1901 Manufacturing Completion (MC)

1901 Manufacturing Completion (MC)


This process is used when converting bulk liquid into bottles, at the end of the process this message is received which then states the final quantity used and the out-turn quantity of bottles.

This file is final only one file can be sent for one order once sent the order will Complete and stock will be adjusted, and in the event of this being an HMRC approved warehouse this is the duty point or the ARC point.

File Naming Convention

Your file names should be for a standard format which will allow us to identify any file uniquely for a particular customer code, each Manufacturing Complete order file would begin "MC....."


MCYYMMDD_hhmmssttt.<customer code>

e.g. MC051214_123204000.ABCD1234



MCYYMMDD_<orderno>.<customer code>

e.g. MC051214_SO123456.ABCD1234



MCYYMMDD_hhmmss_<orderno>.<customer code>

e.g. MC051214_123204000_0123456.ABCD1234



YY = year
hh = hour
ttt = milliseconds

MM = Month of the year
mm = Minutes past the hour

DD = Day of month
ss = seconds


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