Storage Charge

Storage Charge

These are charges for storage of items within the warehouse, sometimes referred to as “rental”.

Charge Periods

These refer to how often your charge will apply the charges for the storage of the item, short term storage you can select DAILY, this means each day (in the early morning) we take a stock count and charge for the DAY, and repeat again 24 hours after the last stock count.

Other periods you can select are WEEKLY (which is very common) and MONTHLY.

There are two special charge periods QUARTERLY and ANNUAL where the system operates slightly differently to the normal charge periods. An ANNUAL charge is a charge for the entire year, however what happens when items come in during the year, for those we raise a pro-rata charge based on the full months remaining in the annual period. The same applies to quarterly except a full invoice for all stocks is raised each quarter and not annually.

Per Period or Part Thereof

Charging is always based on a per period or part thereof.

If you have a weekly charge (recurring each Sunday at 0400) and goods arrive on a Wednesday they are charged for the entire week.

Annual and Quarterly apply this for full month periods. e.g. ANNUAL on 1st JAN and goods arrive 14th March the pro-rata charge for this would be for 10 full months.





Storage Type

What is the unit of measure you are charging for. In this example we are charging by the Single item e.g. Bottle or Can.

When utilizing PALLET, it is imperative to establish a Case per Pallet (CPP) for each product; leaving it set to 1 is not an option, as this would equate one case to one pallet.

Charge Description

Try to give this a generic description as this could be used by many customers. We suggest using the word “STANDARD” in the name to allow you to have specific charges “BEER” where you can then easily see what type of product the charge would apply to when allocating it to the product.


The amount being charged, this can be to 5 decimal places.

Minimum Charge

The minimum charge for the rotation for the period, after applying all discounts it will be rounded to this charge.

Storage Charge Period

The charge period for this rate, e.g. 'WEEKLY'.

Banded Charging

You can set the system to charge more for lower quantities and less for larger or vice versa.

The first Band will always start at 1 and the next Band will always be 1 more than the value in the End field of the previous Band.

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