2201 CSV Output
File Specifications
Field Name | Length | Notes |
CustomerCode | 8 |
RotationNumber | 10 or 15 |
ProductCode | 20 |
ProductDescription | 50 |
PackageDescription | 50 |
PurchaseOrderNo | 30 | Your purchase order number, each po number is usually dealt with on a single receipt. |
Details | 90 | General Notes on the receipt. |
SupplierName | 30 | This information is held, and can be the supplier or yourself, it is used in declarations to HMRC for payment of duties should that be required. |
DateReceived | 10 | The date in which the goods arrived on site, and the rental start date. |
DeliveryType | 6 | See code list B - this is used to signify the type of receipt and potentially the agreed warehouse charges for the receipt. |
SinglesPerCase | 6 |
Cases | 6 | 6 |
Singles | 6 | 6 |
TotalInSingles | 6 |
DutyPaid | 3 | Is the stock arriving Duty Paid status. |
ProductCodeperCase | 10.2 |
ProductCostCurrency | 3 | Uses ISO currency code. |
FreightCostperCase | 10.2 |
FreightCostCurrency | 3 |
InsuranceCostperCase | 10.2 |
InsuranceCostCurrency | 3 |
FreeCirculation | 3 | Is the stock in Free Circulation within the EC, this means is “Customs Duty “ paid |
ReserveCustomer | 8 | If the stock goes into a reserve customer code account then the code is shown here. |
ReserveName |
BestBeforeDate | 8 | If the stock has a best before date then this is shown in the field here, the format is normally dd/mm/yy |
OriginalWoodenCase | 3 | A Yes or No field, and is used when the case containing the stock is the original wooden case |
NoOfPallets | 6 | If the stock is received in pallets then the number of pallets is shown in this field, normally used when pallet space charging is in use, a part pallet will show as one more pallet received. |
CasesPerPallet | 6 | The number of cases on the pallet for this rotation number. |
RotationNotes | 30 | Any general notes made by the warehouse on the receipt of the goods for this rotation, can include damage or notification of issues with the goods received. |
EMCSInfo | 30 | This will be introduced in 2010 and is a EU system to control the movement of goods in the EU and the UK. The EMCS reference is the sending warehouse unique identifier for these goods, and can show you that the receipt of the goods has discharged the sender of their HMRC obligation for receipt. |
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