High Value Release

High Value Release

HV Release - releasing orders for picking which are high value

This is an optional additional module, if activated the items may end up in this area if the product groups is set to be a product group of HIGH VALUE

If an order has been placed for a Product that is in a “High Value” product group it will need authorisation before it is available for Picking.

HV Awaiting Authorising

High Value Item - Authorisation

This tab is used to view and Authorise any orders that are on Hold for HV Product.

You must have the correct permission to Authorise HV Release.

When clicking on the ‘Authorise’ button a pop message will list any reasons why the High-Value Order(s) cannot be processed.

Any Orders that are successfully processed will be removed from the results on this screen.


Authorised HV Orders

This tab is used to show High-Value Orders that have already been successfully Authorised

In the list of Orders that are on hold for HV, you will see a '+' symbol. Click this to see the Product Lines that are on the currently highlighted Order.


HV Group Maintenance

HV Group Maintenance

This tab on the form allows you to maintain which items are in a product group, and you can search for specific products based on a number of criteria and then set them into an HV group or remove them from the group.

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