW. | No | No | ||
VDIST566 | VW update status audit | Improvement | To prepare for upcoming automated routing and mapping changes, a new delivery audit is required to monitor when the delivery creation and status O updates are received from VW. This is a back end change which users will not notice. See [^VDIST-566_v2.docx] for more details. | No | No | ||
VDIST559 | Storage of full depot address | Improvement | Store the full depot address, not just the post code, for features coming in the next version. | Yes | No | ||
VDIST556 | Held deliveries | Improvement | Improvements to the held deliveries process to have a list of predefined held reasons which we link to when holding deliveries, users will not notice anything different with this change as this is mainly back end changes. See [^VDIST-556_v2.docx] for detailed specification. | No | No | ||
VDIST549 | Distribution - Haulier Income Report | Improvement | A new report is needed which will provide information on all status I deliveries which will enable the user to produce a report showing the income that those will generate. As this is used to pay drivers it should really be an extract which marks the record as extracted when the extract takes place so that it can not be extracted a second time. There also needs to be the ability to record the extract and be able to see when this was done and get a copy of the older extract. It is extremely important that a delivery does not appear on the report twice. | MGU-803-14128 | No | No | |
VDIST548 | Delivery Form - Redesign | Improvement | Backend recoding of the delivery form to prepare for v2 changes. | No | No | ||
VDIST528 | Version Control - Automated Updated | Improvement | Changes need to be made to the back end of the system in preparation for more automated upgrades which are due in 2017 | No | No | ||
VDIST662 | Location duplication | Bug | Pallet number / locators are somtimes duplicating when importing EDI orders from VW into VD, when orders are saved with multiple lines sharing the same 'Line No'. | No | No | ||
VDIST648 | Manifet - Same Delivery on two | Bug | 1.12.4 | Users are able to add a single delivery onto 2 different manifests this can cause issues due to manifests being confirmed at different times and changing the delivery status incorrectly | VSUP-596 | No | No |
VDIST646 | Merge Charges - With discounts | Bug | 1.12.4 | Merging deliveries that have a discount against the lines on the deliveries is taking the pre-discounted total number of invoice cases instead of the discounted total. This means the deliveries are being under charged. | VSUP-601 | No | No |
VDIST645 | Addition Charge - Zero main charges | Bug | 1.12.4 | If you use Additional Charge on deliveries after using Batch Merge charging, the Invoice Cases and Total Charge are zeroed. | VSUP-591 | No | No |
VDIST644 | Updating - Save button | Bug | When amending Delivery Area Charges in VDist, the user has to click the save button twice for the new charges to be committed to the order. This looks to happen with both Deliveries keyed straight into VDist as well as deliveries that have come over from VW. | VSUP-453 | No | No | |
VDIST633 | ARC Not Loading - Status issue | Bug | 1.12.4 | If an Underbond Order is Pick Confirmed and gets the ARC from HMRC before the Delivery is updated to Status O the Delivery status is updated but the ARC details are not. | VSUP-186 | No | No |
VDIST598 | Postcode address search | Bug | The postcode results are displaying incorrectly when there are multiple companies, and the results are populated into the delivery address fields incorrectly in this scenario too. | No | No | ||
VDIST596 | Delivery Times causing error | Bug | Customer has an issue when running the Performance Report in VD, they are receiving an BMC Internal application error. This looks to be caused by blank values in the EarliestTime* and LatestTime* fields. | YGG-977-71519 | No | No | |
VDIST595 | Country Code missing in VD | Bug | Country Code on Order that does not exist in VD caused VW to VD Import Job to fail. Deliveries were not being created. | PXV-575-13947 | No | No |
Vision Distribution v1.12.4 (10/08/2016) |
This is a bug release, if you have v1.12 you are advised to install this straight to live as soon as possible. |
UID | Issue Type | Summary | Fusion UID |
VDIST593 | Bug | Changing Delivery Kind - Postcode Issues on Create Delivery Screen | |
VDIST587 | Bug | Column lengths need to be extended to allow data to import correctly for transport report. | IUZ-913-90747 |
VDIST586 | Issue | Post code F11 search in depot maintenance was not working | |
VDIST583 | Issue | Reports - Carrier and POD - Renamed to make more sense Carrier Income Reports by
| |
VDIST580 | Bug | Orders with an override charge band and multiple lines causing the VW > VD job to fail | |
VDIST579 | Bug | Delivery area reverts after user manually changes | UCN-827-54754 |
VDIST578 | Bug | Unable to print delivery note from VD | JNW-196-84927 |
VDIST577 | Bug | Delivery navigation search, by product / rotation | SWG-639-92477 |
VDIST576 | Bug | Exp Del Date field jumping forward when editing | TNE-783-60103 |
VDIST572 | Bug | Address lines from post code lookup not populating fully / correctly |
Vision Distribution v1.12.3 (10/06/2016) |
Key | Summary | Issue Type | Affects Version/s | Fix Version/s | FusionUID | Apply License | System Config Option | Description |
VDIST575 | Manifest note print issues | Issue | 1.12.1 | 1.12.3 | TKW-492-14840 | No | No | VDIST-522 in v1.12.1 stopped the automatic duplicate printout of manifests when finalising. Unfortunately this introduced other issues: a. If no VW order is put on to a manifest, the manifest will never print, there is no way for users to get the note off b. If users change the carrier to a haulier for example, due to the vehicle being overweight, there's no way to print off a new manifest with the new details c. If the manifest is destroyed or lost, there is no way to generate a copy As such a 'Print Manifest' button will be added to the load screen allowing users to reprint the manifest copies ONLY after the manifest is finalised and before departure (i.e. Status O) |
VDIST574 | Unable to load Archive Delivery | Bug | 1.12.2 | 1.12.3 | FQS-208-93265 | No | No | Customer is unable to open any deliveries that have been archived. This looks to have been caused by changes made under VDIST-550. An error is returned. |
Vision Distribution v1.12.2 (31/05/2016) |
Key | Summary | Issue Type | Affects Version/s | Fix Version/s | FusionUID | Apply License | System Config | Description |
VDIST567 | External carrier quotation email picking up incorrect information | Bug | 1.12.1 | 1.12.2 | LKR-310-97563 | No | No | Customer requested a quotation from external carrier, for delivery kind "Pickup and return to warehouse", requesting a pick up from a 3rd party location and delivery back to the warehouse. However the quotation email came out incorrectly, it picked up the depot as the collection and the 3rd party as the delivery area. |
VDIST557 | Orders intermittently creating multiple deliveries when Data is pulled from VW | Bug | 1.12.2 | JBW-714-82671 | No | No | Orders are sometimes creating multiple deliveries when Data is pulled from VW, a potential cause has been linked to the unpick feature in VW, some potential fixes have been made to the VW > VD job and also the unpick feature in VD. |
Vision Distribution v1.12.1 (09/05/2016) |
Key | Summary | Issue Type | Affects Version/s | Fix Version/s | FusionUID | Apply License | System Config | Release Notes |
VDIST553 | Manual Delivery - Invoice Customer | Bug | 1.12.1 | 1.12.1 | No | No | Invoice customer was changing to site code when manual delivery is saved | |
VDIST552 | Quotations - Confirming before being picked | Bug | 1.12.1 | No | No | Users should not be able to click 'Confirm Job with selected Carrier' until the order is picked. In this scenario, some text should appear next to the button stating "Order awaiting pick". If the delivery did not originate from the warehouse system, then the button can be clicked. | ||
VDIST550 | Saving Order - Replaces Charge band | Bug | 1.12.1 | DPB-395-38476 | No | No | If an order has an over-ride charge band in VW, if the delivery needs to be resaved in VD, it removes the over-ride charge band and inserts the default for the postcode | |
VDIST526 | Manifest Printing | Bug | 1.11.0, 1.12.0 | 1.12.1 | IYI-970-95651 | No | No | Manifests are showing in Drop Order on the screen correctly however when the manifest is printed, the deliveries are not showing in drop order. This only looks to be affecting manifests that have over 10 deliveries. |
VDIST524 | Pallet Charging - CPP | Bug | 1.12.1 | No | No | When customers are using pallet charging, we've found that the system is always using the default cases per pallet instead of using the actual cases per pallet, resulting in the charges being calculated incorrectly. | ||
VDIST523 | Manifest - Cancellation | Bug | 1.12.1 | FJH-762-68719 | No | No | If a manifest is cancelled and still has outstanding deliveries on it, you cannot then do anything with the deliveries to remanifest them | |
VDIST522 | Manifest Printing - Duplicate | Issue | 1.12.1 | No | No | When depot printing is enabled (manfiests and delivery notes print automatically when ready, by the background 'VD Print Service'), when a user finalises the manifest, it prints an extra copy which isn't necessary. | ||
VDIST521 | Order Date Field search | Issue | 1.12.1 | EDQ-293-27338 | No | No | When an order is manually created it gives a time stamp on the order date as well as a date. When trying to search for these deliveries in the navigation using either only the date or the whole date time, it does not retrieve these deliveries | |
VDIST520 | Manual deliveries have the wrong CPP | Bug | 1.12.1 | No | No | Manual deliveries are being populated with the incorrect CPP against the lines, it's defaulting to the system default CPP instead of coming from the product record. | ||
VDIST518 | Delivery Name field length - labels | Bug | 1.12.1 | TKC-965-55327 | No | No | Noticed on customer's system if a delivery has a DeliveryName that is longer than 30 characters when opening certain deliveries the below error will occur Error loading requested label details String or binary data would be truncated The statement has been terminated This looks to be caused by the field being too long for one of the procedures when opening the delivery | |
VDIST517 | CPP from VW | Issue | 1.12.1 | No | No | Cases per pallet are not being put into the delivery details when importing deliveries from VW. | ||
VDIST516 | Data field length consistency - across all Vision Suite | Issue | 1.12.1 | No | No | Need to make changes in Distribution to accommodate the following field lengths OrderRef 8 -> 30 CustomerOrderRef 6 -> 30 AgentName and Address -> 50 Delivery Name and Address -> 50 | ||
VDIST515 | F11 for Driver Code - multiple results windows | Issue | 1.12.0 | 1.12.1 | No | No | When using the F11 lookup on a Driver Code for a manifest multiple search results windows are brought up. This does not affect the system overly however it does look untidy. | |
VDIST514 | Error Message - Saving when not allowed to see income | Bug | 1.12.1 | No | No | If a user with 'Show Income' disabled against their user profile, tries to open an unpicked delivery and saves it immediately, after any informational messages are accepted, they're shown a message: This causes two bindings in the collection to bind to the same property. Parameter name: binding | ||
VDIST512 | Delivery Notes are not showing if quantities match | Bug | 1.12.1 | BLV-573-70240 | No | No | Noticed by customer when an order has 2 lines for the same quantity or 1 line has the same quantity picked from multiple locations. The Pick Note, the VW application and the VD application show the correct numbers of lines and the correct quantity of stock, however when printing the Delivery Note only one of the lines is being shown. | |
VDIST511 | VW > VD delivery update job slow | Issue | 1.12.1 | No | No | The job which takes orders and picks from VW to VD has been running for too long since a customer upgraded their system to VW 4.2.x. | ||
VDIST510 | Delivery time not showing in manifest screen | Bug | 1.10.3 | 1.12.1 | MLQ-335-44350 | No | No | When orders are placed in VW with only 1 set of delivery times, the time is not showing in the Depot Plan Screen in VD e.g. Place 3 orders in VW 1st - do not specify delivery times 2nd - Only specify the 1st set of delivery times 3rd - Specify both delivery times When they are pick and pick confirmed they will appear in the Depot plan manifest screen Only the order with both delivery times specified will show the Del Times in the manifest screen. |
Vision Distribution v1.12.0 (20/01/2016) |
Key | Summary | Issue Type | Affects Version/s | Fix Version/s | FusionUID | Apply License | System Config | Release Notes |
VDIST506 | Delivery Note Slow when linked to VW | Bug | 1.12.0 | NTJ-729-80923 | No | No | The system has a setting which defines if it's linked with Vision Warehousing or not, when this is set to linked with VW it's taking a very long time to print delivery notes. Speed has been improved | |
VDIST499 | Merging Delivery Charges when postcodes not the same | Bug | 1.12.0 | TTC-552-86719 | No | No | If drivers merge deliveries with different post codes on to the same drop, this causes problems later on down the line when the data comes over to invoicing. Although the invoice totals are correct, deliveries are not showing on the face of the invoice. | |
VDIST498 | Background changes | Improvement | 1.12.0 | No | No | Changes for Ontech support. to see why a manifest isn't automatically printing, more precise than the current user screen, changes planned later to introduce these changes to the user screen. | ||
VDIST495 | VW to VD Update - Speed | Issue | 1.10.3 | 1.12.0 | HBV-511-35437 | No | No | The job typically runs every 15 minutes, and can last from seconds to 2 or 3 minutes. During this time, users have complained that VD runs much slower than usual. |
VDIST494 | New Carrier Plan Service Codes for APC | Improvement | 1.12.0 | EGT-312-17883 | No | No | New carrier plan Service codes are being added into VDIST for APC. The new service codes are: LD09: Liquid 0900 LD10 Liquid 1000 LD12 Liquid 1200 LD16 Liquid 1600 | |
VDIST492 | Order for delivery abroad marked as collection however coming through as delivery | Bug | 1.10.3, 1.12.0 | 1.12.0 | OSP-688-66404 | No | No | Customer had an order come through from EDI into VW marked as a collection, however the delivery data pulled into the order from VDist has marked it as a Delivery. The Order was for Ireland, looking in tblCountry in VDist, country code IE is set up with a delivery area of EIRE, this would normally be correct however the fact it is marked as a collection should override the delivery details. |
VDIST491 | Road Runner Extract exporting incorrect Document | Bug | 1.12.0 | HCT-711-35484 | No | No | Road Runner Carrier extract is not exporting the correct document | |
VDIST489 | Increase the length of the VAT number field | Issue | 1.12.0 | No | No | The current length of the VAT number field is 10 characters, this will be increased to 20 characters which will cover all countries. | ||
VDIST488 | Transport Invoice totals can be slightly different between reports. | Bug | 1.10.3 | 1.12.0 | UOM-819-68573 | No | No | Round merged delivery charges to avoid slight differences in the Transport Invoice totals between PDF/SageImport and CSV |
VDIST486 | Archive delivery > Charges tab error | Bug | 1.12.0 | RTT-110-99460 | No | No | When the customer selects the charges tab on archived deliveries, VD throws an unhandled exception error. | |
VDIST484 | Formatting of carrier extract is incorrect due to hidden characters | Bug | 1.10.3, 1.11.0 | 1.12.0 | YWX-848-53360 | No | No | Formatting of the carrier extracts is incorrect due to hidden characters IE line feeds in the delivery instructions coming over from EDI files |
VDIST483 | Manually created deliveries and collections input a confirmed delivery date | Bug | 1.10.3, 1.12.0 | 1.12.0 | SGT-468-23250 | No | No | A confirmed delivery date is automatically entered on a manually entered a delivery or collection into VD, even though the delivery has not been processed. This is causing issues on the POD extract as this looks for deliveries where the confirmed delivery date is not null |
VDIST481 | Delivery Instructions partially revert after change when Saved | Bug | 1.10.3, 1.11.0 | 1.12.0 | GGG-577-78095 | No | No | Text removed from Delivery Instructions are added back on to the end of the text when Save is clicked on the Delivery. |
VDIST480 | Re-Deliveries are created without the Country | Bug | 1.10.0, 1.10.1, 1.10.2, 1.10.3, 1.11.0 | 1.12.0 | BRI-152-82713 | No | No | The country field has been added when a redelivery occurs |
VDIST479 | Today Overview, when double clicking on a manifest throws an error | Bug | 1.10.3, 1.11.0 | 1.12.0 | WFW-161-87688 | No | No | Today Overview, when double clicking on a manifest throws an error "Column 'Load Status' does not belong to table tblLoad" |
VDIST478 | Carrier Extract error | Bug | 1.10.3 | 1.12.0 | No | No | When using the ‘Maintenance’ > Carrier Extract, and click the ‘Extract’ button in the grid, it provides an error (attached). | |
VDIST476 | Post code lookup from Vision Live | Improvement | 1.12.0 | No | No | The post code lookup will now come from the Vision Live web service to retrieve the latest post code address data. | ||
VDIST474 | Improvements to the delivery type | Improvement | 1.12.0 | No | No | When saving a PD currently, the user is shown the DELIVERY part. The PICKUP part is created in the background. Changes required: - If a user opens the 'Pickup' delivery, all controls will be read only. However on the first tab, in the top right of the screen there's a group box 'Status', we will have a new button which will ONLY show when there is a linked delivery, it will read 'Open Master Delivery'. Basically we're restricting changes to ONLY the delivery record as this is the warehouse ! - After the PD is saved, the Delivery type will become read only. If the user wants to change the delivery type, they will have to cancel the delivery (which will in turn cancel the pickup automatically), and create a new delivery record manually. | ||
VDIST471 | Currency management decimal places | Issue | 1.12.0 | No | No | The currency management screen shows exchange rates up to 6 decimal places, but when the exchange rate is clicked, or edited, the screen is incorrectly rounding this to 2. | ||
VDIST470 | Viewing pending deliveries in the load & depot plan | Issue | 1.12.0 | No | No | A new column which should be hidden seems to have crept in which needs to be hidden, plus the Delivery Type code needs to be shown on screen as the first column. | ||
VDIST469 | Pickup and deliveries charging for both | Issue | 1.12.0 | No | No | In a recent version the 'Delivery Kind' was introduced, so now we have Delivery, Pickup & Delivery elsewhere, and Pickup and return to warehouse. For everything other than 'Delivery', when saved, two deliveries are created, one for the pickup part, and another one for the delivery. The problem here is that both are being charged individually which not every customer will want to do. | ||
VDIST468 | Country maintenance screen / search required | Improvement | 1.12.0 | No | No | In VD 1.11.x, the system was opened up to cater for worldwide deliveries. The country maintenance screen was not created however, with this change we will create a navigation search and a new maintenance > create menu for the country data. | ||
VDIST466 | Using a pre saved system delivery address on a delivery | Issue | 1.12.0 | No | No | After entering the system delivery address code, which contains a delivery name, the red exclamation mark symbol flashes reporting that the delivery name is mandatory even though it's already populated. | ||
VDIST465 | Creating a pickup and delivery, then raising a quotation | Bug | 1.12.0 | No | No | When creating a delivery, if you select 'Pickup & deliver', enter all information, and then continue to the charges, enter your quotation carriers and request the quote, and save the delivery, the delivery is saved (for the delivery part) and another delivery record also saved (for the pickup part). The problem is that the quotation is stored against the delivery record, and not against the pickup and delivery record, as such, the quotation emails that are sent out contain the wrong collection address. | ||
VDIST462 | Error message when searching for a manifest | Bug | 1.10.3, 1.11.0 | 1.12.0 | ABB-376-62539 | No | No | When searching for an outstanding manifest from the navigation screen, you get a message asking if you want to save changes, but there is no manifest on the screen On clicking yes you get an error that there is no driver code, again there is no manifest on the screen. On clicking ok, it brings up the manifest where you can see that there is a driver code |
VDIST461 | Entering a booked date does not clear the order from 'Deliveries on hold' | Bug | 1.12.0 | No | No | After using the 'Awaiting Booking' screen to enter a booked date for a delivery, it disappears from this screen, but remains in the 'Deliveries on Hold' screen reporting the reason 'Awaiting Booking'. | ||
VDIST446 | Integration with Palletforce | New Feature | 1.12.0 | NBY-929-74928 | No | No | To create a new extract file in the Palletforce format to allow customers to send electronic deliveries to the carrier and to print labels off from the carrier's online label printing system. A link to an online delivery tracking service will also be provided from the distribution system. | |
VDIST398 | Delivery Notes Print prior to ARC Warning | Improvement | 1.12.0 | YCM-787-79163 | No | No | This work involved both VW and VD to make improvements to both processes. VDist - requires warning if the note is force printed prior to picking confirmation and/or ARC generation - such notes produced will be discretely marked so we can tell that its been a forced print following a warning. VWarehousing see VW-1624 - this will depend whether depot printing is enable, but even with depot printing this is still needed for the production of collection notes ; to that end if depot printing is enabled the print box will have a message warning the user that this option should not be used when depot printing is on; and if depot printing is off or a collection note then the warning will be the check about confirmed picked or ARC; again the notes will be discretely marked to show that this is a forced print. | |
VDIST392 | Using the invoice customer for charge calculations | Improvement | 1.12.0 | No | No | After an internal discussion about how a new Vision customer could charge case charges to their 'pallet charge only customers', it was decided that the best way to do this would be to create a seperate customer account for the customer, one which is for case charging only, and by the user changing the 'Invoice TO Customer' on the order, it would then pick up the case charge. We need to change the VD Delivery form, and the VW > VD process, to use the invoice customer / invoice customer site code (if it's available) instead of the delivery customer. |
Vision Distribution v1.11.0 (08/09/2015) |
Key | Summary | Issue Type | Affects Version/s | Fix Version/s | Release | FusionUID | Apply License | System Config |
VD413 | Simplify the use of the pickup / collect from 3rd party tickboxes and changes to the delivery point address | New Feature | 1.11.0 | Keying of 'Pickups' or 'Collect from 3rd Party and Direct Delivery' style deliveries are not very user friendly and the work done in this issue will resolve this, and at the same time add the missing features for the '3rd Party and Direct Delivery' to make this work. | No | No | ||
VD412 | ARC visibility in VD | New Feature | 1.11.0 | Allow users to see the ARC in the delivery screen and allow them to input an ARC in the navigation search and to retrieve any matching deliveries. | No | No | ||
VD407 | Stored addresses for easy retrieval on manually keyed deliveries | New Feature | 1.11.0 | There is a delivery and collection address on the delivery form, this change is to enhance that to allow users to enter an address code which will populate the entire address for them. This will require a new area within the system to allow the addresses to be set up. | No | No |
Vision Distribution v1.10.3 (22/07/2015) |
Key | Summary | Issue Type | Affects Version/s | Fix Version/s | FusionUID | Apply License | System Option | Release Notes |
VDIST-442 | Customer specific template additions | Improvement | 1.10.3 | No | No | New customer report added | ||
VDIST-441 | Orders with invalid post codes | Issue | 1.10.3 | No | No | Orders with invalid postcodes were not showing when being imported into VD from VW v4.1, they just appear to vanish to users because the deliveries having no postcode can not obtain a valid delivery depot. These should be showing in the Deliveries on Hold screen with an appropriate reason, until the VD user corrects the depot and then it will show on the load / depot plan screens. | ||
VDIST-429 | Manifest with cancelled delivery on will not print | Bug | 1.9.0, 1.10.3 | 1.10.3 | SNF-438-53596 | No | No | If a manifest has a delivery on it that has been cancelled the manifest will not print, the DeliveryStatus is showing as X which makes it invisible to the user. Procedure changed to allow these to print |
VDIST-427 | Carrier Extract report titled incorrectly | Issue | 1.10.3 | 1.10.3 | No | No | When sending the carrier extract std extract and RR extract have the incorrect names | |
VDIST-426 | Depot Planning - Booked Date | Issue | 1.10.3 | No | No | On the depot plan screen the booked date field will be shown on the left and right sides (without the year), and when saving the manifest it will check if there are any deliveries with a booked date which doesn't match the manifest planned delivery date and prompt the user if they're sure they want to continue. | ||
VDIST-425 | Process Unscanned POD report | Improvement | 1.10.2 | 1.10.3 | No | No | 1. If all deliveries/collections selected, there is no way of knowing which delivery area they are for. so we will show the delivery area as the last column in the report. 2. Report to be renamed to Unscanned POD report | |
VDIST-424 | Issues on Carrier Driver Detail report | Issue | 1.10.3 | 1.10.3 | No | No | 1. The list on the left hand side of the screen shows the pkcarrier rather than the carrier name. This is caused by the grouping in the report. 2. If you double click on a driver name, the report does not change, it still shows all the drivers on the same report. To fix this, remove the carrier driver grouping in the crystal report, it's not necessary. There will be no physical change other than speed up. 3. The wording on the bottom of the report is a little confusing as you have no option to exclude loads are not yet confirmed. Change it to "The information in this report can change if you run it and planned loads are included which are not yet confirmed delivered" | |
VDIST-423 | Charges not merging correctly | Bug | 1.10.3 | FIU-102-73777 | No | No | When orders are placed in VW, they will be accepted by VD without the space in the middle of the postcode. The delivery area and charge bands are picked up correctly, but when merging the charges it did not correctly pick up the merged charge. | |
VDIST-422 | Changing the delivery charge currency | Bug | 1.10.3 | No | No | When clicking the delivery charge currency, a new screen opens, this is not not recalculating the 'New Charge' using the existing 'Total Charge', it's using the 'Delivery Area Charge'. It should be taking the existing 'Total Charge' for the calculation. Also, the New Charge should be shown to 2 decimal places, and it should be rounding up to the nearest penny when doing the calculation. | ||
VDIST-421 | Collection confirmation screen | Bug | 1.10.3 | 1.10.3 | No | No | Cannot open the collection confirmation screen in test server as an error is displayed. | |
VDIST-420 | Clicking the 3x quotation buttons does not save the user entered data | Bug | 1.10.3 | No | No | The data saved in 'Total Charge' or 'Cost' fields do not get saved when clicking any of the 3x buttons underneath the quotations grid in the charges tab. | ||
VDIST-419 | User Depot in User Maintenance | Issue | 1.10.3 | 1.10.3 | No | No | When tabbing off the Default site code column in the user depot section, it brings through a new line for depot code WF it should now be doing nothing | |
VDIST-418 | Delivery - Despatch - Batch Items | Bug | 1.10.2 | 1.10.3 | No | No | When creating a manifest through Depot Plan, if you then want to manually despatch it, it does not merge the charges The 'Batch' button on the screen has never taken any notice of the 'Drop Number' field, as this is a recently new way of working but it seems that it is now using the drop number field to determine what can be merged. If the users have called the merge procedure from the 'batch' button, then it should be ignoring the drop number completely when merging, as the user should be able to over ride this. | |
VDIST-417 | ETA Calculations | Bug | 1.10.3 | No | No | ETA calculation still not using delivery depot post code as the starting point, this field has been added to the depot input and will be used. | ||
VDIST-416 | Min charge recalculates inconsistently when opening and saving a delivery | Bug | 1.10.2 | 1.10.3 | No | No | When an order is created in VW and sent over to VD it calculates the min charge. If there is a min line charge and a min overall charge, it appears to recalculate which min charge to use if you open the delivery and resave. | |
VDIST-415 | Return / redelivery issues causing the charge merge process to not work | Bug | 1.10.3 | No | No | If a delivery is failed and a return and redelivery is created in VD, the data is not populating correctly in the database. 1) When the return and recreated delivery are created in the database, the FKInvoiceToCustomerSite is null, it is not picking up the details from the original delivery - this then causes merge charging to not work 2) If the original order is a mix of cases and singles, when the return record is created it ignores the singles when calculating the physical cases and invoice cases column, the recreated delivery does show the correct data. | ||
VDIST-414 | Delivery Note quantities showing incorrectly when mismatch between FKOrderDetail + FKStockPickDetail | Bug | 1.9.1 | 1.10.3 | GNF-780-48365 | No | No | occasionally delivery detail records are being imported in with a mismatch between FKStockPickDetail + FKOrderDetail when compared to VW. |
VDIST-406 | Error when overriding the total charge on a delivery abroad | Bug | 1.10.3 | No | No | When doing for example a delivery to the Netherlands and you don't have the charge structure set up in VD because you're using the quoting system with individually priced deliveries, when clicking the currency on the 'Charges' tab to input the customer charge, it gives us a 'Attempted to divide by zero' error when tabbing out of the 'New Charge' field. | ||
VDIST-405 | Manual delivery - collection date | Issue | 1.10.2 | 1.10.3 | No | No | In 3rd Party Collection Point, you can enter a collection date. After you click close, if you then want to change the collection date, when you click on the arrow, you get an unhandled exception error - Objection cannot be cast from DBNull to other types. You can click continue and change the date but you get this error every time | |
VDIST-404 | Delivery instructions allows unlimited characters | Issue | 1.10.2 | 1.10.3 | No | No | The delivery instructions are now contained within 1 box rather than 4 lines. You can enter an unlimited amount of characters in this box, but when you save the delivery and check tbldelivery, it will only save 300 characters split across the 4 delivery instruction columns. It should be limited to 120 | |
VDIST-403 | Issues with charge band when manually creating a delivery | Bug | 1.10.2 | 1.10.3 | No | No | Once you have input a postcode and the routing & charging section has been populated, if you change the charge band, and then change the delivery depot, the delivery area and charge band columns blank out, but you cannot reinput the data, as soon as you tab off the column it blanks out again, and gives a warning that you need to input a valid delivery area | |
VDIST-402 | Delivery Screen F11 search results minimises | Issue | 1.10.2 | 1.10.3 | No | No | When in create delivery screen, on the lines tab, when you press F11 in product code, it brings up the search results as usual at the bottom of the screen, but it instantly minimises the results, so you have click on them to select one | |
VDIST-401 | Problems when using the discount / surcharge field on a manually created delivery | Bug | 1.10.2 | 1.10.3 | No | No | When you create a manual delivery and enter a disc/surc amount, it does not calculate correctly 1) if you input 50 for 50% it changes to 5000 You have to input 0.5 for 50% 2) On the charges tab the invoice cases will calculate incorrectly as well If you enter 2 cases on the lines tab, and then 50% discount (5000), the invoice cases changes to 3, if you set disc back to 0.5 it does not change the invoice cases If you enter 0.5 disc first, the invoice cases stays at 2, whereas it should reduce to 1 case as it is a 50% discount. | |
VDIST-400 | Getting Error “No printers are installed” / ” BusinessObjects.Licensing.KeycodeDecoder.dll, cannot be loaded” in Vision distribution Print Service | Bug | 1.10.2 | 1.10.3 | No | No | The Vision distribution Print service is logging two errors as below in the event log. 1.The description for Event ID 4353 from source Crystal Reports cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer. If the event originated on another computer, the display information had to be saved with the event. The following information was included with the event: The keycode assembly, BusinessObjects.Licensing.KeycodeDecoder.dll, cannot be loaded. The message resource is present but the message is not found in the string/message table 2. Failed to print manifest: 535700 No printers are installed. | |
VDIST-399 | Various minor issues with "Delivery Point Pricing" records | Bug | 1.10.2 | 1.10.3 | No | No | 1) When creating a new Delivery point pricing - F11 on Case band or pallet band, select a charge band and an error appears - 'Column area band code does not belong to table area band' 2) Select an already created delivery point pricing and the customer code disappears when clicking in another column. This is not happening on all of them - Try customer WRA on waterloo 3) Navigation pane on delivery point pricing - delivery point is showing as deliveyr | |
VDIST-397 | Creating new charge band - data not saved | Bug | 1.10.2 | 1.10.3 | No | No | 1) When you create a new charge band and save it, it removes the top line of the charges a. Enter all the charge band details b. Enter 2 or more lines of charge band charges c. Save d. The charge band saves but it removes the first line of the charge band charge 2) The tabbing order is incorrect, it does not move along the line in order 3) If you create a new charge band and save, when you go to create another new one, it will have saved the charge from the previous one you set up | |
VDIST-396 | Confirming Job with selected carrier in quotation system | Bug | 1.10.3 | No | No | Doesn't set the delivery status to O, leaves as P. |
Vision Distribution v1.10.2 (25/03/2015)
Key | Summary | Issue Type | Affects Version/s | Fix Version/s | FusionUID | Apply License | System Config | Release Notes |
VD391 | Delivery Note showing incorrect quantities when printed before Pick | Bug | 1.10.1 | 1.10.2 | No | No | When printing a Delivery Note from VD for an Order that has NOT been picked, the lines are multiplied by the number of lines there are on the order (ie a 5 line order will show a 25 line delivery note incorrectly) this looks to be happening on all Delivery Notes from VDist, customer normally prints from VW. The Order in VW shows the correct number of lines as does the Delivery in VD. Once the order is Picked and VD has been updated, a further delivery note can be printed and that shows the correct values. This can be recreated every time on test using the following: 1 - Place order on VW with MULTIPLE lines, but DO NOT pick 2 - Run import job to get data over to VD 3 - In VD go to the delivery and note it is at status P 4 - Click the Print DNote button and print off the Delivery Note 5 - There will be extra lines that have random amounts on them. 6 - Pick the Order in VW. 7 - Run the VD import job again 8 - Go back to the Delivery in VD and note that it will be at status O. 9 - Print off the Delivery Note again from VD and there will be the correct number of lines and the correct values. | |
VD389 | Post codes cut off in Depot Plan | Bug | 1.9.1, 1.10.1 | 1.10.2 | No | No | Depot Plan\ManifestView\DeliveryLines - PostCode field is very slightly too narrow (by perhaps 2-3 pixels). If you have a post code with several wide characters like 'SW13 1LW' the field is truncated. | |
VD388 | Issues noticed from VD 1.10.1 | Issue | 1.10.2 | No | No | Various issues noticed during internal testing. 1. DefaultCountry should be TRUE only for GB. 2. Managed to get a ‘No row at position zero error’ on the Delivery screen 3. The 'New Charge' should update when the rate field changes (either after changing the currency in the top field or by the user manually changing the rate). 4. The ‘Awaiting Booking’ screen isn’t opening 5. Depot Plan issues: a. Used to be able to 're-order' deliveries on a manifest which would update the 'Drop' column but this is broken b. Used to be able to drag a delivery OFF of a manifest to put it back on the left side of the screen and that's no longer working either | ||
VD387 | Dragging and Dropping Manifests is not changing the Drop Order. | Bug | 1.9.1, 1.10.1 | 1.10.2 | No | No | The next drop point number given to a delivery when added to a manifest is the total number of lines on the Manifest + 1. This is regardless of whether there are gaps in the sequence of drop point numbers or whether there exists a delivery with the same drop point number. e.g. - Add 4 deliveries to a manifest. - Remove line 2 (list now shows 1, 3, 4 as the drop point numbers) - Add a delivery to the manifest (list now shows 1,3,4,4) - Remove line 3 (list now shows 1,4,4) - Add a delivery to the manifest (list now shows 1,4,4,4 - This is confusing because it looks like deliveries with different post codes have been put on the same drop point. - Customer wants the list to be reordered sequentially on a Save. | |
VD382 | Deliveries with "Zero" delivery area / charge bands are getting merged into chargable deliveries when EPOD merges the charges | Bug | 1.10.2 | MMK-121-96635 | No | No | If there is a zero charge delivery merged with deliveries that have charges, it is currently picking up the charge band of the parent delivery. This is incorrect if there is a zero charge delivery it should ignore the total cases when merging To replicate this carry out the following steps Created 2 orders in VW Created 3 deliveries directly into VD. One of the VD deliveries I set the delivery area to Zero which populated the charge band to zero. I then merged the deliveries into 1 drop point on the epod. Delivered all bar the last delivery on the EPOD, which I returned with no charge and created a re-delivery (I did this test as in live they had a re-delivery and I thought this might be the issue) The delivery that originally had a zero delivery area, still shows the zero delivery area, but the charge band has reverted to the charge band of the first delivery. |
Vision ePOD v3.0.5 (13/03/2015)
Requires SQL version 2014. Please ensure you're running this before upgrading to this EPOD version.
Key | Summary | Issue Type | Affects Version/s | Fix Version/s | FusionUID | Apply License | System Config | Release Notes |
EPOD109 | Delivery Schedule Emails not generating | Issue | 3.0.5 | 3.0.5 | No | No | During testing it was noticed that delivery schedule emails were not sending to the customer. This has been resolved. | |
EPOD108 | Delivery issue returns - Delivery Country not being set | Issue | 3.0.5 | 3.0.5 | No | No | When creating a delivery issue return the delivery in Distribution is causing an error 'Input string not in correct format. It was noted that Country was not being set to correct value when doing a delivery issue. ALL EPOD processes were modified to ensure they set this field when inserting a new row into the database | |
EPOD107 | Signature Date Time field not being populated on tblDelivery | Bug | 3.0.5 | 3.0.5 | No | No | 1. The signature is being recorded correctly in the database, but the SignatureDateTime is not being set. 2. The message that is displayed on the epod if the signature name is too short needs to be edited - there should be a space between 'at least' and there is a spelling error on the word 'length' | |
EPOD105 | FTP issues when testing 3.0.5 | Issue | 3.0.5 | No | No | When "Uploading data for support" the device appears to be saying "Uploaded" even if it's unsuccessful. Uploading of images errored with the error Page:com.Vision.EPOD.upload_photo@415711b0Section: SendimagesToFTP- Error Description:java.lang.NullPointerException | ||
EPOD104 | Error when Epod sending a despatch confirmation email | Bug | 3.0.5 | 3.0.5 | No | No | Error recorded on windows server when Epod sending a despatch confirmation email. ================================== Event Viewer error: Failed to enable constraints. One or more rows contain values violating non-null, unique, or foreign-key constraints.Process Emails - SendDespatchConfirmationEmail | |
EPOD103 | Application Event Log Trimming | Issue | 3.0.5 | No | No | We have an awful lot of messages being logged to the application event log, we removed anything which was positive unless in debug mode | ||
EPOD102 | Version Control | Issue | 3.0.5 | No | No | Prevent devices which are not on the current versions from downloading new manifest data, and keep a record of used version numbers within the database The current version check process is to check and offer the new version but it is not mandatory to download, we will insist it is downloaded with this modified feature. We basically want to stop devices from downloading new data if their version isn't one which we support with the current server version. Also this will stop current devices (3.0.4 and older) from downloading new manifest data, if they try then it must give them some error or just not download anything at all. | ||
EPOD101 | Signature Shortcuts by Users | Bug | 3.0.4 | 3.0.5 | No | No | EPOD Delivery conclusion messages are not processed by the EPOD Processor when a Epod delivery is signed for without adding a proper value in the signature name field on the device, i.e. the keyboard space bar is used. We have to make sure we have a valid name in the signature name field on the device, we must be checking for a length or 4 with at least 3 alpha characters | |
EPOD100 | Size Control on Devices | Issue | 3.0.5 | No | No | Some back end table which assist with support issues are not being cleared. EPODLogger LogTransaction EmailLogger These will not default to be cleared after 60 days | ||
EPOD99 | Re-Upload Messages cause issue | Bug | 3.0.4 | 3.0.5 | No | No | Re-uploaded 'depot despatch' messages are rolling back 'Delivered' deliveries to status C. This has been resolved. | |
EPOD98 | Error Handling | Issue | 3.0.5 | No | No | When a problem occurs when processing messages this stops all other messages from processing. We have added new handling routines to allow this to continue and to inform the support team of any issues | ||
EPOD95 | EPOD - 'Booking Delayed Email' does not belong in table tblEmailLogger | Bug | 3.0.4 | 3.0.5 | No | No | Reviewing the Event viewer for Epod error's I noticed the following application error being logged. Event Viewer error =============================== Timer Elapsed Column 'SendBookingDelayedEmail' does not belong to table . =============================== | |
EPOD93 | Message CleanUp | Bug | 3.0.5 | JXK-805-28719 | No | No | Messages not updating Vision Distribution because 'Divide by zero error' when an EPOD uploads old (already posted) transaction data - Introduce a message cleanup process for messages which need to be ignored to prevent system problems | |
EPOD91 | Revised ETA Calculation Logic | Bug | 3.0.5 | No | No | Revised ETAs are calculated without considering the 'Delivered' status of prior deliveries, as such if the users are not delivering in the correct drop order they defined, it results in incorrect 'Revised ETAs' We now take these into account but there is a limit of what can be done if the driver is completely ignoring everything. |
Vision Distribution v1.10.1 (05/03/2015)
NOTE : Please see VDIST381 - this required Vision Invoicing v4.2.0 to be installed at the same time. Also VW 3.20.0 is required for this version as well as EPOD 3.0.5 due to the EU Deliveries modification.
Key | Summary | Issue Type | Affects Version/s | Fix Version/s | FusionUID | Apply License | System Config | Release Notes |
VDIST381 | Charge VAT override on deliveries - 'Zero rate VAT' on the deliveries screen > charges tab | Improvement | 1.10.1 | No | No | You can over ride whether VAT is charged on the delivery A tickbox on the delivery screen 'Charges' tab labelled' Zero rate VAT' and place it to the right of the currency button (to the right of the 'Total Charge'). VI 4.2.0 IS NEEDED FOR THIS RELEASE. | ||
VDIST380 | Collections not updating status when POD scanned in | Bug | 1.9.0, 1.10.1 | 1.10.1 | NIS-537-30066 | No | No | Collections from warehouse are staying at O until they are confirmed manually via the application, after which they are going to status D. The process should be updating these Collections from the warehouse to be completed once they have been scanned in |
VDIST377 | Move the VD customer and product update from VW | Improvement | 1.10.0 | No | No | The VW -> VD Product and Customer update have been moved to the latest SQL version and processes. Nothing for end user testing. | ||
VDIST375 | Lines from VCIS showing after pick in VD | Bug | 1.10.1 | DNZ-581-84117 | No | No | Customer has order in VW with 3 lines, however in VD on the delivery there are 5 lines showing, 2 of the lines had duplicated. Have managed to recreate this 1- Placed the order on VCIS for 2 lines & processed. 2- Saw that order was in VW for 2 lines, then send to VD. 3- Delivery was showing in VD with only 2 lines. 4- Went onto SO Amend and added an additional line, click process again. 5- Looked in VW order still showed with 3 lines, so picked and pick confirmed the order. 6- VD import job again, the delivery now shows in VD with all 5 lines that are from the VCIS tables. | |
VDIST371 | Print Label is not working | Bug | 1.10.1 | No | No | Labels now workiing correctly again | ||
VDIST368 | Pick Confirming orders in VW can change delivery status in VD under certain circumstances | Bug | 1.8.2, 1.10.0 | 1.10.1 | RXJ-516-81730 | No | No | Deliveries that were status I in VD and showing in VI. Customer had two orders that were picked in VW but not pick confirmed. These orders had gone over to VD and were status O. Deliveries were added to a manifest, the manifest was manually confirmed Despatched by a user, and was also manually Confirmed delivered by another user, this put the deliveries at status D. Deliveries were picked up by the Transport Invoicing job this moved them to status I. |
VDIST364 | Today overview changes and top toolbar tweaks | Issue | 1.10.1 | No | No | The following changes were made : 1) Horizontal scrolls because the date column is too wide in all columns. Make the date column big enough to fit in dd/mm/yyyy but no additional unnecessary space. 2) Last column 'Loads Planned All Deliveries Confirmed Delivered' shows too much info, lets use it for something different. a. Split the data in the column to the left of it ('Loads Planned Confirmed Despatched Began Delivering') so it reads 'Loads Planned Confirmed Despatched Began Delivering <7d', change the data within it as necessary. b. Last column is 'Loads Planned Confirmed Despatched Began Delivering >7d', change the data within it as necessary. 3) Remove 'Loads planned' from all of the column headings except for the first 4) Put a quick access button for 'Today Overview' in the toolbar, first button before 'Create Delivery' 5) Move enquiries from 'Reports' into an 'Enquiry' menu to the left of the 'Report' menu item (Today Overview, External Carrier Customer Service, Unprinted Manifests should all be in the new 'Enquiry' menu) 6) Move 'Transfer', 'Delivery', 'Collection', 'External Carrier' and 'Returns to Warehouse' to the top menu bar instead of in the quick access. The order of the top menu should be, after these changes, Console, Window, Maintenance, Transfer, Delivery, Collection, External Carrier, Returns to Warehouse, Report, Admin, Help. They will keep their existing submenus as they currently are. | ||
VDIST363 | One of the EPOD stats views for support are showing duplicate rows and incorrect delivery counts | Issue | 1.10.1 | No | No | Internal Correction, not end user | ||
VDIST361 | Collections are archived the night after being confirmed and do not have the same 2 month waiting time as the standard deliveries, this means POCs are not uploading as the delivery record is in the archive table | Bug | 1.10.1 | SUW-798-32075 | No | No | PODs for collections are not loading into VD because the deliveries do not exist in the live tblDelivery, as they are moved to tblArchiveDelivery prematurely. The reason for this is that users are are manually confirming the deliveries and the POD's are not then scanned the same day, and that night the archive job runs and is moving ALL collections to the archive table regardless of how new they are. The archive procedure will be amended as the collection deliveries should not archive immediately, they should be left in tblDeliveryf or 2 months, the same as the normal deliveries. | |
VDIST359 | Cancelled deliveries do not show on manifest but remain in tblLoadDetail | Bug | 1.9.0, 1.9.1 | 1.10.1 | OUK-859-86318 | No | No | If an SO is picked, Delivery added to a Manifest, then order unpicked and cancelled the Load Detail record remains at status D (and the Delivery status 'X'', but the user cannot see it on the Manifest to remove it. This results in a manifest that will either not print (if there are other lines on the manifest showing) or a manifest at status Z with no lines on it if there are no other lines. Resolved |
VDIST356 | Ability to change delivery charge currencies | New Feature | 1.10.0 | Yes | No | New Feature - In the new ‘Quotation’ grid on the delivery form, we need a column there for ‘Currency’ to the right of the cost column. - This means there is a need a currency table - The users will need a ‘Currency Maintenance’ admin screen to give them the ability to add new currencies and amend the exchange rates for existing, just one form with a grid - Only certain user groups will have access to this maintenance form, we’ll need to control it against the user groups - In addition we need to be able to change the ‘Delivery Charge’ currency on the delivery form - On the delivery form to the right of ‘Total Charge’ show a button which will show the currency code if it’s a new delivery it will default to GBP / 1 - If the user clicks this, display a new form showing three fields ‘Currency’, ‘Exchange Rate’ and ‘Existing Charge’ ‘New Charge’ - Currency will be defaulted to 1 / GBP - When they change the ‘Currency’ it will update the ‘Exchange Rate’ and use that exchange rate to recalculate the ‘New Charge’ - ‘New Charge’ and ‘Existing Charge’ will be ‘Total Charge’ from the delivery screen - Allow the user to override the exchange rate (which will update the new charge automatically) - And allow the user to override the ‘New Charge’ which will recalculate the ‘Exchange Rate’ - ‘Existing Charge’ will be read only - When the user clicks ‘Update’ it will update the fields on the delivery form behind, and the currency shown on the button, and when the user saves it will update the data back to the table. | ||
VDIST355 | Site code changing to first Site_Code in tblCustomer for Customer_Code | Bug | 1.9.0, 1.9.1 | 1.10.1 | JOM-641-25942 | No | No | Deliveries are changing from the selected Site_Code to the first Site_Code in Customer for a Customer_Code where Customer_Code has more than 1 Site_Code against it. Now resolved it will pick up the correct site code for the customer record |
VDIST353 | Date time fields (such as 'ArrivedDateTime', 'SignatureDateTime', 'ActualDeliveryDate', 'AdditionalChargeDate') are set incorrectly for manually created deliveries in VD | Bug | 1.10.1 | No | No | While investigating EPOD-91 we noticed a problem with the 'ArrivedDateTime' 'ArrivedDateTime' - Should be NULL when first saved 'SignatureDateTime' - Should also be NULL 'AdditionalChargeDate' - Should only be populated to currentdatetime when an additional charge has been entered, either on INSERT or on UPDATE | ||
VDIST351 | VD users are not notified about updates by the EPOD processor to a manifest when they're attempting to remove deliveries from the load | Bug | 1.9.1 | 1.10.1 | No | No | Manifest created with a delivery on it, EPOD downloads and confirms departure, user opens the manifest before the EPOD processor processes the confirm depot departure message, then the depot departure message is processed, status changes in the DB, user then removes the delivery from the manifest on their screen and saves, there is no timestamp check happening here and there needs to be as the VDIST user should not be allowed to make the change once the vehicle leaves | |
VDIST350 | Delivery header fields not currently set by the which will be required for other changes in this version | Improvement | 1.10.0 | No | No | tblDelivery.TotalWeight tblDelivery.DeliveryLines Neither of these are calculated for manual deliveries OR deliveries imported from VW and we need them for VDIST-341. | ||
VDIST349 | Manual deliveries entries are not having the correct physical cases calculated correctly | Bug | 1.10.1 | No | No | the function for this has been rewritten | ||
VDIST347 | Archiving of external carrier responses to ensure the failure window doesn't time out when opening plus creation of a new index to help keep the result retrieval fast | Improvement | 1.10.0 | No | No | tblExternalCarrierResponse has 1000's of entries for customers who use the external carrier features, this is making the External Carrier Failures window open very slow. We've had to implement archiving for this table | ||
VDIST346 | When VD is linked with VW, VD is timing out when generating a delivery note after saving a new manual delivery | Bug | 1.9.0 | 1.10.1 | ACF-473-38017 | No | No | Changing constant isLinkedWithVisionWarehousing to 1 causes issues with new deliveries in VD in some live environments. It seems to be causing a timeout issue when generating a delivery note after saving a new delivery (old deliveries strangely do not appear to be affected but this may just be a coincidence). |
VDIST344 | Errors are not being raised in the VW > VD job when it fails and this is making it difficult to identify errors when they occur and some other updates performed in this process require error checking | Improvement | 1.10.0 | No | No | logging and reporting have been revised to make this more robust process | ||
VDIST342 | EU Deliveries Depot Delivery Planning | New Feature | 1.10.0 | Yes | No | Adding Functionality to allow EU Deliveries into the Depot planning See wiki for more information | ||
VDIST341 | Job Entry / Request Quote / Authorise Job facility | New Feature | 1.10.0 | Yes | No | New Facility to allow quotes to be requested recorded and issued to hauliers See Wiki | ||
VDIST305 | Show on delivery notes where the note was printed from | Improvement | 1.10.0 | No | No | As per the summary. We need to know where a user prints the note from to assist with support issues | ||
VDIST304 | Delivery screen redesign, manifest 'view only' screen redesign, reorganise the navigation pane | Improvement | 1.10.0 | No | No | Screen Redesign - 1) Delivery > Plan > Load Plan - Rename to 'Create Load Plan', it's currently 'Create Delivery Plan' 2) In that same screen, copy the 'Delivery Depots' pane and put this to the right of the 'Delivery Depots' list, showing a list of status O manifests for the selected depot, allowing the user to click a depot, then a manifest, and then the right side is refreshed with the selected manifest's details. 3) The user would need to be able to use the buttons at the bottom (ie Save & Finalise / Save...) which would apply to the manifest selected on screen. 4) Navigation Pane > Delivery Plan - Change this to read 'Manifest' 5) When a user searches for 'Delivery Plans' currently, depending on the manifest status either a read only or an editable form is displayed. We want to create a completely new view only form here. This should show the same as it is currently, but also, actual time driver confirmed depot departure, ETAs, also take delivery depot column out and put the delivery depot it in the manifest header information as a single field (similar to how we have done on the new delivery screen redesign), also we don't need cost and income at the bottom. 6) Changes to the navigation pane - menu has been changed 7) Complete change to the layout of the delivery screen, Alan has done this and it's checked in as frmDelivery_AG. a. Header_and_DeliveryPoint - The only change necessary here is to make the ARC Required tickbox read only as this will be set from VW. b. Lines_and_3rdPartyCollectionPoint - There is a new column in the grid 'Locator', this is related to VDIST-6, this column should be read only and show a comma separated list of 'Locators' related to the delivery line. -- see VW Bulk Pick --> Distribution option......... - show a date AND time picker in the '3rd Party Collection Point' pane c. Charges_and_DeliveryLogistics - The top right grid and buttons are new, seeVDIST-341 for more details. d. General - Note down the bottom that we now have 'Save' and 'Print DNote'. This is the existing 'Save and Print' split into two buttons 8) Change the lines grid to a 2015 new stlye grid 9) Add a 'Country' field adding to the '3rd Party Collection Point' tab | ||
VDIST303 | Warning message when confirming deliveries which should've been updated by EPOD | Improvement | 1.10.0 | No | No | Delivery > Confirmation > By Single - When the user enters the BarCode and clicks 'Confirm' we need to check first that the delivery is not on a manifest where the carrier driver 'IsVisionEPODDriver' > By Manifest - As above, the same validation but this should take place when the user enters the 'Manifest Number' > By Carrier - When the user clicks 'Confirm Selected Items' - And when the user clicks 'Save' in the 'Confirm Lines' screen - And when the user clicks 'Select' int he 'Failure Reason' screen ...we need to apply the same 'IsVisionEPODDriver' validation check. 1) If at any time the validation fails, the user should be prompted: "One or more of the deliveries are recorded against a Vision EPOD driver's manifest, it's strongly advised that you do not continue to confirm these deliveries and wait for the confirmation to arrive from the Vision EPOD device. Do you want to continue?" Yes / No Yes - Continues the process No - Cancels and goes back to the screen (as if it was just opened, ie with nothing in the filter controls). 2) In the 'By Carrier' screen grid, show another column at the end 'EPOD', the records should show 'Yes' or be empty. | ||
VDIST6 | Bulk Pick / Locator Enhancements - Picking notes within delivery system | New Feature | 1.10.0 | Yes | No | In Vision Warehousing 2.1.x we integrated a new screen 'Warehouse Despatches' which allowed all stock despatch processes to be handled from the one screen. In the 'BPick - In Progress' tab there is a 'Locator' field which allows the user to enter a number and save. How it works...what currently happens is a load of orders have to leave the south for delivery in the north across many manifests, they are all sent up on one or more vehicles, on that vehicle there are a mixture of stocks picked from different sites, so we have a mixture of sites stocks mixed on to different manifests. Each pallet on the loads being sent up have been numbered by the warehousemen who picked the loads (this is the same number which they entered in VW in the 'Locator' field in the 'Warehouse Despatches' screen, for example TD 1, TD 2, RR 1, CR 1, CR 2, CR 3 etc). The work we're going to do in VD will allow the depot who receives the vehicle to easily take the mixed stock, and generate a 'Pick List' from it for each manifest. So the driver can take his manifest pick list, and take all of the stock easily from the pile which applied to his manifest. |
Vision ePOD v3.0.4
ePOD-90 - intermittent duplication of returns when using ePOD and delivery is being rejected.
Vision Distribution v1.9.1 (11/11/2014)
Key | Summary | Issue Type | Affects Version/s | Fix Version/s | Apply License | System Config | FusionUID | Release Notes |
VDIST343 | Customer specific delivery note change | Improvement | 1.9.1 | No | No | As Summary | ||
VDIST339 | Manifests and delivery notes are not waiting until deliveries have been picked before being printed by the VD Print Service | Bug | 1.9.1 | No | No | PRC-758-61880 | Resolved | |
VDIST338 | Depot Plan Manifest printing issue | Bug | 1.9.1 | No | No | OHA-150-11141 | On the depot plan screen if there is a manifest with no deliveries, when you try to save and finalise a DIFFERENT manifest WITH Deliveries, you get an error ''There are no deliveries on some of the manifests selected, please add some deliveries before trying to finalise it'' | |
VDIST337 | Error loading outstanding Manifest reports | Bug | 1.9.1 | No | No | XWM-881-27918 | User Group Reported : When checking the unprinted reports menu. The error below come up Error getting unprinted manifests Details Ambiguous column name 'ARCRequired' | |
VDIST336 | Collections are not being archived | Issue | 1.9.1 | No | No | Resolved issue to make sure everything is picked up | ||
VDIST334 | Modify the delivery history to read from the new separate location to continue to show deliveries removed from manifests | Bug | 1.9.1 | No | No | Updated to ensure we pick up deliveries from the history table. | ||
VDIST330 | Archive delivery jobs are not raising errors when failing | Bug | 1.9.1 | No | No | Database scripts rewritten to aid fault reporting but to remove the faults where possible. You will not be able to test this | ||
VDIST325 | Ambiguous column name error on Unprinted Manifests screen | Bug | 1.9.0 | 1.9.1 | No | No | Found in testing | Open the Unprinted Manifests screen & enter any Delivery Depot. Hit 'Search' The following error is then displayed: Error getting unprinted manifests Details. Ambiguous column name ARCRequired |
VDIST324 | The delivery charge function check is not checking the delivery area 'Archived' flag when determining which charge band to use when using override charge bands | Bug | 1.9.1 | No | No | Now takes into account areas which are marked as archived when looking for charges. | ||
VDIST322 | Depot Plan screen issues | Bug | 1.9.0 | 1.9.1 | No | No | This is a follow-on from VDIST-306. 1. The right hand side of the screen has been enlarged to fit in the drop order and remove the horizontal scroll bar BUT only if the contents of all the fields are not too big - for example, if you add a delivery with a very large 'NAME', the scroll bar re-appears. The columns need to be fixed in size, all of them, and it must be standardised across all tabs and preferably use the same grid and code across all of the tabs without duplicating grids and / or code. When fixing the widths we need to be able to see no scrollbar on the right side. 2. The bar in between the left and the right grid, we would like to be able to allow the users to change the position of that, so they can make either the left or right grid wider, please let me know what's required to do this. | |
VDIST321 | The delivery screen 'Upload Images' tab file search process needs to be changed to be more efficient and we should be hiding the full image path and just showing the image name | Improvement | 1.9.1 | No | No | When the directory gets huge and has 10,000 images in it, the search process will be very slow. Therefore we need to change the screen to pick ONE subdirectory from the folder and then search that for all images the 'Upload Images' screen we should only be showing the filename in the grid instead of the full path and filename. | ||
VDIST319 | External Carrier deliver screen only showing case carriers | Bug | 1.8.2 | 1.9.1 | No | No | WKE-833-24329 | The procedure has been changed to show both case and pallet carriers. |
Vision ePOD v3.0.3 (22/10/2014)
EPOD89 - Remove ability for users to use report facility without a code from vision support team, this is to avoid excessive data traffic
EPOD87 - Background indexes were changed to improved system performance
EPOD77 - Improvements to the code which processes customer messages
Vision ePOD v3.0.2 (24/09/2014)
Key | Summary | Issue Type | Affects Version/s | Fix Version/s | Apply License | System Config | FusionUID | Release Notes |
EPOD78 | Messages stop uploading to VD when delivery messages (with problem code or reason codes) from an older version are uploaded by devices | Bug | 3.0.2 | No | No | This relates to old messages still on the device at the time of the change. Where a null in the problem code would not upload | ||
EPOD76 | All messages stop processing to VD when a delivery postcode is encountered with a space at the end | Bug | 3.0.2 | No | No | VHT-525-29083 | invalid postcodes in older messages were causing a problem. | |
EPOD75 | When the EPOD processor uploads the EPOD images to VD, it only uploads a 1KB file | Bug | 3.0.2 | No | No | Now resolved | ||
EPOD74 | ETA calculation is using the site post code as the starting point and we should be using the depot post code as the start | Bug | 3.0.2 | No | No | To ensure that the initial distance calculation is based on the delivery depot postcode and not the site | ||
EPOD70 | Remove all msmq releated codes from EPOD Processor | Improvement | 3.0.2 | No | No | While upgrading EPOD from 2.1.0 to 3.0.0, the msmq related code has been kept as it is, for processing any deliveries which are already been moved to queue in previous version. From 3.0.0 on wards , msmq will not be used in our application and hence all code related to msmq can be removed from processor code , in higher versions. |
Vision Distribution v1.9 29/08/2014
Key | Summary | Issue Type | Affects Version/s | Fix Version/s | Apply License | System Config | FusionUID | Release Notes |
VDIST315 | Addition of a depot post code for EPOD ETA calculations | Improvement | 1.9.0 | No | No | Addition of a depot post code for EPOD ETA calculations | ||
VDIST313 | Manually created delivery: Customer 'Site Code' auto overrides to 1st site on drop down when order saved | Bug | 1.8.2 | 1.9.0 | No | No | NRT-905-65488 | When there are multiple Customer Ref Sites available for one customer code, the site code field reverts to the first option in the drop down when lines are added to the delivery or it is saved. |
VDIST310 | Dragging orders over in Depot Plan causes the delivery grid to go blank | Bug | 1.9.0 | No | No | XLR-917-47606 | When you drag multiple orders in to load plan manifest the whole page goes blank, you then have to save to restore the page. Replication showed :The left side of the depot plan screen goes blank so you can't see any deliveries. As soon as you click on save in the right grid the deliveries refresh to the screen | |
VDIST309 | VD - Depot plan, deliveries removed manifest and is unsaved and a new manifest is created | Bug | 1.8.2 | 1.9.0 | No | No | If you create a manifest with a driver code and add a delivery but don't save it and add a new manifest it removes the delivery from the first manifest. If there is any change during the 'Add Manifest' button click, then prompt a message to user that "There are pending changes available, do you want to save it now Yes / No ?". | |
VDIST307 | BMC Error when running 'Orders Report' | Bug | 1.9.0 | 1.9.0 | No | No | Selecting <Reports> <Order Report> gives users a BMC Unknown Application error. Resolved | |
VDIST306 | Depot plan screen improvements & issues in 1.9.0 | Improvement | 1.9.0 | No | No | Improvements made 1) Make the right side a bit bigger to fit the drop order in and remove the horizontal scroll 2) Any fields after the drop order should not be shown 3) Multiple selection a. Select multiple, click and hold to drag, changes selection to 1 only b. Select multiple, but don't let go of mouse, can then drag over, but doesn't add the deliveries 4) Pick anything up in the depot plan and drag it across to a manifest | ||
VDIST302 | Delivery Depot Selection is missing for external carrier delivery load | Bug | 1.9.0 | No | No | When you open a delivery no depots on the left are highlighted, but the system is setup correctly. To resolve this added the depot selection code in the external carrier delivery load method | ||
VDIST300 | Line totals showing on VD delivery note are sometimes 0 when VD is linked with VW | Bug | 1.9.0 | No | No | YKJ-831-74401 | On the delivery note, we have a cases and bottles column, these are showing as 0 / 0 when full pallets are being calculated, yet in VD there are no pallets. This is linked to VDIST-299, where we are going to create a view to get the data from, this view will need the 'UnitsPerPallet' part of the calculation (in the Cases & Bottles columns) to be removed so full cases are calculated and no pallets. | |
VDIST299 | Blank Delivery Note from VDist when FKStock is NULL on Order Details | Bug | 1.9.0 | No | No | LKH-842-83245 | Customer raised an issue about blank Delivery notes from VDist, despite the data being present on the VW Delivery Note for the same Order. The join to the tables was wrong it was expecting information to be in all tables and sometimes that is not the case, now modified. | |
VDIST297 | VW - Discrepancy on order between VW & VD | Bug | 1.9.0 | No | No | SUP-427-79485 | In the transfer of orders from VW there is an error and header records are being duplicated and because of this the screen is showing double quantities. | |
VDIST292 | Delivery Notes not correctly updating when IsLinkedWithVisionWarehousing = 1 | Bug | 1.9.0 | No | No | SVP-159-11813 | During the investigation for VDIST-284, it was noticed that there was no Invoice to customer Site Code dropdown box appearing, this was linked to the IsLinkedWithVisionWarehousing flag being set to NO. CCVDIST-291 was raised to correct this issue, but had some side affects in that: 1) Delivery Notes were coming off missing the BondDeliveryNo 2) Delivery Notes had incorrect case quantites. | |
VDIST290 | Charge merging is updating child deliveries with the wrong parent delivery data PLUS improvements to charge merging to make it clearer on EDI extracts how much each merged delivery was charged at | Bug | 1.9.0 | No | No | If there was a big drop of deliveries all at one delivery point for a mixture of customers, each of the deliveries would have the same drop point but they would only deliveries for the same customer would be merged. In this instance, the child deliveries were not correctly being updated with their parent delivery case band | ||
VDIST289 | Line level invoice cases is getting set to the delivery total invoice cases but should be calculated as a line level invoice case value | Bug | 1.9.0 | No | No | as per description, now resolved | ||
VDIST288 | Drop numbers allocated to deliveries taken off of a manifest (status Z) | Bug | 1.9.0 | No | No | We now store all deliveries removed from manifests in a separate table to reduce complex logic when calculations are required. | ||
VDIST287 | v2 of the VD > VI delivery import not invoicing collections and removal of old redundant VD > VI import process | Improvement | 1.9.0 | No | No | updated the script to v2 to cope with VDIST288 | ||
VDIST284 | VD - Invoice customer site code missing from Create Delivery screen. | Bug | 1.8.2 | 1.9.0 | No | No | ILN-867-41036 | Customer reported an error when loading transport invoices in VI, and the error returning to the screen is 'There is no matching customer record for at least one delivery' In Distribution table Delivery both deliveries had the wrong invoice customer site code set which was the cause of the issue. and the customer code existed in multiple sites Noted that In Distribution application the Delivery screen is missing invoice customer site code box next to the invoice customer. |
VDIST283 | Delivery Screen allows user to enter a greater number of characters than VI allows, the VD > VI process should chop off any characters at the end | Bug | 1.8.2 | 1.9.0 | No | No | IYH-486-58679 | On the Delivery Screen under the Lines tab VD allows the user to enter a number in the Rotation Number field that is longer than allowed in VI. This can cause issues down the invoice extract |
VDIST281 | When 'Show Income' is disabled against a user, they can still see the charge band rates | Improvement | 1.9.0 | No | No | Do not allow users to open the 'Charge Band' screen if 'Show Income' against their user account is FALSE. | ||
VDIST261 | When users finalise a manifest with zero deliveries this then causes a problem on EPOD as well as VD | Improvement | 1.8.0 | 1.9.0 | No | No | Discovered that VD allows users to finalise a manifest with zero deliveries, when this happens and an EPOD attempts to download it, it gets stuck on the device, ie the manifest will never have it's status progressed. Similarly, it will also get stuck in VD, as the users will not be able to confirm the deliveries on it (as there are none) to progress the manifest status. VD should not allow users to finalise a manifest if there are no deliveries on it. | |
VDIST248 | New tab 'Upload Images' in VD Delivery Screen. | New Feature | 1.9.0 | No | No | This is to complete EPOD-15. The modification is basically to bring in an ability to view and send the pictures from the delivery screen. New feature implemented in VEPOD will be pushing images from the device into a server folder, which has been mentioned in systblVisionEPODConstant.ImageFolderPath Add new tab 'Upload Images' in VD Delivery Screen. Images from the server folder will be taken and will list all the images corresponding to that delivery in this new tab. Provide a button to send the pictures as well. | ||
VDIST243 | Customer specific note updates | Improvement | 1.9.0 | No | No | Notes updated | ||
VDIST238 | Optimise the VW > VD update job query to reduce the blocking of queries on the VW server | Improvement | 1.9.0 | No | No | speed improvement | ||
VDIST234 | Bring the ARCRequired field across to VD from VW at Pick stage | Improvement | 1.9.0 | No | No | speed improvement | ||
VDIST44 | Mail server authentication | Improvement | 1.9.0 | Mail server authentication improvements | ||||
VDIST33 | Delivery Instructions fields | Improvement | 1.4.0 | 1.9.0 | brought Vdist in line with the VW field sizes |
Vision ePOD v3.0.1 (12/08/2014)
Key | Summary | Issue Type | Affects Version/s | Fix Version/s | Apply License | System Config Option | FusionUID | Release Notes |
EPOD72 | Message locations are uploading for the first message uploaded but it's using the same location for all subsequent messages | Bug | 3.0.1 | No | No | The geo-location was sending the same location for all signatures instead of updating its location on each signature. This has been resolved | ||
EPOD71 | Duplicate records inserted into tblLoadDevice | Bug | 3.0.1 | No | No | Duplicate entries in the check load table. |
Vision ePOD v3.0.0 (15/07/2014)
UID | Summary | Issue Type | Affects Version/s | Fix Version/s | Apply License | System Config | FusionUID | Release Notes |
EPOD69 | Internal Testing Issues Found | Bug | 3.0.0 | 3.0.0 | No | No | 1. Msg type 5 should not be used for version 3.0.0 or above of epod. 2. The Photo upload is not consistently uploading correctly. If you try to upload an image, but for some reason the upload fails, a zero kb file gets left in the VEPODImages directory on the server. You are then unable to upload any more images until the zero-sized one is removed from the server 3. The ePOD processor gets 'stuck' on a message, it just keeps trying to process the message without moving on to the next ones. There are 2 issues to be addressed: (a) the ePOD processor must not get into a loop if it finds a message that it is unable to process - it should leave it and carry on to the next one. (b) the examples above, they all contained a different date format to all of the others 4. The 'Date' on the 'Current manifest' & Previous Manifest' screens (on the device) are incorrect 5. If you do a return (Delivery failure) VDist shows the manifest & delivery to be status 'D'. However, on the device, no return delivery has been generated and the manifest is stuck on the 'Current Manifest' screen at status 'C'. 6. Epod device is continuously checking for ETAs but as per specification it must only get the ETAs ONCE and then no further checks. | |
EPOD63 | Compatibility with Android 4.4 KitKat | Improvement | 3.0.0 | No | No | Now is compatible from API Level 15 onwards which is 4.0.2 to 4.4 | ||
EPOD62 | Delivery notification SMS | New Feature | 3.0.0 | No | YES | Delivery Notification SMS now re-instated and use a web service. There is a cost to using this service please for details, it is charged on a per message basis. Message details are found here | ||
EPOD61 | When processing Message Type 1 (Confirm Despatch Manifest) record the driver code and device ID to a new table in VD | Improvement | 3.0.0 | No | No | Improvements to processing and records on the main server | ||
EPOD60 | Issues / changes relating to ETAs | Improvement | 3.0.0 | No | No | 1) ConfirmDespatchDate should have date AND time from message upload 2) Deliveries are having ETAs calculated based on a start time of 00:00, this is wrong. It should be calculated (by the Vision EPOD Processor) based on the time the device confirmed depot departure. 3) ConfirmDespatchDate, checking whether the client device is sending the wrong date.time and correcting it. 4) After the EPOD Server has calculated the ETAs, they should all be available for the device to download and store ONCE. 5) When each confirm delivery message uploaded, the EPOD Server should compare the device delivered time to original estimate and update the ETAs (RevisedEstimatedDeliveryTime) for the next drops ahead. 6) We should only inform the customer by email if there is a delay to their delivery, if the recalculated ETAs pass the original calculated ETA. 7) Deliveries with the same drop / delivery order should all have the same estimated delivery times. 8) Add a new constant to the server which will be downloaded by the device 'ETACheckForDownloadAfterInitialXSeconds’. This will tell the EPOD device how soon to check for the ETAs after uploading the confirm departure. 9) New constant added to the server which will be downloaded by the device 'ETACheckForDownloadIntervalSecondsAfterInitial’. This will tell the EPOD device how soon to repeat check after the first check | ||
EPOD59 | Preset drop numbers in VD are not being stored in the EPOD | Improvement | 3.0.0 | No | No | The drop numbers from Vision Distribution are not being stored correctly in the ePOD client. | ||
EPOD58 | Do not allow drivers to change the sort order after they have confirmed depot departure | Improvement | 3.0.0 | No | No | If the drivers have confirmed depot departure, the 'Sort Order' button should be depressed Also move the 'Sort Order' button away from the 'Deliveries' screen, and put it in the 'Manifest' screen under 'View Deliveries' and before 'Confirm Depot Departure' to reflect the workflow logic. | ||
EPOD57 | The sort order screen should prompt the drivers with an 'Are you sure?' message when putting deliveries with different post code area on to the same drop point | Improvement | 3.0.0 | No | No | In the sort order screen, if the driver puts the same drop number against multiple deliveries and the first part of the post codes (before the space) of those deliveries are not the same, prompt them with a message: 'Some deliveries have been given the same drop point but do not appear to be in the same area, do you want to continue?' Yes / No So for example, these deliveries are given drop number 2: Delivery1, Postcode SS5 6BJ Delivery2, Postcode SS5 SBH Delivery3, Postcode RM18 7NN ...the first two are fine, but delivery 3 is in RM18 and not SS5, so the message should be shown. | ||
EPOD55 | Improvements to the messages uploaded from EPOD to make them as small as possible in effort to make the upload process more robust | Improvement | 3.0.0 | No | No | New message formats in use on XML to reduce network overhead and data requirement. It is estimated a reduction of around 64% was achieved. | ||
EPOD54 | Create a process to clear down data on the EPOD local device database | Improvement | 3.0.0 | No | No | Changes in EPOD-53 mean that we will NEVER lose a signature in the upload process because the web service will send a successful response to the client when the signature is in the database. We need to control the size of the client databases as they can not be allowed to continue to grow to unlimited sizes, so : 1) After downloading new manifests, the device sends the device ID to the service asking for confirmation of receipt of message data 2) The server will return a list of the UIDs which have been received 3) The EPOD will confirm successful receipt of these back to the web service 4) The EPOD device needs to regularly wipe all data where there is confirmation of receipt. 5) Even if the admin / support reupload message option is used, this should follow exactly the same process above. | ||
EPOD53 | Improvements to the server side processes for EPOD data uploads | Improvement | 3.0.0 | No | No | We need to make the device data upload process robust It's extremely important that we do not lose delivery signatures. We have identified that our main problem is the use of message queues, therefore in this release, we will completely remove all MSMQ dependencies and move the transaction handling to the DB instead. | ||
EPOD15 | Ability to use the camera to store images which are then sent (on wifi) to the network and linked to the delivery | New Feature | 2.0.0, 2.1.0, 3.0.0 | Add the ability to take a picture on the ePOD which will be stored for the delivery this will then be sent to the network via WIFI and linked to the delivery . Also add the ability to view and send the pictures from the delivery screen. |
Vision Distribution v1.8.2 (19/05/2014)
Key | Summary | Issue Type | Affects Version/s | Fix Version/s | Apply License | System Config | FusionUID | Release Notes |
VDIST277 | Deliveries not showing in external carrier well when customer specific charges set-up | Bug | 1.7.0, 1.8.2 | 1.8.2 | No | No | QKD-840-74045 | Issue where when they have customer specific charges setup for a specific Delivery Area code, the deliveries do not pull into the external carrier option. I have recreated this in test using the below steps: 1) In VD I created a Charge Band called 'Rate1' this was setup similar to how customers Rate 1 was set-up. 2) In VD created a Customer Charge Band for customer JOE, for Area Code 'SS' 3) In VW created two orders (UID: 445669 (4/0) and 445670 (2/0) 4) Pick and Pick confirmed orders 5) Ran VW-VD job 6) Checked to see if the Deliveries were in VD, they were 7) Checked the External Carrier well and the Deliveries were not present 8) Checked Depot Plan/Load Plan deliveries were showing in those screens. 9) Just as a further test, went to 'View/Edit Delivery Area (SS)' changed the Case Band to be Rate1, saved and checked external carrier well the deliveries were now showing there. |
VDIST276 | Pick Date not inserted for new deliveries created from VW | Bug | 1.8.2 | No | No | SDT-308-93552 | This is related to VW-1086, and the problem is that the Pick Date does not show against any deliveries in VD 'Deliveries on Hold' screen. This therefore means that the pick date is not showing on the deliveries on hold screen in VD. | |
VDIST272 | Deliveries not updating from VW | Bug | 1.8.0 | 1.8.2 | No | No | JEC-947-30425, PEK-710-93876 | Customer logged a ticket about orders not going over from VW to VD and in some instances, orders already in VD were not being updated properly from VW. This was causing the job 'VD Update Deliveries from VW' to fail with the following error message: Calculating delivery areas<c/> charge bands<c/> charges etc [SQLSTATE 01000] (Message 0) Invalid length parameter passed to the LEFT or SUBSTRING function. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 537) The statement has been terminated. [SQLSTATE 01000] (Error 3621). JW found the cause of the issue, the postcode on Order UID 1779142 was ' MACAU', once changed to 'MACAU' (note the leading space that was removed) the procedure worked. We have added a trim to any initial space on the field from now on. |
VDIST271 | Users unable to reprocess external carrier deliveries as they're unable to amend the delivery details | Bug | 1.8.2 | No | No | When our file is sent to the external carriers, sometimes the submission fails and needs to be amended in the 'Process Response File' screen. However this screen only allows certain header fields to be edited before resubmitting, like the account code, delivery service etc. There are some failures which occur where other fields against the details for example need amending. However the 'Save & Print' against the delivery is greyed out. The errors which the customer has said they're unable to clear are the following: ‘Consignee address line 1 is a required field’ Errors that are about the weight Instead of reinventing the wheel and allowing the users to amend additional fields in the existing failure screen, users should be allowed to amend this information in the existing deliveries screen, amend the restrictions in that screen and see which ones we can lift when the delivery is for an external carrier. | ||
VDIST270 | Invoice to Customer Code not checking site | Bug | 1.8.2 | No | No | If the invoice to customer code is updated in the delivery form the system is not checking the site code is correct for the customer. If a new customer code is entered, the site field must be reset and if the customer exists on a single site then the code will populate if they exist on more than one the code needs to blank the field asking for the code. If the code is invalid for the invoice to customer and the invoice to customer site code then we need to stop the form saving with an appropriate error telling the user to correct this. | ||
VDIST268 | VD - Unable to save Ammended Company Details | Bug | 1.8.2 | No | No | VPF-518-53087 | Go to site maintenance, and on the company details tab, if you make any amendments or add in new data, then click save, it does not save the new data it just repopulates the screen with the original data | |
VDIST267 | Data types stored in the temp DB are being removed after a server restart | Bug | 1.8.2 | No | No | This was causing issues on EDI orders set for collection |
Vision Distribution v1.8.1 (10/03/2014)
Key | Summary | Issue Type | Affects Version/s | Fix Version/s | Apply License | System Config | FusionUID | Release Notes |
VDIST264 | VD - Additional charge removed area charge | Bug | 1.8.1 | No | No | HNP-585-69609 | If an additional charge is added to a delivery after it has been confirm despatched it should not modify the delivery area charge because this could make the area charge incorrect. The reason for this is because it's not taking into account any other deliveries that may have been grouped together. | |
VDIST262 | tblCarrierSequence is not being updated when a new carrier is created | Bug | 1.7.0 | 1.8.1 | No | No | TYW-255-50349 | tblCarrierSequence is not being updated when a new carrier is created causing a "BMC: Unknown Application Error" message and no carrier extract created when users attempt to extract a carrier file |
VDIST260 | Order picked in advance not showing correct colour in Depot Plan deliveries grid | Bug | 1.8.0 | 1.8.1 | No | No | IOA-231-81742 | VW Order picked in advance not showing correct colour (orange) in Depot Plan. Because PickDateOrder field was not being populated when it was first added as a delivery |
VDIST259 | VD - Depot plan - Del Times not showing correct Date | Bug | 1.8.0 | 1.8.1 | No | No | YJS-779-58705 | Earliest and latest times were being imported incorrectly into the database. |
VDIST256 | Routing note showing bottles not cases | Bug | 1.8.0 | 1.8.1 | No | No | WOM-573-36391 | Some EDI customers send SO files in orders total bottles instead of cases and bottles, this gets saved in VW exactly the same. Previously, when the routing notes were printed, this would convert them into cases and bottles (the same as the delivery note does), however since the VW and VD and VEDI upgrade, this no longer happens, and we now have an inconsistency between the routing note (printed from VD) and the delivery note (printed from VW & VDPS). |
VDIST255 | Error when trying to Save and Finalise Delivery Plan on Today +4 Tab + Drag n Drop delivery to manifest on Today +2 tab not working | Bug | 1.8.0 | 1.8.1 | No | No | MSM-918-93160 | 1, Error message (attached) when clicking Save and Finalise button on Today +4 tab only. Reproduced the error on Test. (Other tabs work fine). 2, Drag and drop delivery to Today +2 tab not working ('No Entry' icon instead of '+' icon). Other tabs work fine. (You can move a manifest from Today to Today +2 by changing the date, but not add any more deliveries to it once it is there). |
VDIST253 | Manifest status no updating to 'O' after save and finalize and manifest printed using Depot Plan | Bug | 1.8.0 | 1.8.1 | No | No | UTE-356-27421 | After save and finalizing a manifest in Depot Plan the manifest prints but the status remains at 'P' On checking tblLoadStatusHistory the manifest does not update. There are no errors recorded in the event viewer log. |
VDIST249 | VW - Depot Planner | Bug | 1.8.1 | No | No | BWX-689-34797 | A user reported the following issue: "It seems that when order are being processed they are the 'expected delivery date' tab on the order is defaulting to the date the order is being placed. As a consequence when future orders are released into the depot planner they are all automatically turning to red enven if a future booked date has been selected. This creates a problem when routing when 95% of the deliveries in the depot plan are red." After investigation, the problem appears to be where the delivery date is being set to OrderDate which is incorrect, and should be coming from NextDeliveryDate instead. | |
VDIST247 | VD - Error trying to manifest - Invalid Delivery Details | Bug | 1.7.0 | 1.8.1 | No | No | This is an intermittent problem that happens during the process of creating a manifest and is currently happening about a couple of times per week, not just on particular delivery/manifest UIDs. The error is displayed when a user tries to 'Save and finalise' a manifest. When adding the delivery to the manifest, the delivery is status P as expected. When the manifest is saved, status changes to 'O', manifest number not generated to the screen though. |
Vision Distribution v1.8.0 (02/01/2014)
** Please see noted on VDIST-223 regarding Invoicing requirements for this version **
UID | Summary | Issue Type | Affects Version/s | Fix Version/s | Apply License | System Config | FusionUID | Release Notes |
VDIST 246 | VD Print Service errors when generating Drivers Load Sheet when a barcode is present | Bug | 1.8.0 | No | No | YMV-219-54076 | Upgraded to VW 3.17.3, and the VD Print Service stopped printing manifests even though the VD Print Service was not touched during the upgrade. It logs this an error now in the application event log and does not print VD print service was not updated in that release The barcode has been removed from the manifest as the customer who used it no longer needs it and this has also speeded up the print process | |
VDIST 244 | GTS Carrier Extract picking up deliveries regardless of fkloadstatus | Bug | 1.7.0 | 1.8.0 | No | No | LJA-299-37692 | Modifiction made to ensure it does not pick up deliveries which have been removed from a manifest. |
VDIST 239 | Issues noticed with the VW > VD import job after 3.17.1 go live | Bug | 1.8.0 | No | No | DRU-619-12995 | After VW 3.17.1 a support call was logged reporting that deliveries were not showing in the awaiting booking screen. After investigation I found that this was because for new deliveries the delivery depot code was not being set. | |
VDIST 236 | Distribution Manifest status changing from 'P' to 'D' after VW order cancelled | Bug | 1.7.1 | 1.8.0 | No | No | When orders in VW are added to a depot plan manifest in VD and then one of the orders on the manifest is cancelled in VW the manifest status updates from a 'P' to a 'D' which was wrong. | |
VDIST 235 | Ensure the VD print service query for retrieving data to print is reading uncommitted transactions | Bug | 1.8.0 | No | No | Database locking improved | ||
VDIST 232 | Cancelled order in Warehousing still showing in Awaiting Booking screen in Distribution | Bug | 1.7.1 | 1.8.0 | No | No | Resolved | |
VDIST 231 | tblLoadDetail.DropNumber should not be used any more. | Bug | 1.7.1 | 1.8.0 | No | No | Duplicate DropNumber and Delivery Order fields have been merged into a single field to be used throughout the system for both VDIst and ePOD | |
VDIST 230 | Orders are showing in the 'Orders queued to post to VD' screen in VW even when they've posted, because the flag update happens before the job runs when it should update afterwards | Improvement | 1.8.0 | No | No | Job switched around | ||
VDIST 228 | Reports - Orders Report - include Archive data | Improvement | 1.8.0 | No | No | HNK-327-96897 | The orders report in Distribution only looks at the live table. Now looks at both live and archive. | |
VDIST 227 | Booking Update in VD is not updating VW | Bug | 1.8.0 | No | No | RVH-915-15054 | When deliveries are released from the 'Awaiting Booking' screen in VD the system should then be updating the booking information in VW. This should be updating the booked date in VW and thus recalculate the pick date but this does not appear to be happening. | |
VDIST 226 | Turn Special Rates off in customer options to delete customers special rates | Improvement | 1.8.0 | No | No | when you switch the customer option off, it should ask whether it is to remove the special rates from tblCustomerAreaBandHeader/Detail If yes then remove if not then leave. | ||
VDIST 225 | VD delivery note showing incorrect weight | Bug | 1.7.1 | 1.8.0 | No | No | LYI-691-20997 | The delivery note that is printed from enquiry is showing the incorrect total weight. It is not multiplying by the number of cases, it is only bringing the amount back of one case. . |
VDIST 224 | Merging charges in the VD despatch screen should be using the same process as the EPOD charge merge | Improvement | 1.8.0 | No | No | Now both using the same process | ||
VDIST 223 | Changes to the manifest merge charging mechanism to give us more clarity about which charges have been merged so we can filter this through to VI and show this clearly on the transport invoices | Improvement | 1.8.0 | No | Yes | 1) Add constant flag 'UseEPODMergeCharging' true / false (this needs to be set) 2) The recalculate process should check this constant, it should only run if the constant is TRUE. 3) If run then do NOT change the 'Total Invoice Cases' and 'Total Invoice Pallets' at all against any deliveries in Delivery table. Instead, it should be updating the CaseBand and PalletBand fields 4) The procedure checks the master customer invoice record. VINVOICING-176 changes will complete this work on the VI side. VINVOICING-176 must be tested at the same time as we test this as it's not possible for us to test the VI work until the VD work has been completed. | ||
VDIST 222 | Cancelled order is still showing in awaiting booking | Bug | 1.7.0, 1.7.1 | 1.8.0 | No | No | HDN-101-60001 | Duplicated to an earlier fix |
VDIST 220 | Depot Planning screen various screen modifications. | Improvement | 1.8.0 | No | No | All of the below refer to the DEPOT plan form 1) We need to make the form so that it can be maximised, at the moment that feature is disabled, When maximised the right side of the form should remain the same size and the left side should get wider to accomodate. 2) Split the right hand side into different tabs based on the planned delivery date. The tabs should be - Past (All dates in the past) - Today - Day +1 - Day + 2 - Day + 3 - Day + 4 - Future (all planned dates which are current date + 5 or more) 3) Default Location - field is too wide, the header should say "Def Locn" and the field should only be large enough for this, the data in the fields if longer should not ... but instead should display characters to the full width. At the moment it shows "The Win......." when it should show "The Wine Sh" 3) On left show the delivery times, utilise two line on the form to show the times, but try not to make the overall height increase. Also this side can be widened to accomodate this as the right window has excess space 4) The filter at the top for Areas, can we change this so that it will only show filters for the areas which are showing on the current list. At present it picks up all areas and users look at this to pick out only some. When delivery area list is large this is unweildly. 5) On right window, we show a summary of the load, but this contains both deliveries and pickups (green I think) can we on the load summary show two lines in the same box for the collection and show this in green background. when planning the van the office have to know how much weight has to go on a vehicle, the issue is that pickups are not taken out but returned so should not be considered in the overall weight. Also any detailled entries of pickup requests on the right window in the list should be also shown in green. 6) The drag and drop from load to load is not working - this is a bug but included here 7) We show different types of deliveries on the screen, Deliveries (white) Pickups (green) Advanced pick(blue) etc. At the filter point we have these options but we have no idea what option is which colour so lets background colour the options or have at least a nice colour blob to show what colour each one is. 8) Right hand window changes - Postcode is not wide enough, needs more width to accomodate one more character and a little extra - Shows the weights of the overall deliver and for each individiaul drop when you drill in to the first level. (there is space) - Sort the names to stop the "Joone......." so that we display as many characters as possible without the ...... 9) Finalise All - Needs to have an "Are you sure" option and it should finalise only those on the current tab ! not every single manifest. 10) Check that multiple loads is working, this is a setting at carrier driver, if not ticked then each carrier driver can only have one load planned per date. | ||
VDIST 219 | Archive job for non deliveries is sometimes archiving deliveries with manifest data and it should be ignoring these | Bug | 1.8.0 | No | No | Now resolved | ||
VDIST 218 | EPOD generation query should not be joining to the manifest or manifest details tables | Improvement | 1.8.0 | No | No | Fixed query to speed up the process | ||
VDIST 216 | Records being created in tbldelivery but not tbldelivery details | Bug | 1.8.0 | No | No | KTY-926-48524 | Resolved by VW3.17.0 new options no change required | |
VDIST 215 | Ability to view statuses for manifests which are finalised but not yet printed | Improvement | 1.8.0 | No | No | ZRB-862-52394 | need the users to be able to see the status of all orders which are not despatched (allowing the manifest to print) so that the users can then chase the warehouse to progress the orders to a state where manifest can be printed. We should add this to the reports menu and we should show it on the screen, and the ability to specify delivery depot should be allowed so that the list is manageable. | |
VDIST 214 | Create procedure to archive non deliveries | Improvement | 1.8.0 | No | No | Process modified | ||
VDIST 213 | Large signatures do not display properly in the delivery window | Bug | 1.8.0 | No | No | Resize the image without changing the proportions, to ensure that it ALWAYS fits in the box. | ||
VDIST 211 | Today Overview Screen | New Feature | 1.8.0 | No | No | add a new screen which shows the users what is happening today, at the moment it is all a little disjointed, if the user looks at today he has no idea what is happening with the vehicles, loads, transfers or anything. The screen is predominantly to show the Dist users what is planned for the current day and potentially the next few days. It will show lists for the respective depot of......... Loads being planned but not completed - where clicking on them will open the load or depot plan Loads planned and finalised not yet confirmed despatched Loads planned and now confirmed despatched Loads planned and confirmed despatched which have began delivering Loads planned and all deliveries are confirmed delivered. Simple screen with 5 vertical boxes, showing relevant details for each section, a simple overview | ||
VDIST 210 | Rotation line number is set to 2 characters in VD and needs expanding to 4 to match VW | Bug | 1.7.0 | 1.8.0 | No | No | ZJC-442-51751 | Modified to accommodate |
VDIST 209 | Delivery update from VW is using the Order Line UID instead of the Line Number field, which results in delivery charges showing as 0 on the EDI orders picking confirmation | Bug | 1.8.0 | No | No | Resolved | ||
VDIST 207 | Maintenance, Despatch labels prints wrong delivery name | Bug | 1.8.0 | No | No | FVH-508-83596 | When using VD, Maintenance, Despatch Labels the Customer name prints instead of the first line of the delivery name. | |
VDIST 206 | Carrier plan creen is slow to load, create an index to make this faster | Improvement | 1.8.0 | No | No | New index to improve speed | ||
VDIST 179 | Depot Planning - See Customer Code on Screen | Improvement | 1.8.0 | No | No | AIT-259-39066 | Add the ability to be able to see the Customer Code within the Depot Plan screen. | |
VDIST 178 | External Carriers - Customer Service Screen | Improvement | 1.8.0 | No | No | EPT-857-65693 | Modification to add a Customer Services screen for Parcel carriers, which shows the requested information and is searchable in the system. | |
VDIST 177 | Load / Manifest Report Requests | Improvement | 1.8.0 | No | No | NXC-492-42719 | Modification required on the Manifest Report in order to change the sort order to be in drop order sequence (if it has been added) | |
VDIST 159 | Deliveries on Hold - Implement Numeric Sort in first column (BondDeliveryNo) of the grid. | Improvement | 1.8.0 | Add the ability for the 'Bond Delivery No' column to be sorted in numerical order in the Deliveries on Hold screen. | ||||
VDIST 49 | Depot Planning Screen, show a HV marker | Improvement | 1.8.0 | Modification in the Depot Planning screen to show a HV marker (*) if an order contains a high value product in the delivery list. | ||||
VDIST 1 | Automate a surcharge for date over ride on delivery | New Feature | 1.8.0 | Add ther ability to automate a Delivery Surcharge when a Delivery Date is overridden by a user to be on a non standard delivery day to match a customer requested booking date. |
Released version 1.7.1
Issue UID | Summary | Issue Type | Affects Version/s | Apply License | System Config Option | FusionUID | Release Notes |
VDIST-202 | Customers cannot be imported when their VW default location uses a warehouse name longer than 20 characters | Bug | 1.7.1 | No | No | Resolved | |
VDIST-201 | Discount calculating wrong when using pallet charging | Bug | No | No | HCW-282-38737 | Resolved discount calculations for pallet charging. | |
VDIST-200 | Make reports available only when licensed, non conformance report, performance report | Improvement | No | No | Implemented | ||
VDIST-199 | Character 70 is removed from del instructions when order goes from VW to VD | Bug | No | No | FIZ-468-62507 | Resolved | |
VDIST-196 | Printing blank delivery notes from Vision Distribution for manually created deliveries | Bug | 1.7.0 | No | No | No longer prints blank notes off. | |
VDIST-194 | External carrier screen, when FTPing, the FTP details are being retrieved from the Site settings and should be taken from the external carrier settings | Bug | No | No | FTP details are now coming from the correct place allowing users to update them if required. | ||
VDIST-193 | Extra validation on Delivery for customer/site code | Bug | No | No | When entering a manual delivery or altering a delivery no validation took place to ensure the customer belongs to the site, the result of which stopped transport charges from being invoiced as the invoice mechanism could not associate the charge to a customer. Added checks to ensure that this no longer happens. | ||
VDIST-188 | Customer Delivery Charge | Bug | No | No | VRD-277-95390 | When a customer exists on multiple sites, if the order was being entered in VW and the charge to customer was in more than one site then the site code was not being set correctly. | |
VDIST-185 | Unknown internal application error occurred when generating unscanned POD report in VD | Bug | No | No | Changed this report to work within VD instead of the Adest system. This report was originally added for an external system to store the documents as it was moved within the system the report now reflects this. | ||
VDIST-184 | Collection confirmation screen does now allow the site code combo box to be used alone for filtering results | Bug | No | No | Now allowed | ||
VDIST-183 | VD print service is duplicating routing notes | Bug | No | No | Resolved |
Release 1.7.0
** Bug
Project | Fix Version/s | IssueID | FusionUID | Summary | Release Notes |
Vision Distribution | 1.7.0 | VD is using the Delivery note from VW when you save and finalise manifest | |||
Vision Distribution | 1.7.0 | Delivery area screen auto calculating the pallet delivery depot incorrectly | |||
Vision Distribution | 1.7.0 | prc_GetParcelCollectionDetails query bug | |||
Vision Distribution | 1.7.0 | Generate POD button for scanned collections only sends first page on email | |||
Vision Distribution | 1.7.0 | VD Print Service - Routing Note bug in barcode formula | |||
Vision Distribution | 1.7.0 | ZIX-224-14166 | View / Edit Collections - Site Filter not working | ||
Vision Distribution | 1.7.0 | Divide by Zero Error occurs while clicking the send to carrier button in the Carrier Plan screen | |||
Vision Distribution | 1.7.0 | When user enters a post code greater than 9 characters, this crashes the VW import / update process | |||
Vision Distribution | 1.7.0 | GTS carrier extract file issues | |||
Vision Distribution | 1.7.0 | Delivery header in Live and Archive tables | |||
Vision Distribution | 1.7.0 | Unable to add a new user - an application error was presented |
** Improvement
Project | Fix Version/s | IssueID | FusionUID | Summary | Release Notes |
Vision Distribution | 1.7.0 | See VW-376 - Delivery label reprint needs to show same info as the Flex Lite label | Modifications required for the Delivery Label Reprint, as it should show the same as the Flex Lite label. | ||
Vision Distribution | 1.7.0 | Customer specific report has invalid reference causing issues when loading the report | Changes required for OCT Reports, as the report has invalid references causing issues when loading the report. | ||
Vision Distribution | 1.7.0 | UAT-198-27952 | Modification to TPN Process - External Carrier | Modification to the TPN Process so that TPN outgoing files have a 'JOB' prefix on the filename. Also need to ensure the Job Number field is mandatory. | |
Vision Distribution | 1.7.0 | VZX-417-92482 | FARR Delivery Note | Modifications required for the FARR Delivery Note and a new Custom Delivery Note required for Bordeaux Index. | |
Vision Distribution | 1.7.0 | ILT-375-49105 | Delivery Notes - Show Customer Code / Name | Modification of the Delivery Note to remove delivery times on all notes and add Customer Name and Code to the top left as per Vision standard notes | |
Vision Distribution | 1.7.0 | Show if a delivery is parcel carrier delivery on the main screen | Modification to show if a delivery is Parcel Carrier Delivery on the main screen, and if so which Parcel Carrier the delivery is for. | ||
Vision Distribution | 1.7.0 | Deliveries are being updated to status O in VD when orders have been added to a bulk pick which has not yet been produced due to shortages | Modifications being made to prevent Deliveries from being updated to 'Status O' when orders are added to a Bulk Pick, even though it has not been produced because of Stock Shortages. |
** New Feature
Project | Fix Version/s | IssueID | FusionUID | Summary | Release Notes |
Vision Distribution | 1.7.0 | TRA-950-79798 | VCIS Privates - Fuel Surcharge | Modification for the Fuel Surcharge to be added to the Transport Calculation prior to the calculation of VAT. |
Release 1.6.0
** Bug
Project | Fix Version/s | IssueID | FusionUID | Summary | Release Notes |
Vision Distribution | 1.6.0 | Customer Charge Bands not working | |||
Vision Distribution | 1.6.0 | Delivery lines are being wiped and various changes to the VW import routine |
** Improvement
Project | Fix Version/s | IssueID | FusionUID | Summary | Release Notes |
Vision Distribution | 1.6.0 | WGN-201-88489 | New Carrier Driver Extract | Modification to the Carrier Driver Extract in order to create an additional transport extract format. |
Release 1.5.11
** Bug
* [VDIST-160] - Signature date time is not archived
* [VDIST-161] - Archive delivery 'Generate POD' button show / hide logic is not consistent with the live deliveries
* [VDIST-167] - Fail to generates the FTP file while clicking the 'Send Selected to Carrier' button in the Carrier Plan screen
* [VDIST-170] - Unknown exception occurs while opening the External Carrier -> Carrier Plan screen
* [VDIST-172] - Print service issues
Release 1.5.10
** Bug
* [VDIST-126] - Deliveries on hold - search button doesn't work and first column is treated as text when sorting
* [VDIST-127] - Delivery screen not calculating charge tab correctly
* [VDIST-130] - Customer specific delivery note is printing 1 line per page
* [VDIST-131] - Manually confirming a failure reason against a manifest
* [VDIST-132] - Manifest doesn't show pickup
* [VDIST-133] - TPN pallet weights are not calculated correctly
* [VDIST-134] - 2 epods generated with differing quantities
* [VDIST-135] - Inconsistency between Manifest weights and Load screen weights
* [VDIST-138] - Generate POD button does not work for scanned collections
* [VDIST-139] - Load Manifest / Confirm Delivery - using manually when driver set to ePOD True - Error Message
* [VDIST-140] - External carrier confirmation, if there's an error against one of the selected deliveries the file does not get generated but the deliveries disappear from the screen
* [VDIST-149] - Cannot generate EPODS for collections on Vision Distribution
* [VDIST-151] - Depot Plan Drag n Drop not working for Manifest 147.
* [VDIST-153] - TPN send second batch of orders to TPN, label print regenerates previous one for the same day.
* [VDIST-157] - Depot plan - When dragging deliveries should check if another user has changed it
* [VDIST-158] - VD Print Service - Only print the Manifest & Delivery notes when all UB orders on the manifest have received the ARC
Release 1.5.9
** Bug
* [VDIST-140] - External carrier confirmation, if there's an error against one of the selected deliveries the file does not get generated but the deliveries disappear from the screen
* [VDIST-141] - VD Reprint Delivery Notes
* [VDIST-142] - TPN Barcodes on Labels
* [VDIST-143] - TPN – Parcel Carrier Issue
* [VDIST-144] - The search facility for deliveries is not showing all deliveries.
* [VDIST-145] - When cancelling after opening a delivery from held orders the system gives an error.
* [VDIST-147] - VD error opening external carrier plan screen
* [VDIST-150] - Weight shows wrong on manifest when delivery has multiple lines
* [VDIST-152] - Dipot Plan drag and drop not working
* [VDIST-154] - Users unable to manifest a pickup delivery
Release 1.5.8
** Bug
* [VDIST-111] - VDIST-110 - Change the centralised charging method to simplify delivery depot / charge band calculation and fix the customer override for 'Use Pallet Delivery Depot From'
* [VDIST-114] - Customer specific delivery note has incorrect reference in function fncFilePath
* [VDIST-116] - Procedures have DB names hard coded in them
* [VDIST-117] - External carrier issues - Delivery name is not mandatory in VD & users cannot modify a delivery after the external carrier response has been received with an error specified
* [VDIST-118] - VDIST-106: Same changes are required for TPN
* [VDIST-119] - External carrier issues when pallet charging is in use and reproducing manifests
* [VDIST-120] - Delivery Won't load in VD application
* [VDIST-121] - Issue with EPOD retrieval using EDI
* [VDIST-122] - Archive job failing due to delivery already existing in archive table
* [VDIST-123] - Generate EPOD on the delivery screen sends two copies of the EPOD, it should only send the EDI copy when VD is linked with VEDI
* [VDIST-124] - When running prc_Delivery_Invoice or prc_Delivery_InvoiceV2 it doesn't import the site fuel surcharge if FKInvoiceToCustomer is null
* [VDIST-125] - Pallet discounts not taken into account correctly
* [VDIST-128] - TPN despatch label outputs the service code instead of the additional service code
Release 1.5.7
** Bug
* [VDIST-107] - Calculation of Pallets on Orders - inconsistency
* [VDIST-108] - Depot plan screen - When dragging deliveries where the doc ref exists in 'outstanding' deliveries section more than once - move the second duplicate on to a manifest and the delviery doesn't move from the 'outstanding' list
* [VDIST-109] - Unable to open collection confirmation window
* [VDIST-110] - Use of the PALLET delivery depot is incorrect from v1.5.6 VDIST-105
* [VDIST-112] - Scanned PODs are not available to view in VD if a user confirms the delivery as delivered before the POD is uploaded
* [VDIST-113] - EPOD Emailing sometimes fails if single size is much larger than usual
Release 1.5.6
** Bug
* [VDIST-52] - Invalid procedure syntax
* [VDIST-59] - Manual delivery in VD not calculating delivery depot correctly when customer exists at two sites
* [VDIST-72] - POD confirmation screen retrieves status D manifests
* [VDIST-73] - Issues found after testing v1.5.3
* [VDIST-76] - VDIST-71: Removing a delivery from a manifest doesn't update removed user
* [VDIST-77] - Error when program tries to generate customer specific delivery note
* [VDIST-78] - Pallet charges calculated incorrectly
* [VDIST-79] - Delivery Navigation Search Results
* [VDIST-81] - 'Send to Carrier' Screen issues - Additional service mandatory / and default option required / collection time in past
* [VDIST-82] - Processing external carrier response file with an error and no consignment number produces an error
* [VDIST-83] - Drop order calculated wrong in depot plan screen
* [VDIST-84] - Depot plan doesn't recalculate 2 digit post code summary
* [VDIST-85] - Vision Image Uploader (for Condition Report Images & PODs) startup issue max CPU
* [VDIST-89] - Generate POD generates two different errors on the test server
* [VDIST-90] - Unable to create manual note
* [VDIST-91] - Unable to print manual delivery note
* [VDIST-101] - Unable to generate POD via the delivery screen
** Improvement
* [VDIST-62] - Home Charge Band - ability to vary charge band per customer
* [VDIST-87] - Depot plan colour coding for orders picked early
* [VDIST-88] - Modify 'Send to Carrier' screen to show another field
* [VDIST-92] - Order Cancellation - show on delivery enquiry
* [VDIST-93] - Held Order Form - Ability to filter by delivery depot.
* [VDIST-105] - Delivery Area - Add 'Use Pallet Delivery Depot From' X 'Cases
* [VDIST-106] - Sometimes the Town in the APC extract file is NULL and this is a mandatory field on NetDespatch
** Bug
* [VDIST-95] - Transport Discounts are not being applied correctly
* [VDIST-99] - Additional charges are not being taken account into the total charge
* [VDIST-100] - Changing delivery depot against a delivery wipes out the area code and charge band
* [VDIST-101] - Unable to generate POD via the delivery screen
* [VDIST-102] - Confirm collection screen
* [VDIST-103] - Charging on Vision Distribution.
* [VDIST-104] - If customer has their own charge band the rate is not calculated
Release 1.5.4
** Bug
* [VDIST-94] - Unable to override the delivery areas
* [VDIST-96] - Unable to Print Delivery Notes / Collection Notes
* [VDIST-97] - Delivery Records not showing the Site Codes on all deliveries when they are being opened on the del window
* [VDIST-98] - Error when opening site screen
Release 1.5.3
** Bug
* [VDIST-45] - Two issues when pallet charge bands are not setup against a delivery area
* [VDIST-58] - Generate ePOD not working for LCB
* [VDIST-61] - Duplicate Routing Notes
* [VDIST-63] - Manual deliveries always being created as FOC
* [VDIST-64] - From VDS-3 - Uploaded scanned PODs / POCs cannot be viewed in VD
* [VDIST-65] - Despatched Bottles / Cases not being updated when confirmed despatched manually via VD
* [VDIST-66] - Override charge bands from VW like 'HOME%' we need to treat the same as 'HOME'
* [VDIST-67] - Modify Delivery from planning screen
* [VDIST-69] - External Carrier, processing response files
* [VDIST-71] - Manifest History
* [VDIST-74] - Signatures not appearing for Archived Deliveries
** Improvement
* [VDIST-55] - Doc Ref Field Expansion - (8 - 15tbc)
* [VDIST-68] - UOM Project - Product Descriptions modification
* [VDIST-70] - Delivery Form - Ability to adjust charge band
** New Feature
* [VDIST-53] - Invoice Rate Modification – Bulk
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