

This section will detail the three different Enquiry options found in Vision Distribution, complete with screenshots. The final section of this page provides a link to the BI Enquiries page if you are interested in learning more about our Business Intelligence section.


Today Overview


This will give you anĀ OverviewĀ of allĀ ManifestsĀ not yet complete for theĀ Delivery DepotĀ selected as at the currentĀ Date.Ā 

Explanantion of the grouping on this form is below

Column Name


Column Name


Loads Planned not Completed

manifest which are still in the depot planning area and are not complete yet.

Finalised not Confirmed Despatched

Following finalisation, which is when the manifest is ready for the driver, when it prints the manifest and delivery notes, the manifest will be in this column

Confirmed Despatched

The manifest has been marked as confirmed despatched by the distribution planning team or the driver has indicated departure on the ePOD application

Confirmed Despatched Began Delivery < 7d

Items which have been despatched but are remaining outstanding the day after they should have been delivered, it is split into 2 columns those in the last 7 days and those which are more than 7 days overdue.

Confirmed Despatched Began Delivery > 7d


Viewing a Manifest

By clicking on a specific manifest on the ā€œToday Overviewā€ it will open the View Manifest form. This can also be opened using the Navigation search for manifest option.

This displays the manifest and information the system has at this time for the manifest.

Options on the view manifest page





Reprint Notes

This options allows you to request a reprint of a single manifest.

This will reprint both the manifest and the delivery notes (if applicable)

You will receive the message below stating the manifest and delivery notes have been resubmitted for reprinting.

Print Pick List

This will print a Distribution pick list for the orders on this manifest, this must be used in conjunction with the ā€œVision Distribution RePickā€ option which is available in Vision WMS Warehousing

You will be presented with a print dialogue box where you just select the printer you wish to use.




External Carrier Customer Service

This allows the user to view details of items which have been transmitted to the carrier, it is only applicable when the warehouse are arranging the carrier deliveries through the distribution system as part of a warehouse delivery.

All fields are read-only


UnPrinted Manifest

This shows any details ofĀ Unprinted ManifestsĀ for a specificĀ Depot along with the reasons why they have not printed yet. The printing service will ensure that the orders on the manifest have been pick confirmed before an updated delivery note is printed to go along with the manifest.

All fields are read-only



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