Manufacturing Module

Manufacturing Module

This is a Licenced Module.

This function is used for wine delivered Unbottled and then Bottled on site. 

The Wine Producer initially sends through an XML File advising details of the wine being produced and the quantity in Litres they are expecting to send. 

The File will create an Order in the Warehousing System which shows the number of Litres expected.

Once your wine Producer has completed the Manufacturing of the wine, they will send a 2nd XML File to your system to Confirm the Litres of Wine and that the Manufacturing is now Complete for this Order.

Once you start the Bottling Process you will need to tell the system how many Cases/Bottles you have produced and Put Away into Stock.

The Bottling Process can be completed for the whole order or this can be Part Put Away, the original order on the system will be updated the reflect the amount of stock that has actually been Put Away and a new order will be created for the remaining stock.

If you have Part Put Away, the system will ask if the Remaining Stock is Clean Skin Stock, if you say Yes it will move the record into the Clean Skin Tab of the function until the Labels are ready and you can then continue the Putting Away Process. 

Once the Putting Away is complete, you need to tell the system that you have completed the process, which will move the record into the Confirmation Tab of the function. You cannot complete this process until you have Received the 2nd XML File from your Manufacturer.

This tab will give you the details of what the manufacturing system reports as the quantity used and quantity produced, it will also show what has been put away. If there is a difference it will show here as a loss or a gain.

You can then view the details of the Order within the History Tab. 

Once the Stock has been completed as Put Away, it will go through the Quarantine Process and will be classed as Frozen Stock until all checks have been completed.

Once the Quarantine Period has passed the Stock will be Released and Available for Ordering. 


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