Receipts Overview Window

Receipts Overview Window


You can find the Receipts Overview in the Receipts section of the Goods In menu. The pre-advices, at all stages of the receipt process (prior to completion), are displayed to give managers an overview of what is currently being dealt with.

In addition to showing the pre-advices it shows the items currently on the pre-advice at the time of looking at the information. Simply click on the pre-advice to display the lines in the lower panel.





Pre-advice Entry

A external pre-advice without a booking

Internal pre-advice entry

An internal pre-advice which will not obtain a booking

Booking Entered

A booking has been entered for a pre-advice

Arrived - On Site
(was Waiting Put Away)

The vehicle has arrived and booking is marked as ARRIVED

The additional tabs below may only really be sensibly achievable where you are using Vision FLEX within the warehouse for the operators as these stages are part of the FLEX workflow but you can achieve them if using the the main system but they are not mandatory and may involve additional work which is not necessary for quieter operations.

Put Away Confirmed
(was Goods Put Away)

This means that either the goods have been put in their location and marked on flex or the warehouse have used the Confirmation tab and selected Confirm put away.

Admin Receipting

The pre-advice has been marked as complete and currently in the middle of the final admin stages

Internal or External pre-advices are determined by the Delivery Type field on the pre-advice

Receipts Overview

Receipt Overview

Search Criteria

The Search Criteria is a group of fields provided at the top of the Receipts Overview window to easily filter the entries and find the one you’re looking for.


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