GI - Receipting Details

GI - Receipting Details


This tab will show the details of how the stock is landed and where the stock is landed, if you are using the warehouse arrivals process or using FLEX then this screen should be nearly complete when you begin your Administrative checks of the goods in paperwork.

In the example below it shows an entry where very little information has been provided and the manual process may be used at this warehouse.


Using the Form

The lines section will show all the Products that you entered in the Order Item Details tab, displaying the details relevant to the landing of the goods into your system.

The 3 radio buttons are the status on the receipting process.

  • Pending

  • Prepared

  • Receipted

It is not possible for a line to progress backwards to a prior stage, so it is imperative that care is taken to complete the previous stages correctly.

To generate a rotation number, you would need to highlight the lines that you wish to generate for and click on the ‘Generate Rotation’ button.

  • Rotation numbers are unique within a Warehouse Site.

  • It is possible to use the same Rotation more than once on a single Warehouse but for it to be accepted by the system, it would have to have a unique Line Number.

  • If the stock you are landing is Duty Paid then the system will substitute the first digit after the slash with a 'D' followed by the 6 remaining digits.

Rotation numbers run sequentially each year from 1 to 999999 and will be preceded by either a 0 (UnderBond) or a D (Duty Paid).

  • Each site has its own sequence of numbers, all of which reset annually. Therefore should you have multiple sites then you will see the same rotation number on multiple sites.

Although a D after the slash in the Rotation number normally indicates Duty Paid stock it is possible that someone has managed to have UnderBond stock with a D in the Rotation and Duty Paid stock without.

Whilst very rare this should be kept in mind if there are some issues regarding Bond status - the Rotation Number does not determine whether the stock is underbond or not.

The Receipted Date will be filled in by the system as soon as the first part of the receipting process is completed for the current line.

  • This is the actual date the Pre-Advice line is receipted and cannot be changed but you can still set a Rent Start Date to an earlier or later date for Rent charging purposes if you need to in the Storage Section on this screen.

The Split Line button is used to split a line into multiple lines in the event that the Actual Pallets, Cases or Singles received are less than expected.

  • You can register the number of Pallets, Cases and Singles received and leave outstanding lines for the remainder to be receipted at a later date.

  • The original line will still show the originally expected quantity but there will be a new line with the remaining expected stock.

The Multi Reserves button is used to land a single line across multiple Reserve Customers.

  • Any line that you want to land across multiple customers will need to have a Rotation number generated for it first.

Line Details Section

Most of the information will be populated from the details on the Pre-advice or from the Product Maintenance screen.

Freeze Upon Receipt 

The checkbox is used to automatically Freeze the stock landed on the currently highlighted line and you will be able to select the reason why the stock is being frozen.

Label Qty field

defaults to the number of cases being landed but can be changed to print the number of labels required.

Batch No

You are able to record a single batch / lot number for stock or multiple batch numbers for the stock. If you are storing more than one then the field on the screen will state “MULTI”

Location Put-Away Section

This section is used to tell the system wherein the warehouse the stock is going to be kept. Each Stock Line can be stored in a multiple locations if required.

Other Prods / Empty

This feature is intended for bottling operations, where the dregs left over from bulk liquid stored in a tank location are not fully removed during bottling, it allows any remaining liquid to be cleared off of the system before depositing a new bulk liquid.

After entering a warehouse location into the ‘Location Name’ the system will check if it’s a location which permits mixing products and if it’s not then the ‘Other Prods’ will show how many other products are currently stored in the location. The ‘Empty’ button can then be used to clear those stocks out of the location as a loss in production movement.

Goods In Charges Section

The information will be automatically filled in from the Product Details.

You are able to select a loose charge for this line only if on the Order Item Details or during the warehouse process it was deemed that this line was loose and not packed then the charge box will be available for entry.

Storage Section

Receipting Date can be changed, however, the Fixed tickbox must be ticked for the date to apply.

Pro-rata rent. To maintain the current charging methods (whereby stock receipted on a Wednesday charges the full week’s rent to cover until the upcoming Friday, for example), this must be left ticked. If you untick it, then rent won’t be charged until the next scheduled rent import. This is useful for when you a transferring stock back to the same Customer (as you might in a Re-Warehousing project).

If you are processing Re-Warehouse Pre-Advice (often generated by a Re-Warehouse Sales Order), you might want to untick this field to avoid charging your Customer for the work.

Rent Commences can be changed, however, the Fixed tickbox must be ticked for the date to apply. This is for the rent to start for the goods that you are landing.

Free Rent - The stock that you are landing has free Rent, this should be ticked this is default to be unticked

Extra Tab

Dimensions - Ability to capture dimensions on a certain product (groups) when the goods are received.

Other attributes - SSCC - Serial Shipping Container Code (SSCC) is an 18-digit number used to identify logistics units.

Click the Prepare for Bond Receipt button once all the details have been correctly entered.

  • If any of the information provided is incorrect or missing you will be informed by a message.

  • Once the details have passed validation the line will be passed to the next stage.

  • It is not possible to un-prepared a line for Bond Receipt.

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