Relanding Stock

Relanding Stock

There is no fixed method or process for relanding of stocks where mistakes have been made, depending on the issues you may be able to use the Internal Transfer order and send the stock from Customer A back to Customer A, this is usually used when it is a simple product code change.

You should also check stock maintenance options as there are a number of fields which can be edited in stock maintenance without the need to reland stock. See Utilities Group | Maintenance.

Changing the description only requires an update of the product description.

The introduction of the re-works module which will allow you to take stock off the system perform a work task and reland it whilst charging the customer may reduce the number of entries made for general re-landing.

This process is manual, it would be best if the user performing the removal is also processing the receipt there is no check or validation if you get this wrong or forget to land the stock again.

Remove Stock

When you enter an order for relanding the following fields should be set as follows.





Stock Movement Type

This MUST be set to “ReWarehouse”

Collection from Warehouse

Although you do not have to setting up a Collection Group may make things simpler it allows better traceability and visibility of the orders.


Del Pt Account Ref

If this is a regular occurrence you may want to setup a Delivery Point containing the information you need for complete the blue highlighted fields.

Suggested name “RELAND”

Delivery Name and Address

The blue highlighted fields are all mandatory, as some are seen on other forms the suggested use of these is.


Delivery Address - RELANDING STOCK

Town - Town of the warehouse

Postcode - Postcode of the warehouse

Customer Doc Ref

If you leave this as Use UID then a number is automatically provided, this is sufficient but if you want to use your own reference numbers then replace this with you own number.

Just remember 12 characters or less and no symbols.




Site Collection Group Setup

When you add the collection group to the system, something as simple as using RELAND would suffice.

You have to add a Collection Group and then afterwards you MUST apply this on the site management to the site you wish to use this.

Marking the item as “Not Collection Confirmation” results in the collection note being printed as soon as the goods are pick confirmed, this will not be waiting in the collection confirmation window.



Visibility of Sales Order

Some screenshots showing what you will see when you look at picking and confirmation screens is shown opposite.

Fig.1 - Collection shown on the Awaiting Pick (only visible if you have this option switched on)

Fig.2 - Collections Awaiting Pick

Fig.3 - Collection - Pick Confirm

As soon as you pick confirm you will see the print form

Depending on your delivery note it should look something similar to image



Land Stock

When landing the goods back onto the system there are only a few things you should bear in mind, mostly for traceability.

For the Delivery type you should select one of the options highlighted.

Usually Stock Management is used by the stock controllers whereas Re-warehouse is a general warehouse use.


For traceability you should use the originating order numbers

In our example we used the system generated number of 501 and it is just prefixed as SO501







The stock you relanded will need to be relabelled, so when you are performing the receipt process it is important to print the labels and attach those to the stock you have just relanded.

Bond Details

This is not an import or a movement from another warehouse, so it is not considered as an excise or customs movement, therefore you do not need to record anything in the bond details or the EMCS tabs. Please ensure you have the traceability back to the original stock rotation in case the import information is needed. As some import documents are mandatory for some movements of stock you may be required to enter dummy information into some fields.


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