New Orders
New - Enter a New Order
Orders are used to send Stock to Customers, Transfer Stock within the current Warehouse, and Transfer Stock to a Warehouse in a different location. This will create the outgoing Stock Movements before re-landing (receipting) the Goods again on a Pre-Advice when you need to correct any Stock issues that occurred during their original landing. It can also create Customs Duty Payments if required.
To Create a New Sales Order, Navigate to the Goods Out menu within the Main Vision Warehousing menu bar, then click on the ‘New’ button. You will then be presented with the ‘Sales Order’ screen.
To View and Edit existing Sales Orders, click the ‘Orders’ option in the ‘Processing’ section of the Navigation Panel. This will direct you to the Filter options. Type the known details in the given fields and click the ‘Search’ button.
Stock Movement Type- Manufacturing is only designed for EDI entry due to the validation requirement, however, modification of the orders can be performed via the application interface.
The only way to remove existing Stock from your system is via the Goods Outwards Process on a Sales or Transfer Order, ensuring Stock is only moved according to HMRC regulations.
This is regardless of whether the stock will be sent out of the Warehouse, transferred between Customers in the same Warehouse, re-landed to correct Product and Stock attributes, or even destroyed.
Further Details
Further, more detailed information is available which can be accessed through Creating an Order to remove stock from the warehouse which contains the following pages:
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