Configuration - VCIS

Configuration - VCIS



This screen will be used if you are using the VCIS module for your company. This screen would be used to add or edit customers and users.



You need to add the stock holding accounts into the form this authorises the customer account to be open for VCIS access and you need to do this prior to adding the user

The customer and site code are needed and then you need to confirm the template being used by the user, normally only one template would be selected for a customer.







This is provided as part of the standard site. 


This is an additional template that can be provided when a Customer has Private Customers.

It provides different Enquiry and reporting options as well as the existing options. 

Bespoke Private

This is an additional option that allows a Customer with an older bespoke site to connect to the older site.


If you don't click on Save and click on the tab 'Users', the system will ask if you wish to save. If you don't save this, you will not be able to add the customer to any users.



Each user setup requires an email address, this provides your customer with access to the system as well as a place where the system can send emails to.

Adding a New User

Enter the Details in the top row where it states 'Click here to add a new row'. 

Once you have entered the details for the user, press the tab on the keyboard. 

This will insert the record into the grid below at the bottom of the list

Once User is Added

To add the customer to the user you will need to click on the button Customer, this will open a new window.  

In this window 'Customers', 

  • You will need to add the Customer Code that you would like the user to have access to within VCIS. 

  • You will need to set the admin rights for the user for the customer.

  • You will need to select the Web Template - Trade, Private or Bespoke Private. 

  • Once you have completed you will need to click on Save and this will return you to the Users screen.  

Once you have completed this, click on Save to save all the changes. 

User Options


You have to add the customer account codes which this customer can access from their logon email address.

You can specify their roles (see Cusomer Roles)

  • Administrator

  • Maintenance

  • Sales Orders (are allowed to place orders)

The stock holding accounts already have to be authorised before adding here, see the Customer section above.


Customer Roles

A user needs no roles to enter anything which is an Enquiry or Reporting and the ability to view\create condition reports.

A user can also enter a Pre-Advice with limited functionality.

There are three main roles listed below:






You require this functionality to add/edit suppliers or add transporters. So anything which requires a change or addition. Without this option , the user can only use existing transporters or suppliers.

 User can access Reports, Enquiry, Condition Report, Duty & VAT, Archive stock
User can create supplier & transporter under Goods inwards.

No option for accessing Pre-Advice under Goods inwards.
No Goods Outwards Menu.

Sales Order

The ability to enter or amend a sales order.

It has access to the reports, Enquiry, Condition Report, Duty & VAT, Archive stock, Report menu.
Customer account information & contact can be managed, has an option for the 'Account' icon when clicking on the user.


Maintain users, schedule EDI, also archiving suppliers 

When clicking on 'User' an option listed 'Admin' icon(Has Schedule EDI Customer reports, User accounts, Archive the suppliers) to manage the user.

For more info, You can go through with our wiki Admin  

It has access for the Goods Inwards menu with permission to create and view the details of Pre advice, transporter, and supplier. 
It has access to the reports, Enquiry, Condition Report, Duty & VAT, Archive stock, Report menu.
Only we can view the sales order details, No permission for the creation of order under Goods Outwards menu. Has permission for Creating address book under Goods outwards Menu.

Customer account information & contact can be managed, has an option for Account icon when clicking on the user.



If the user is locked, you can Unlock them by clicking the Unlock button, you would need to save these changes before closing this screen.


Launch VCIS

You are able to launch VCIS from this screen.

This will launch the VCIS webpage - If the user has multiple templates this will ask which template you wish to log in to.

Please note you will not be able to save and submit sales or purchase orders if logged in via the launch option. It's for enquiry purposes.

Customers MUST set their account to allow you to logon as them, this is done either through the request support option which opens the connection for multiple or within the users options which allows indefinate.

Access to customer information from the warehouse internal network is restricted you can only access through the Launch VCIS and you must be enabled by the user account to do so in the first place.




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