Product - Additional
Additional Tab
This tab contains additional information fields which are not used often during product setup or have a specific purpose.
The general fields in this section are explained in the expandable section below:
Auto Put Away Locations
As an option at the time of setup or something you later add, the system can be designed to provide you with suggested locations to put the stock away, the listing shows all the location types in the system and you can set location types where this stock should be located.
e.g. Bulk liquid would recommend going into a suitable tank location; Single items may want to be placed into picking locations etc.
Vision Live Service Details
This is a generic place where you can look up product codes from an external source.
We previously covered the master product table in the System Product wiki page, if you have this service running and a customer who is not using it but you wish to obtain a standard product code you can perform this manually within this tab.
This tab is generally used for master system products customers where we are using a standard table and lookup and the Livex LWIN service, as part of the Livex membership you may be able to obtain trading values for the stock you have in the warehouse, we store the values within our database and we can then display them on the screen here.
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