Report Profile

Report Profile

This tab is used to select the relevant Report templates that you wish the Customer to use for each Report type


Options Available


Description and Notes


Description and Notes

Send Receipt Advice

Goods Received completion will generate a receipt advice based on the settings here.


Some customers use the electronic goods received information so do not want to received this advice. If they wish the advice you can ALWAYS sent it or be prompted each time you complete a goods received. A PDF of the receipt advice is then sent via email.

Print Despatch Advice

If you are despatching via a parcel carrier using efullfillment you may want a despatch advice adding to the item you are sending, this produces the required document at the efullfillment process.


Delivery Note Option

Paper reduction option is available, instead of printing a paper delivery note we can send a copy to the customer in advance of the delivery via email as a PDF.


POD Option

New feature which will automatically send copies of POD to the customer, be careful with this option it can generate considerable amounts of emails.


Report Options

When you have multiple documents available to you for the report types listed, you are able to select the report using the drop down arrow on the right hand side of the report name.

The arrow will only appear if you click the report name, normally it will not show.

The change here applies to only the customer you selected and a preview option of the report is available using the PREVIEW option.

You can only pick from the list of visible options, if you feel an option is missing then let the support team know and they can look into it.

Picking Note Options


Some examples are shown below







Delivery Note Options

The standard delivery note which we use to clone for all customers is in the section below


The sections highlighted in yellow will only show on the delivery note where the order is underbond, the information used here is produced to replace the original SAD form which was generated prior to the MRN pre-declaration implementation.




Whilst you select in the customer setup the default note that a customer will use for their deliveries you also have the options to over ride the delivery note, this utilises the EDI API DO16 field

SO XML Structure | XML DO (Delivery Options) Segment

Pre Requisites - This will require the NEW delivery note to be setup and you notified of the over ride number for the customer, when this is specified within the incoming EDI order then the delivery note used will be the one specified in the DO16 field. This is a licensed feature

If you require a new delivery note then use the RFC request ticket queue.

This was not designed to be manually over written however in the sales order it is possible to specify the alternative delivery note, this would normally be set by the incoming EDI order however the setting is on this tab https://visionsoftware.atlassian.net/wiki/x/JgD6mQ



You are not able to customise the delivery note by yourself nor is there any available tool to allow you to make any changes. All changes to the delivery note have to be carried out by using the RFC (Request for Change) option on the support menu.

Changes to the delivery note are restricted as the note is dynamic and depending on the order type will add additional sections which are required for “form free” movements of underbond goods and provide backup documentation which was on the old SAD forms.

Rotation Stock Report

Within the reports section of the WMS application there is a rotation stock report.

This by default prins by the rotation number however some customers wish to see this report in a different order, this allows you to set that order.

This was mostly superceded by the EDI outputs where you can use excel and sort into any order.


You can view all the other customer maintenance tabs by selecting a link from the menu below :


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