Historical / Outstanding Invoices

Historical / Outstanding Invoices

These are combined into a single page as they are very similar in design, historical will show you any invoices already created and outstanding shows you any invoices which could be raised for the customer at the present time.





Within each tab there is a series of tabs, each of those relates to different invoice categories, simply click on the category you wish to view.


Each tab within the historical tab will take you to a different invoice category.





Load Details

This will load up the lower section of the screen with information about the invoice, generally this is detailed information.

Show Invoice

Will display the invoice on the screen, you can then print the document or export it in a variety of different formats.

Accounts Extract

Will provide you a unique extract for the selected invoice where you can then import the single record into your finance system.

Examples of the screens are shown below:


In this tab the screens are further split into goods inwards and goods outwards.




When you enter the outstanding tab you will notice that you are provided with a series of tabs for the different invoice types for the selected customer.

To read more about how the main process works for producing invoices then click this link.

Processing of Invoices

The section will shows all the current uninvoiced transactions.

Examples of each screen are in the expansion sections below:

All the date fields will default except the “Up to Delivery Date” which should be reviewed before raising the invoice.

  • Invoice Period will default to Week, this can be changed to: Month / Quarter / Year.

Use the ‘Invoice Outstanding Charges’ with care. There is no confirmation when clicking the button. Once clicked the Invoices will be generated. You will though get an option to send a test email first to make sure the settings are correct.



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