Create New

Create New

With Vision Warehousing (WMS) you can upload products using two different methods, however before you start imports you should consider whether this is worthwhile because with the recent changes to the pre-advice you can now setup a new product faster and quicker by using the CREATE option on the pre-advice lines.

The import form is divided into two separate tabs:

EDI Imports

 This is the screen that imports the final product into Vision WMS, the information here comes from:

  • EDI inbound new files (using Vision EDI)

  • VCIS new products  (using Vision CIS web portal)

  • Excel Import screen following basic validation

Excel Import

This licensed feature allows you to take a simple excel, CSV file and load it into the system with very basic information in it, anything loaded through this will validate and put the record into the EDI Imports tab for final import and update.

Contents of this page :




EDI : Pending EDI Import

This form shows all products loaded into the system from any of the multiple ways you can load products.

Customers can send duplicates, if this is identifed then the ‘Already Exists’ will have a tick in the box
You can simply delete those which already exist unless you need to update something which is manual, you can remove one or many of the existing products using the button functionality on the screen.
If you delete or remove duplicates it can not be reversed.


Importing the Products from the Pending Import

Clicking on a Product in the any of the import lists will open up the Product Maintenance screen.

It will auto-complete the new product record with the details that have been provided already, you just need to check verify add any missing details and then submit.

See the Create Product wiki page for details of the product maintenance fields and how to use that form.

Excel Import

You can import into the system using CSV or Excel, it is a very basic import but can save time when importing large volumes of products into the system and there is no need for an EDI XML file to be created.

Products loaded here need to be “Exported” to push them into the EDI:Pending EDI Imports which is where you then perform the actual loading into the system.

This feature requires a license to enable it to be used.

Prepare the File

The file is an import file so either a csv or an excel workbook, it only looks and imports a single page excel workbook.

All fields in the import field list need to be in the table, if a field is to be left blank this should be empty (not containin a 0)

Excel Import

The import format for this tab is simply the same as the fields shown on the top of the form, if you insert those fields in the same order into an excel spreadsheet or a CSV file this will be able to import. 






The Site Code


The customer code

Product Code

Maximum 20 characters, use alphnumerics, avoid symbols


maximum 50 characters


Singles per case


Single size in litres, decimal field needs to have decimal places

Transport Adustment

number with decimal places.


Whether the transport adjustment is positive + or negative -


Uses the product type codes, single digit code B,S,W,I,Z etc.


Excise tax code (3 digits)

Commodity Code

10 digit code - no spaces no symbols


Country of Origin code - 2 character ISO code


4 number year or NA or NV


50 character brand or producer name

Gross Wt

decimal field, must contain the decimals

Net Weight

decimal field, must contain the decimals

Goods In Charge ID

This is the ID number found on the customer good in charge list, you have to pick a charge which has been selected for this charge.
See charge ID’s section below

Goods Out Charge ID

This is the ID number found on the customer good out charge list, you have to pick a charge which has been selected for this customer.
See charge ID’s section below

Storage ID

This is the ID number found on the customer storage charge list, you have to pick a charge which has been selected for this customer.
See charge ID’s section below

 Charge ID’s

Loading the file

When the file is prepared you will need to load the file into the system

To load the file into the system, click on the icon on the top right of the tab

  1. this will open up a new window and you need to select the import file from the location you saved it.

  2. If you are using the paste then click on the paste in the icon on the top right

Export the Entries

Once imported succesfully you then need to push the imported data into the “Pending EDI Products”

  1. Select the line

  2. Press the export button for each line

Once in the EDI tab, the products can be loaded into the system

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